Sunday, January 8, 2012


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From: b <>
Date: Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 9:03 PM
Subject: Fwd: THE MYSTERIES...

                     (Part One can be found in Hell - one floor down; tip elevator operator)
                                     by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist
Some Gnostics (about 200 B.C.-400 A.D.) believed that the god of the Old Testament was
an imperfect god who shouldn't be held responsible for his imperfections. They contended
that there was one god who was perfect in its main part but the further removed from the
main part the less perfect: the god of the O.T. was a portion most distant.
        God instructs Abraham to sacrifice his son. In a nick of time an angel arrives and says:
"April Fools. Sacrifice this animal instead." Concerning another Biblical character, the devil
says that he adores you because he has so much. Let me take things away from him and
so if he continues to love you. The devil takes away his wife followed by his children
followed by his house followed by his wealth. He strikes him with illnesses. In the end,
he still adores God. What kind of a God this. He can't refuse a dare like a child in a
school yard? Couldn't he tell the the devil: I can see the future and he will continue to
adore me. I won't allow you to make him suffer. I don't have to prove anything to you. The
people build that Tower of Babel to reach heaven. An apparently fearful God destroys the
tower when near completion and replaces the one language with the many so that the
people can't cooperate on such an undertaking again.
Don't get us wrong: We think that it would be a better world if everyone lived by the Bible.
We maintain that good/bad and right/wrong should be determined by the Bible and by the
majority, otherwise, you don't have society, you have chaos. Which is where we have been
heading since the 1940s, especially, the 1960s! We wonder why God doesn't practice what
 he preaches when it comes to morality.
        On the cross, Jesus says to the Father: "Father, forgive them for they know not
what they do." We wonder if God responded: "You wuss. Didn't a teach you better?
Put a pox on their houses. Flood the Romans or give them a disease or kill their first
born. Turning then into pillars of salt wouldn't be a bad idea; though, not original. You don't
take after me; you must take after your mother!"
We acknowledge that there is mounting historical and archeological evidence that the
people and places of the Bible did exist. However, there are alternate geological,
meteorological and astronomical explanations for some of the Biblical events.
Further, we see where the existence of some kind of Deity might be necessary to explain
the universe.
                                             To Be Continued...

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