Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fwd: "Action Chain Letters" Addendum 1

(Check out "NASA Song" at Jango by Vic)
Sent: Thu, Feb 24, 2011 10:17 pm
Subject: "Action Chain Letters" Addendum 1
(Treasure Hunt: Be the first kid on your block to collect all 7 "Action Chain Letters."
You must visit:, /group/newfederalism and
/group/rickcosmos-eclectic Stale gum not included.

                                            Sub-Title: What to do with $1.4 billion
NASA only receives one-half of 1% of federal budget: approximately $18 billion.
Obama wants to cut it by nearly $1 billion and compel NASA to spend about
20% of the budget - about 1.4 billion - on bogus climate change studies. NASA's
mandate: manned space flight; collateral benefits: to nearly all sciences (including,
real climatology) and technologies. One of the companies which builds Space
Shuttle and also helps NASA launch it wants to upgrade large external fuel
tank (we might get a two-fer: shuttle replacement might require it) and launch
2 or 3 shuttle missions per year until shuttle replacement (heavy-lifter/beyond
earth orbit flights; if Obama doesn't kill it)is ready for $1.4 billion a year (thereby,
avoiding U.S. from being grounded and having to pay Russia an
astronomically high price every time we want to put astro in orbit (how
humiliating! U.S. can still fly Russian once in awhile and vi ca versa. Complete
dependence - disgraceful!). Bearing in mind NASA's mandate: What choice
should congress make?
Obama wants NASA to work closely with China's nascent space program. Why
should we share our advanced technology with them. Further, he wants
Russia and U.S. to work closely on an ugly green intelligent grid: better to
sabotage us. China has super-computer faster then ours - courtesy of Billy-boy
Most house members below are leaning in our direction. Tell them what you
want. Encourage them.
Sent: Wed, Feb 23, 2011 8:34 pm
Subject: A WHOLE LOTTA STUFF with which to WORK
Friends of NASA  in congress are talking about                                                                                                                                                                                                             'Sputnik Moment' when the U.S. forfeits  lead in space exploration and                                                                                                                                                                                      missile defense, as well as, doesn't do what Russia and China are doing: relying                                                                                                                                                                heavily on their space programs to drive innovation and promote economic     growth.
We have been saying it for years: restore NASA to preeminence of the 1960's
when it enjoyed a virtual 'blank check' as regards its budget for NASA is the
only part of fed gov which gives a return on the investment ($7 within 5 years
in the form of pure and applied science (spin-offs or applications - NASA in
your home, car, factory, farm, office, hospital, etc.).
We are cognizant of the fact that there must be massive spending cuts to
save our nation from third-world status and that everyone has their pet
project that they belief should be sparred the ax but can they make the
forgoing claim!?!
Are we going to allow this president to phase out NASA and during the process
shift NASA's priorities away from manned space exploration and the
technological advances derived - the engine of our economy.
By the Bye: February 15, 27 year old mother saved by hurt pump with parts
originally designed for manned spaceflight; Feb. 18, New York City sending                                                                                                                                                                              S.O.S. to NASA - $2 billion upgrade of 911 system full of gremlins - - sometimes,
police and fire and ambulance sent to wrong location and response time
hasn't been reduced as much as had been hoped and expected.
Add to our list (on "Action Chain Letters" to be found here and groups. and /group/newfederalism):
Chairman, House Appropriations Committee (www.)
Chairman, Sub-Committee on Commerce-Justice-Science (what a combo!
Maybe, congress needs an expect on organization): Wolf.
From all over the country and all in the House: Posey, Culberson, Aderholt,
Rohrabacher, Bishop and Chaffetz. Leave message, give them a piece of
your mind, can't you spare it?

Sent: Mon, Jan 24, 2011 8:55 am

Unorthodox "Action Chain Letters 1 - 7" on NASA, Economics, Government,
Education and Constitution form core of our SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION!
We hope that you will join us and act on the proposals which most energize and
motivate you. Written during the last quarter of 2010, they are meant to be used
until the end of 2011; will be updated when circumstances warrant.  
 Cyber-Friends, will Decide...
 if Rick goes out with a BIG BANG. How many visits will his comsats (websites)
receive in his closing days according to Google- and AddThis-Analytics.                                                                                                                                                           Wen, Jan 16 and 19, 2011 Updates for "Citizen Journalist Exclusive: A Bad Case of
Treason" and "Action Chain Letter 6," perhaps, the most controversial 'letter' updated at Please read, then click for text... Sun, Jan 16, 2011 3:00 pm  New "CHAIN LETTERS OF A NATURE UNORTHODOX 2 & 1 DIGESTED" at Read updates, click for text... Thu, Jan 13, 2011 2:40 pm  Subject: LETTER SENT ACROSS POND...  "CITIZEN JOURNALIST REPOrTS" at  If you see a gremlin: and groups. We are in the process of  troubleshooting.Regret any inconvenience; feedback welcomed. (continued)... 
Subject: MONDAY'S with RICK" EXPANDED...                               Wen, Jan 12, 2011 11 pm                                         SECOND HALF EVEN BETTER THEN FIRST (modesty aside) One of his best:  In the Hood and Farewell to Keynes at  rickaddsite and  __continued)...  "Space Shuttle Spin-offs" at rickaddsite. One more thing: Please read older posts at all comsats - we worked hard on them; not out-of-date - we swear to NASA!  ___________________________________________________________                                      

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