by Plato (in a return performance), Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio
(Recommended but not Required: "Plato's Cave" and "In and Out of Plato's Cave" at
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Roll up AND THAT'S AN INVITATION, Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up TO MAKE A RESERVATION, Roll up for the mystery tour
The magical mystery tour is waiting to take you away
Waiting to take you away.
The magical mystery tour is waiting to take you away.
Einstein (born German, One of Our Chosen People, became a U.S. citizen) being
a good American citizen paid the toll on his own bridge: The Einstein/Rosen Bridge
in order to travel back in time to classical Greece and bring back Plato to assist us
in writing this piece which as Rod Serling would say: "We offer for your consideration."
Rod went along for the ride and is now 'safely' back in the Twilight Zone. We say
"Toda Raba" to Al.
We have a cave and those within perceive imperfect reality - mere shadows of that
which is real. One if the prisoners is lifted out of the cave toward the light; he emerges
and veers right. On two separate plateaus but at the same height is Relativistic and
Quantum Physics (within the Cave are Socrates', Plato's. Aristotle's and Ptolemy's
concepts, "with all due apologies, Plato, but, you shall make a come back in the
universe of Citizen Journalist"). It is hoped that if Quantum and Relativity can be
united, thereby, creating Quantum Relativity, we will be even closer to perceiving
perfect reality and on a higher plateau in the air.
Another prisoner exists and veers left and finds Islam and Gnosticism/Rosicrucian
on the first plateau, above that is Hinduism and Buddhism, still higher and side-by-side
are Judaism and Pauline Christianity, still further up the Jewish-Christianity of Jesus
and most of the Apostles (Pauline Christianity prevailed) and, finally deism (while Islam,
Judaism and Christianity are based on faith, Deism is a philosophy not a theology
predicated on Reason with the following conclusions: 1) There is a God and a heaven,
2) God initiated the process that gave rise to the Cosmos, 3) God created the physical
laws, such as, the law of gravity that enable the universe to operate, 4) God doesn't
violate his own laws - miracles, prophesies, revelations aren't valid, 5) He gave humans
free will and, therefore, observes but doesn't interfere, 6) The cosmos is tailor-made for
humans for if any of the constants in physics were different or if any of the fundamental
forces of nature {gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear, weak nuclear} were even
slightly stronger or weaker or, for example, if the proton were even more massive than
the electron than it is, if we weren't the right distance from the sun - the Goldilocks'
Zone - or we didn't have a moon the size that it is - we couldn't exist - - an anthropic
universe, 7) There is a heaven where we are punished and rewarded.
Above the cave and the plateaus is Plato's Heaven wherein exist perfect concepts
(the perfect description and understanding of such things as justice, love, liberty, as well
as perfect forms (when we make a point or a line or a circle with a pencil there is a
little bit of length, width and depth - not so in heaven; a numeral is a representation of
a number - while, we use both terms interchangeably, true numbers - ideas exist solely in
heaven; abstract ideas, heaven of math, eternal/non-experiential, forms exist in God's
mind. Put more simply: Perfect concepts and forms exist in heaven and are known by
our soul there, while on earth, we recollect, some less imperfectly than others, knowledge
of that which our soul had known. Plato's soul and yours is immortal. Non-material/abstract
vs. material perceived thought the senses and ever-changing. Plato's philosophy vs. modern
Our slogan: Fair and Balanced ("Isn't that taken?," Citizen Journalist. Dago Red: "Are you
sure? One thing is for certain: at 'Citizen Journalist Comsats' our attitude is: We report, You
decide." "I thought that we were columnists," utters Rick).
Intelligent people (aka moderates and conservatives) are on a magical mystery tour: trying
to apprehend on understanding of the big and profound questions that have gnawed at us
since we were homosexuals (What? God or Mother Nature forbid!)...oops...Home Erectus.
We would be wise to take a multi-disciplinary approach.
A few years ago, an Israeli physicist Gerald Schroeder (a member of the rare breed of
scientist who believes in God and accepts (some scientists profess to believe in a
scientific concept - that represents sloppy scientific terminology {Kaku leads the pack}; faith/
fact, Belief/Reason. Although, there are those who seek scientific evidence for creation; thus
far scientific creationism is unconvincing) proposed a theory: the universe is six days old
(Bible Time) from the beginning - big bang - looking outward; 15 billions years from the
perspective of us on earth - looking backward. We know that the universe inflated a fraction
of a second after the bang and again when it was half its present age (inflation is the stretching
of space faster than light; no need for cosmic traffic cop - it doesn't violate Einstein who said
that nothing can travel faster than light, he made an exception for space). Universe is expand-
ing; time slows down the faster you move according to Einstein. Scientists estimate the age
of the universe at 13.7 billion - no problem for that number is not yet final and a discrepancy of
1.3 isn't significant.
The mainstream liberal media and mainstream science have largely ignored Gerald - One
of Our Chosen People. He should be spotlighted, have his math and physics challenged,
debated. This is more plausible than UFOs and the paranormal. While a few real scientists
should investigate and debunk UFOs and the paranormal; Gerald's ideas are more serious and
in the nature of science and deserve the attention of several scientists!
He consumed himself in fire, died a demi-god and rose a god. Sound familiar? We're
talking about Hercules.
He was angry and caused a Great Flood, killing all the people, save two who had built
an ark. Sound Familiar? The angry one was Zeus, the number one god. (Many cultures
have flood stories in their mythologies).
Hades, the god, presided over Hades, the place, for the damned. More Greek mythology:
gazing upon the the evil monster Medusa would turn you to stone. Lot's wife looks back
at the evil cities of Sodom and Gomorra in the Bible and is turned to stone.
There are similarities amongst ancient mythologies and with the Bible. The ancients no
doubt shared stories.
Did Paul a 'Greek' Jew mix Jesus' theology with Judaism and Greek philosophy and mythology
creating what became known as Pauline Christianity?
Plato has graciously agreed to extend his visit. To Be Continued...