Wednesday, June 1, 2011


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Dec 30, 2009 3:48 pm

                                                   by Richard DePersio
                                       (all websites are listed at group site)

The Intelligent Man's Guide to the Obama Plan: Healthcare: There is no truth to the rumor that they will chop off your head for a headache but they will cut off your forehead and you'll have to wait three months for the surgery; Cap-and-Trade: They'll place a cap an how much you can earn and you'll trade your liberty for a government-appointed nanny; Money: Obama and his band of socialists have disproved the law of physics that you can't get something from nothing, they keep spending with an empty piggy bank!

Raising taxes during a recession represents economic insanity. Obama is raising taxes on the
super-rich and the rich ( the very people we need to spend, save and invest) to help pay for the
cost of socialized medicine. Obama wants cap-and-trade energy reform and cut the national debt
which he is creating which will mean increasing taxes on the super-rich, the rich, the upper-middle class, the mid-middle class and, perhaps, the lower middle class (under Bush those who earned less then 40,000 a year no longer had to pay federal income taxes). 

The spending spree just continues unabated. Former Judge Napolitano explains that between
1889 and 1913, we were on the gold standard: a dollar bill had to be backed by a dollar's worth
of gold. During that period, he explains, there were economic ups and downs and periods of
inflation, nonetheless, the value of a dollar increased an average of 13% while between 1913 (we
were no longer on the gold standard beginning in 1913) and now the value of the dollar has decreased by 92%! Unfortunately, we can't return to the gold standard. If we could, it would
mean that the federal government would have to stop borrowing money from China and
printing money that it doesn't have. This year spending by the  government has risen an average of 10%, next year a whopping 20%. We could have a balanced budget in less then 10 years if we froze government spending, we could have a balanced budget in less then six years if the spending grew at 0%. We could have a budget surplus in less then 4 years if we cut the growth in
government spending by 1% to 3% in real terms and begin paying off the national debt (right now, we only pay the interest on the national debt (it's 1/4 of the budget!).It would mean
waging war on all forms of bureaucratic waste:unnecessary red tape, department overlapping, ridiculous regulations, three people doing the same job, eliminating programs that no longer serve a useful purpose, modifying or reducing or eliminating programs which are only
partially successful at what they are suppose to do, stopping the federal government from
doing what should be done at the state level according to the Constitution and eliminating pork-
barrel spending. This was a big gem!

According to a recent poll if there were a presidential or senatorial election tomorrow the
democratic party would get 36% of the vote, the republican party - 18% and the Tea Party
- 23%. By the way, there is no Tea Party - it's a movement favoring restoration
of the Founding Father's Constitution and an end to excessive government spending and
the creation of new government programs (healthcare reform is going to result in the creation
of 153 new government bureaucracies!). The liberal media lies: all the participants in Tea Parties are white, conserservative Republicans. The truth: 45%, Republican; 40%, Independent; 15% Democratic; 85% white and 15% black, brown and other. Americans are woefully uninformed: they thing that the Tea Party is a political party. No wonder the democrats can get away with murder - Americans don't have a clue as to what is going on in Washington!

Another myth: Those in the private sector make far more then those in the public sector.
They sacrifice in the name of public service. The average government worker makes 70,000
per year as opposed to the average private sector employee who comes in at 40,000!
You need a microscope to see this gem - it makes up for the Gabor gem!

There is a slight chance - and it's growing everyday - of the creation of a large black market
in the U.S.A.! If cap-and-trade is passed, your energy bills will quadruple over the next 10
years. The production of goods and services requires energy - prices will skyrocket. Your
taxes will go through the roof and we'll suffer hyper-inflation. The dollar will be worth little
more then the paper and ink. Take away their credit card! If you have to balance you
budget so should they. They can't continue to party with your money. They think that
they know how to spend you money better then you do and that's why liberals favor
tax increases but it's more then that...

Gene, Gene-the Green machine...Liberals don't only want to spend your hard-earned money,
they want to treat you like a child. With health care reform, you'll have government lawyers,
clerks and accountantss determining your healthcare instead of you and your doctor. With Cap-
and-Trade, they will be telling what type of car to drive, what food that you can eat and how
long you can shower. According to Jay Sekulow, American Center of Government and Law,
it was never about getting more people health insurance or saving the environment but
getting more power and control to the central government!

The icing on the cake... To save Coney Island a private company will built and own condominiums
and the government of  City of New York the rides!!! Know I heard everything.
Welcome to the Union of Socialist Secular States of America. And, by the way, 7o% of
Americans prefer Merry Christmas while 20% prefer Happy Holidays.
The City will own the Fun House. As George Gobbles once said, "Did you ever feel that the world is a Tuxedo and your a pair of brown shoes?"

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