Tuesday, July 12, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Mon, Jul 11, 2011 4:56 pm

                                                  THE MASTERPIECE
                             by Citizen Journalist, Richard DePersio, Dago Red
                                             Dedicated to Cyber-Readers
Citizen Journalist: "Where on cloud 9!" Richard DePersio: Where way out
there - beyond Mars. We reached a new record." Dago Red: "Well beyond our
wildest dreams: 216 readers for groups sites and 132 for 'Article with No Name'
last week according to Google. We haven't even received the results from
AddThis Analytics for our regular websites!" RD: "Before we get A.D.D.-ed,
we should thank our Cyber-Friends for without them we would not be
receiving this award from Citizen Journalist Comsats." DR: "We certainly are
grateful to our many readers." RD: "What is DR doing here? CJ, he's your
spokesman. Why is he writing?" CJ: "You looked above. We need the help.
Now that we got 'em, we have to keep 'em!" RD: "Too much pressure. Where's
my Valium."
"My hand hurts!"
"Shhhh! We'll write a short one in light of our four other articles posted today."
As is our wont, we start of with the cosmos (which means world) and then, we
talk about the world.
       NASA is in trouble...BIG trouble! It might have to put up a going-out-of
business sign after being completely or partially responsible for over 30,000
discoveries and inventions since its inception in 1958. What can you do about it?
Please read "Updated Anew: Action Chain Letter of a Nature Different 1" at
groups.google.com/group/rickcosmos-eclectic ("Article with No Name" is keeping
it company there) and at a regular website to be announced.
"There - we made things easier for ourselves."
"The pressure, I can't take the pressure!"
Why has "Article with No Name" garnered so many readers thus far? Could it be
because we 'Offend with Truth' ? Were we shocking? We suspect that we know
the reason...
       Back in 1990, Citizen Journalist was hospitalized. A nurse rushed into his
room and exclaimed, "You must be so excited that congress passed the
"American Disability Act" ! "Citizen Journalist stated, "I opposed it!" Her pretty
face dropped. "It doesn't allow free market forces to operate," he continued, and,
further, it will be abused by the cripples!" She nervously said, "But, you are a..."
Citizen Journalist interrupted, "You can leave now." Of course, the opposition
has been proven correct. (Advanced CMT, nosey!).
Liberals are flustered. It's a good time for an A.D.D. break sponsored by Adderall and
Southern Comfort whiskey - what a combo!
        How can you calculate the distance of lightning?
        Count the number of seconds between seeing a flash of lightning and hearing the
sound of the thunder. Divide the number by 5 to determine the number of miles away
the lightning flashed.
What do our many moderate and conservative readers (the libs fainted) think of:
What about Man of the Year? Thus far, our contestants are: Washington, Adams,
Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln, Reagan and Laffer for the mods and conservatives.
Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Carter. Clinton, Kennedy (Ted; John is idolized by liberals as a
perfect liberal, they're too stupid to realize that he wasn't a liberal!) and Keynes.
They're complaining about the swimsuit competition.
"I can't take the pressure!"
For the benefit of our new readers: Go direct to group sites; try to connect directly
to regular websites - gremlin? - connect from 'Home' or 'Profile' Pages. Do PP - all
the cool kids on the block are doing PP: Book marking and/or Adding to Favorites
Profile Page on Amplify, Facebook and Twitter in order to keep abreast of when
new articles are posted, the learn the latest regarding Citizen Journalist's presidential
campaign and to visit with CJ, RD and DR who periodically appear there (usually
announced in advance).
One of us is unable to handle the pressure.We realize that it was brief: We hope
enough to keep our new readers. After all, none other than Shakespeare himself told
us the other day, "Brevity is the soul of wit."
 (Updated "Offend with Truth" and Updated "Where are My Dividends!?!" at /group/
newfederalism, "ATBTC: Action Chain 4 (Updated and Expanded) at /group/

Monday, July 11, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939@aol.com
Sent: Mon, Jul 11, 2011 2:46 pm
Subject: Fwd: Updated Anew: CHAIN LETTER of a NATURE DIFFERENT 1

                           Updated Anew: Chain Letter of a Nature Different 1
                               by Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio
PREFACE: We have a crisis: NASA might have to put up a "Going-Out-of-Business"
sign soon unless WE do something about it soon! Chain Letter proper has been
updated. Please add the following:
Let's put things in their proper perspective...NASA is special and unique being the
only component of fed gov from which you actually get a return: for every $1 budgeted,
we get about $5 returned within approximately 7 years in the form of science and
technology. NASA is completely or partially responsible for over 30,000 discoveries
and inventions since its inception in 1958.
      What can we do? Phone or leave a message at the website of members of
congress (info below). What should we say to the full-of-themselves? NASA receives
$17.5 billion annually or 1/2 of 1% of fed budget. Congress plans to cut NASA's
budget by $1 to 2 billion. We realize that everyone must do their share in debt crisis.
In light of NASA's uniqueness do you think that $500 million or about 2.5% of
NASA's budget is acceptable?
      We understand that many Republicans and even a few Democrats object to
giving SpaceX and Virgin Galactic of $750 million apiece - a subsidy which won't
be reimbursed. Obama wants to allocate $2.5 billion for heavy-lifter and manned-
beyond-earth-orbit program which is woefully too small for goals to be met. NASA
may as well fold up its tent and lay-off even more workers during this recession
which Obama thinks is over! NASA won't be flying anywhere for another 30 or
more years! We concur with members of Congress (capital 'C' - we must be
polite when asking for money) who want NASA to have $4 billion and let private
sector fend for itself. Just say "No" to subsidies!
Sent: Sun, Jan 9, 2011 4:02 pm

Update 1: Proposal 1 - Congratulations! House approved.
We aren't satisfied, we want it to be required in Senate too;
no more messing with our Constitution. All new bills must have
an attachment showing that the bill is constitutional.
Update 2: Proposal 2 - it appears as if the $9.5 billion spent on R & D in the
 soon to be discontinued "Constellation" program won't go down the same
 presidential black hole as $$$s for stimulus packages, cash-for-clunkers and
Fannie/Freddie! It will be used in new heavy-lift rocket program/man beyond
earth orbit program.
Reminder: Send all 11 "Action Chain Letters" to family members, friends and
 co-workers. Or, take it a step further: phone and/or leave messages at websites
of members of congress. Congressional info: "Action Chain Letters" 1, 2 and 5.

NASA budget: $17.5 billion; planned cut: $1 billion. NASA will be
allocated $2.5 billion for heavy-lifter/beyond earth orbit program;
SpaceX and Virgin Galactic will receive subsidy of $750 million
Sent: Sun, Nov 21, 2010 1:39 pm

                                          CONSTITUTION and COSMOS
All Congressional legislation should come with a requisite attachment
showing the constitutionality of content. Update: House, yes; Senate, no.
Your Cyber-Friend: Richard DePersio  (letter at various
 groups.google.com/group/rickcosmos-eclectic comsats and inspiration
 at Facebook:  Rickaddsite). Together, we can do it).
PLEASE FORWARD this LETTER to two to five relatives or friends or co-workers.
 HELP SAVE OUR  NASA! Keep reading: There is more that you might want to do.
 President and congress want to pay Russia, whom we beat in Moon Race,
 an astronomically high price for 'tickets' to carry our astronauts to space
station for which we footed most of the cost on their timetable
 (How Humiliating! and, further, it will wreck havoc with scheduling and
experiments) or our banker (China!). and subsidize SpaceX
(a private company; we contend that fed gov subsidizing is socialistic, 
unconstitutional and detrimental for a company's R & D because Uncle Sam
is looking over your back with thousands of forms to fill out because you
excepted gov money).  Manned-version won't be operational for 4 or more years.  
Fortunately, we will Incorporate Constellation R & D into the new program that is 
 being planned. Consider sending article "New and Improved:  "Are You a Warrior"
 or another article at site to one  or two family
 members or friends or co-workers and ask them to send to  one or two people.
ANOTHER  WORTHWHILE CHAIN LETTER. Or, you might opt for just sending
this 'letter.'   OUR No. 1 position in technology is in jeopardy.  Please act now.
 While it is only budgeted 1/2 of 1% of federal budget, you get $7 back in
 pure science and applications/spin-offs (technology). Are you eager to
do more? Write a letter to your local newspaper (if you still read one)
or their Internet-version (if they have one). CONTACT CONGRESSTwo key
 (www; with or without)      Shelby.senate.gov/public/ and/or 202-224-5744
 (R; Alabama); Nelson.senate.gov/public   and/or  202-224-5274 (D; Florida).
Key players in the House: Conrad.house.gov/public & Greg, Rahall,
 Bishop; Senate: Sprat; Ryan;  and your two senators and congressman.
In-coming: Senate: Rubio; House: Richmond; Yarmouth; Rivera; Flores;
E-mail or e-mail and phone congressional operators for their phone numbers:
 202-224-3121 and 202-226-7200. You don't have to know their names but you            
                           do have to know the state in which you live!

Subject: Fed gov owns 5 to 70% of states in the form of parks and other. This
land should be managed by the states. End fed gov ownership of states!!!
Subject: End subsidies except for extraordinary situations, otherwise
 free market forces should operate (Read: "She Only had Time for a Short One
 - Part Two" ).