-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Jan 23, 2012 3:22 pm
Subject: PLATO'S WORLD continues...
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Jan 23, 2012 3:22 pm
Subject: PLATO'S WORLD continues...
PLATO'S WORLD continues (More on Our Sub-Floors)
by Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio
Paul, who called himself the 13th Apostle, never met Jesus but converted shortly after
He was crucified. Paul was hellenistic (born in what is now Turkey, it had been part of
the Greek Empire; Paul would have been well-versed in Greek philosophy/mythology/
language. We previously pointed out the similarities between the older story of
Hercules and Jesus.
Over 60% of the New Testament concerns Paul's ideas on Jesus, concerns Paul's
life plus he composed most of the Pauline Letters. Most Biblical experts contend that
the original apostles believed that Jesus was the Messiah but not the type of Messiah
that the Jews expected: A warrior king who would lead the Jews against the Romans and
establish a New Earth. Paul considered Jesus to be the Son of God, as well as, the
Messiah. A few of the apostles, including, Peter would come to except Paul's concept
of Jesus.
Paul was teaching pagans about Jesus outside of Jerusalem while the apostles
weren't leaving that city where Adrew was its bishop. Protestants think that Andrew and
Jesus had the same mother: Mary. Catholics don't believe that Jesus had siblings.
They felt that bringing the word of god to pagans was premature. They finally caved
but told Paul that first he had to convert pagans to be Jews and, then, Jews who believed
in Jesus. He refused. Finally, he agreed to teach pagans 3 of the 613 commandments
(most people are familiar with the top ten). He largely ignored this promise.
What emerged were several 'Jews who believe in Jesus' groups - one of which
traced itself back to Andrew; several Pauline Christian groups - one of which traced its
roots to Paul and would become the largest; Gnostic groups which had unusual ideas
concerning Jesus. Paul defined Christianity by combining the life and philosophy of
Jesus with Greek philosophy/mythology.
About 300 years after Jesus was crucified, the Emperor Constantine, who considered
himself the 13th Apostle. forced the other groups to combine with the largest Pauline
group thus creating the Catholic Church. Those who refused went underground and
died out after a couple of hundred years or so.
Between 100 years before Jesus to a couple of hundred years after, there were
faith healers, rain makers and miracle workers in the Galilee and beyond. Some were
contemporary with Jesus and their followers referred to them as 'son of god.' We know
about them thanks to the number historian of the first century Josephus.
Can one believe in God based on Reason rather than Faith? Can one forego miracles,
revelations and prophesies and acquire a scientific understanding? Remember the words:
the Laws of Nature (physics) and Nature's God (God as one with the cosmos).
To be continued...
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