Wednesday, June 1, 2011


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Sep 11, 2010 4:33 pm

Editor's Note: Section Two is EXPLOSIVE! Section 1 is semi-interesting. Section 3 -
something else.
Announcing creation of and requesting our 'Cyber-Friends' assistance in developing new
exciting comsat:

                    Sub-Title:THE TRUTH ABOUT THEIR BROTHERHOOD
                                             by Richard DePersio
  (All comsats listed and described at -
                    OUR CONSTELLATION SUPER-SITE (umbrella organization)
In ancient times, governments officials and land owners and philosophers looked down on           those who engaged in manual labor: skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled; even master             craftsmen who were wealthier then peasants. Soldiers, though, were held in high regard.
Civil servants were above merchants who in turn were above craftsmen. Of course, there
was a wide gap in prestige between the top and the bottom. Philosophers who on rare
occasions felt it necessary to engage in experiment or observation, especially, the former
felt self-degradation for, in their mind, they were engaging in an activity akin to manual
labor. Doctors, priests and priestesses man and women of learning. Strangely, the stone
mason not other masons were ranked equal or above civil servants in status. Master
masons were members of guilds which met lodges and, as far as we know, only the
stoners had secret symbols, handshakes, words, ceremonies, traditions. They 
continued to enjoy a semi-lofty status during Dark Ages and Middle Ages.
       The Knights Templar  were the tops when it came to groups of fighting Catholic
Monks during the Crusades - they were expansive - - even establishing the first
international banking system and have popes and kings indebted to them. They were
in business from about 1100-1300 A.D. Some believe that they had religious relics,
including, the Holy Grail.And that some of them escaped to America after they were                outlawed and their top leaders were burnt at the stake on Friday the 13th - which could be
the genesis of the superstition of Friday 13 associated with bad luck. There is scant  evidence          of their being in possession of the Holy Grail, being in America or having
evidence that could bring down the Church - like Mary Magdalene and Jesus being
married. Conspiracy theory/Divinci (Italians can't spell and are to lazy to look for correct            spelling - spell check-no help. We're lovers). Code nonsense. 9/11 is coming.
      They had a great deal of wealth and because of a vow of poverty spent that 
wealth on building cathedrals and castles, especially, in and around the Holy Land to
protect Catholics making pilgrimages to to Holy Land from robbers and keeping he
Muslims who wanted to steal  the land at bay. They would need masters and their 
apprentices and journeymen, as well as, the semi-skilled on unskilled for their many
massive projects. It is reasonable to assume the the stone masons would have played                   the role of architects with the Knights, supervisors and engineers and would have been
honorary Knights Templar or would have been members of the lowest order. They would
gather in their lodges but on some occasions gathered with the Templars  and that
the secret stuff would have been exchanged, adopted, modified.. When the Templars
were disgraced with apparently trumped up charges, it is reasonable to assume that
some hid by joining stone mason lodges where they would certainly be welcome and
would claim to be masons. The Freemasons which race their origins to the early 1700's.
They deny any connection with the Knights Templar. Back in the late 1600's for
dome strange reason rich, educated, powerful men or those who had been taken 
under the wing of such men began hanging out with the stone masons on their lodges
learning the secret stuff. Eventually, they took over the guild lodges and the masons
who were honored and enjoyed the prestige of hanging with such men as their ancestors
enjoyed rubbing elbows with the Templars were gone. This must be a connection
between the KTs and the Freemasons because of the likely earlier mixing of secret
      You have these secret societies such as the "Free Masons," "Illuminati, Trilateral
Commission made of of prominent politicians, corporate executives, stock brokers,
commodities traders, journalists, authors, historians, educators, scientists and philosophers -
mostly bankers, businessman and journalists.
     The radical left claims that they want to create authoritarian one world super-capitalistic
government ran by an elite wherein 10% are super-rick and rich and 90% are basically
     The radical right contends that they want to turn the U.S. into an authoritarian communist
nation below regional governments with he U.N. at the top controlling Interpol, World Court,
World Bank, etc. National governments will disappear. There will be one currency and
an army of peace-keepers.
    It is interesting that 11 of the top positions in the Obama Administration are members of
the Illuminati and that it is rumored that the Bush Family and Obama are too - strange
   The leadership and selected members of these societies meet annually for the "Bilderberg
Meeting" and the bulk of the membership isn't told what was discussed ans planned. These
groups have their secret handshakes, passwords, symbols, ceremonies, oaths, wear special
garb. They're grown-ups playing secret clubhouse but they are also think tanks which are
highly powerful and influential. Further, they nurture promising young people.and donate
heavily to charities.This reporter isn't much on conspiracies. There's a 15% chance that
the want to create a One World Order and if they do, they have less then a 25% chance
of succeeding.
    Meanwhile, the "World Federalist Movement" want to create republic - uncertain if
capitalist or socialistic.  Citizens of the world elect leaders of regional and world government.
Your talking about super-bureaucracies. Or Founding Daddy's warned.that the bigger
government is, the more powerful it is and the fewer rights citizens will enjoy if any. here
is another group that thinks hat some kind of super-capitalistic society with a measure
of communism is in the works.
    Back in the '60's. Marshal McLuulan was prophetical  about a "global village" We started
i become cognizant of it in the ''80's when American corporations accelerated the process of
outsourcing and becoming multi-national due in large part to the outlandish demands of
unions. It was globalization.and Americanism being exported progressively more and since
the 1860's and big-time after WW2 through monies, T.V., movies and fashion. Of course,
we weren't represented ourselves well beginning in the '70's. We had become a post-
industrialized nation or service economy by the '80's. Between the mid-'70's and mid-90's,
we failed to maintain a strong industrial base due to unions and baby-bloomers replacing
the the Greatest generation. Japan took the lead in robotics around 2000. Obama is
forfeiting our lead in space and medical technology. The internet is shrinking the world
further. We will be a positive influence? Do we wish to continue to embrace philosophical
individualism, traditional morality and national sovereignty as we remain the dominant influence
in shrinking globe?

A former Muslim woman on the 700 Club in the U.S. of A. and a radical Muslim cleric
on SkyNews in the U.K. both stated that the concept of the 'moderate' Muslim was a
virtual myth and that the Koran is a book of theology, polity, politics and violence! You
can't get more reliable sources. he made it perfectly clear (as Nixon would say) that
5% of Muslims were terrorists, over 80% were radicals or radicals pretending to be
moderates or moderates that could easily turn radical or terrorist and do and that less
then 15% were truly moderate. They're the experts. They also made it clear that our 
presidents just don't get it.
      Have you heard of the "Muslim Brotherhood"? It was created in Egypt in 1928 and
has been outlawed many times since then. The goal of the Brotherhood is to create an
Islamic Empire from and including Spain to and including Indonesia under Sunni rule
and Sharia law. They proclaim non-violence but support Hamas, killed former Egyptian
leader and endorse suicide-bombers. What a nice bunch of guys! They have a branch
here and virtually every mosque and Muslim organization receive  financial support -
including, those who claim to be 'moderate'  - - including the devil's house being build
near the sacred 9/11 site. Real American history - not the liberal revisionist variety - the
Founding Father's declared this to be a Christian nation. You can be sure hat if BIG
(6'3") George Washington came back via a time machine that he would holler: "get
that damn thing away from an AMERICAN MEMORIAL SITE or I'll put a MOUNTAIN on
     Will the Brotherhood of the Dome succeed in southern Europe, the Middle East,       southern and southeastern Asia - time will tell if the Bush strategy triumphs. THe 
Brotherhood assisted the Nazis in WW2 and in the last couple of decades have
expanded into Western Europe - the third front. Do you know what they do in countries
like UK, France and Germany? The Muslims take over a neighborhood or a town, built
one of their extra-large domes and slowly replace national and local law with Sharia law!
we they succeed in creating Spain-to-Indonesia Empire. It's not likely. The Brotherhood is
loosing popularity there plus Bush actions plus Iran is predominately Shi'ite. They support
and assist Muslim takeover of Europe. Back \to Nazis. The Brotherhood has established ties
with neo-Nazis in Europe - not surprising: they both hate Jews. Empire: 5% chance.
Seizing control of 25% of Western Europe 25% chance. Doing the same here with Obama
as president 50% that they will control neighborhood, towns counties. How much land.? Over
10% - not whistling Dixie - studied mater thoroughly. We can't think of the name of
name of that Mexican organization hat wants to return Texas, Arizona, Nevada and
California (they are headquartered there) back to Mexico. Will Obama stop Muslims or

{Mathias Stormburger, a Bavarian prophet, stated in the early 1900's: "And, the
end of the Second Great War, a third universal conflagration will come. In one day more
men will die then in all previous wars. Weapons so new in the third generation" 
!990-2010 is third generation since his prediction. Did we avert. Obama is uncertain. We
think that we are in it - the jihad.} Note: We don't put any stock in premonitions but
interesting coincidence.

New tax: seller has to pay tax when he sells gold, It was hidden (we just found out) in Healthcare Reform Bill. What
does it have to to with health? Ask President Soros. He got Obama to lend money to
Brazil fore more oil drilling. Soros has a lot of stock in Brazilian oil. The oil rigs in he
Gulf are headed there. Too bad the Dome People aren't! Obama wants your energy bills
to rise. He's destroying the dollar. He doesn't want you to find solace in gold. He might do
what FDR did during depression take people's gold and replace it with worthless paper.
      We know longer support war in Afghanistan. We were right to retaliate for 9/11. We
took control of government away from aliban, more importantly we destroyed Bin Laden's
HQ and training camps. He tried to reestablish Al-Qaeda HQ in Sudan. Bush secretly worked
with gov to prevent it. He tried and failed to do it in Iraq. We should have left after a
few months after declaring Victory. Occupied NE Afghanistan and NW Pakistan so
he couldn't reestablish with special forces and Marines or Soldiers of Fortune     (Constitutional Clause: letters of mark and reprisals). What if the damn Muslims in both
countries objected: Afghanistan wouldn't get humanitarian aid and we would allow India
to seize Pakistan.Let the U.N. do something for a change: destroy poppy fields and
replace with different seeds. We can do what we want to protect U.S.!
The operating costs to produce products is 10--25% higher. Watch Obama nationalize
unions and their pension debt to further increase national debt so that U.S. will loose
Triple A Bond Rating - a major step toward third world status - - we can be as poor as
the people of Afghanistan.


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