Sunday, January 1, 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Sun, Jan 1, 2012 3:57 pm
Subject: MYSTERIES...

                                  by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist
Science thus far fails to explain:
1) How was something created from nothing? or What proceeded the Big Bang?
2) How did inanimate matter become living matter?
3) How did living matter become conscious?
Is there  a God?
The God of the Old Testament gives humans free will and is, then, awfully cruel
when they exercise it in a manner not to his liking! He doesn't seem to appreciate
the concept: The punishment should fit the crime.
       He sits atop a very tall mountain with the devil from which all the earth can be
seen - implying that the earth is flat. The devil says: Of course, they adore you.
Give them free will and they will choose me. And, so the competition begins. God
wins! According to the "Book of Revelation." The devil should protest. The contest
was decided in advance!
       Adam and Eve exercise free will, make the wrong choice and are banished from
"The Garden of Eden" to suffer disease and aging. So much for compassion!
       Virtually everyone chooses the devil and God floods everyone except for Noah,
his family and some animals.
       God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah except for Lot and his family and tells them
to leave and not look back. Lot's wife looks back and is turned into a pillar of salt -
depriving a man of his wife and children of their mother. Couldn't God say: "Women!
What am I going to do with them? They never listen. I'll give her a bad cold or
take away the use of her left arm."
       The religious will say: "God acts in mysterious ways." Baloney! In Plato's Heaven
certain acts are clearly defined as cruel whether committed by God or human.
       Ten plagues befall the ancient Egyptians (including, the death of their first born sons)
 before these tough guys relent and allow the Israelites to exit. Pharaoh changes his mind and
is in hot pursuit. The Jews make it safely across the Jordan River for God acting through
Moses parted the water. The Jews are safely across. Does God acting through Moses
restore the water, thereby, making it impossible for the Egyptian army to continue their pursuit?
Of course not. He has them go on the riverbed and, then, releases the water. He likes
droning! You can't blame our ancient Jews for Moses had been manipulated; Moses had no
choice in the matter.
                              TO BE CONTINUED...
As Colombo would say: "Just one more thing." This author is not an atheist. We ask that the
religious give him a fair hearing. We are all in pursuit of truth.

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