Wednesday, June 8, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Tue, Jun 7, 2011 12:27 pm

                            Subtitle: Action Chain Letter - Ultimate
                        by Citizen Journalist with Richard DePersio
Editor 's Note: Some will be shocked and will head for the hills and search for
caves in which to hide; while others will rally to the cause and become soldiers
in a revolution...stop here...don't tip your hand too much.
Richard DePersio: "You're really going through with it." Citizen Journalist:
"Yes, Sir," Rick: "He knows what he his doing." RD: "I wish him the best of luck;
better him than me."
                               Seeking their vote:
                                           "Hail to the Chief,
                                             And king of all the virgins,
                                             Hail to the Chief,
                                             They satisfy his urgins."*
Let's get real!...There are two crises facing the United States of America: An
economic/financial crisis of the first order which necessitates massive spending
cuts at the federal- state- and local-levels; a crisis having its inception with President
Clinton, the FED Chairman at the time, Clinton's Secretaries of Treasury and
Housing (too lazy to look up names!) and Senator Barney Frank's
 Fannie and Freddie, instigated by ACorn
coupled with massive damage from union demands. Keynesian-stimulus has
failed miserably. Further, a process that began in the 1870's and doing its greatest
damage during the presidencies of Wilson, FDR, LBJ and the Supreme Courts
from 1933-75: Replacing the Federalist/Constructionist/Judeo-Christian/Capitalist
Constitution with the so-called progressive/secular 'living' constitution. Much headway
has been done in this direction with the NE and west coast fighting it out with the
rest of the nation and winning. We are no longer a capitalist nation but a
capitalist/socialist hybrid at a time when Western Europe is slowly moving
away from socialism, including, socialized medicine. Even a quick look at the
media will tell you that we are becoming a nation without shame: Immorality is
all around us and our children. On average, 65% of public school text books and
reading supplements are negative regarding U.S. History - liberal revisionist
       There is only one man who has stood up to the challenge. Yours Truly,
Citizen Journalist, in 11 "Action Chain Letters" with nearly 50 proposals original
and proposals endorsed. Can Obama or any of the current crop of republican
candidates or those that are entertaining the thought of becoming a candidate
offer you such a deep and expansive platform with proposals on space
exploration/exploitation, saving GPS, energy independence, subsidies, education,
Sentinel: airport security, air traffic controllers, a realistic 10-year budget plan,
 restructuring of fed gov, healthcare, pseudo-science: greenies, liberal immorality,
 ending over-regulation, restoration of the principles of the "Declaration of Independence"
and "Federalist Papers," our proposed constitutional amendments, restoration of
state powers and citizen rights, ideas on virtually all the issues that confront us
in the new millennium.
       Sara 'Not much between her ears but elsewhere' Palin, Mitt 'socialized medicine'
Romney, Ron 'in-the-closet social liberal' Paul. We hereby seek our party's
nomination for president (with requisite papers being filed). It will constitute the
first campaign conducted totally on the Internet. Please send donation to:
our off-shore bank account: Bank of South America, U.K., 666 Jone's Town SN,
Guyana, Postal Service - 9C. Our U.S. HQ: The Painless Polish Poker and
Dental Clinic. Topper, Mariam and George are heading our efforts in Iowa with their
HQ in Ottumwa where they are ably assisted by Radar "...invoking unique
extra-sensory powers..."O'Reilly's peculiar skill is a major asset. We have Harvey
in New Hampshire and Ken Kellog in Florida.We hope that highly successful
businessman and republican (Yes, there are black republications!) candidate
for president will give up his presidential aspirations and join our grassroots
effort: he would make for a fine V.P. candidate - Journalist/Cain - - that's the
ticket! Our extra-special advisors: George W., John A., Tommy J. and Jim M.
 We have lawyed-up. There are those who will allege a conflict-of-interest
and claim that Citizen Journalist must relinquish his position at "Citizen
Journalist Comsats." Never! Them there are fighting words from America's
No. 1 Fighting cripple. Disagree: He'll kick you in the chins!
        We do seek the vote from "Our Chosen People," the Jews and from blacks
90% of whom vote democrat. they must learn the truth: Lincoln, a republican,
freed the slaves; The "Voting Right Act" and the "Civil Rights Act" of the
1960's passed because nearly half of republicans voted for it while virtually
all white southern bigoted dems voted "nay." Republican Nixon did more to
help blacks start small businesses than any president before or since; thanks
to Republican Reagan's economic policies in the 1980's by 1990 there were
more rich and middle-class blacks in America than working poor and non-
working poor for the first time in history. Dems promise while the Rebs
deliver. Dem politicians take blacks for granted!
       Now, you have a 'real' choice for president. What if we don't secure
the republican nomination? We will be running anyway on  independent
third-party line: "The Let's Do Ourselves A Second American Revolution"
Party - 'Second Revolution,' for short. We also seek the vote of short
       We do not seek nor shall we except the vote of illegal aliens(You're saying: "
Illegal aliens can't vote"; well, in the last election convicted felonies in prison
who aren't eligible to vote voted and it is reasonable to assume that they
voted dem for dems are notoriously soft on crime: more concerned with
the rights of criminals than the victims. We seek the vote of mod-dems).
We don't seek the vote of homos, as well as, assorted other perves:
spank-me-please (male), tie-me-up-please, beat-me-please, pee-on-me
please, give-me-girl's-clothes-to wear please, man-babies, etc. The
lib-dems will secure their lovely deranged votes.
       Now you can't complain: You finally have a 'real' candidate with real ideas
and a 'real' campaign that you can support (keep those greenbacks coming!).
(The following posts will reveal more to you about your candidate and, after that,
a sampling of his writings. We urge you to read all 11 "Action Chain Letters"
and supplements {all the cool kids on the block are doing it} at, /group/
newfederalism and /group/nasa-our-way and you will say: "Why don't Obama
and republican candidates have so many ideas for America as Citizen
Journalist does!?!).
*We modified a short poem by Richard Hooker (no relation to T.J. or Kirk).

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