Friday, July 5, 2013


Dago Red: "I've been a contributor to CJCS Comsats. Now,
I find myself at the helm; the helm of what? I certainly
didn't ask for this - my first duty: Notify Urania of the DEATH
of our friend Richard DePersio! I gave her a gift: A beautiful
 tribute to her in the form of a painting. And, now the dirty deed!
I called upon Percy Shelley for assistance which he ably supplied
in the form of prose and I had the sad task of reading it to her!
     Most musical of mourners, weep again!
     Lament anew, Urania! --he died,
     Who was {the Bearer of Truth},
     ...'old' and lonely.
DR: "I departed when Hermes arrived to comfort her. Shove this
job up BO's BIG, black, booty!
                                                 "GOD" who should be here, got lost and wound up at groups.
                                                   Enjoy and relish Urania's gifts at this comsat: posts up to a
                                                   year and a half or more still as fresh as a babies bottom.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Fwd: Urania Presents: Optical & Radio

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Thu, May 30, 2013 9:23 am
Subject: Urania Presents: Optical & Radio

                              FUN & EDUCATION
               by Richard DePersio & Citizen Journalist
Can the moon be seen during the day?
First Quarter Moon - Rises at Noon and sets at midnight.
Full Moon - Rises at Sunset and sets at Sunrise.
Third Quarter Moon - Rises at Midnight and Sets at Noon.
Recommended Activities:
Visual: Eyes - You should have; Binoculars - You should have;
Telescope - You should have. Provided: Star Maps with days and
times - and guidance.
Radio: Inside (CJ is homebound) or outside
(International Space Station and satellites).
Equipment: SatPC32 Electronic Download or CD -              $45
                   Broadband VHF/UHF/XS Satellite RX PreAmp - 50
                   ARRL Satellite Handbook -                                  25
                   Getting Started with Amateur Satellites -             15
                                                                                Total:   $135
Enjoy going from simple to complex activities.
Also: be a citizen-scientist and download seti@home screen-savor
         and help with search for ET. Join TEAM USA; we are
         presently in 5th place - do something about it!
Urania: "We Gods and Goddesses are competitive. Hermes did a book
review - CJCS Comsats first - at
Pan is doing one at I refuse to
be left behind!"
Glow-in-the-Dark Constellations: A Field Guide for Young Stargazers
by C.E. Thompson and Illustrated by Randy Chewning in cooperation
with Clint Hatchett (Urania: "That's a manly and tough name. Clint of
American Museum of Natural History/Hayden Planetarium,. Is he still
there?"...Sunflower Publishing, 1989). It tells you where to find my
friends for adults new to observing, children, especially, 7 to 13 and, it
is great for parents and children to enjoy together.
Do enjoy my astronomy and Plato's Man-in-the Cave philosophy below...

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Fwd: Hermes Goes Ballistic...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Thu, May 30, 2013 9:17 am
Subject: Hermes Goes Ballistic...
(Also here for greater exposure).

The planned Hermes/Urania Joint Parts 3 & 4 have been
placed on hold. Why? They are holding each other and don't wish
to be disturbed!
Preface One: Our King-God was a philanderer who had a
preference for Goddesses, nymphs and mortals alike. He even
fathered children with humans, including, Hercules. Hera, his
wife, decided to follow him around in a scheme to keep him from
the nymphs. Zeus got nymph Echo to engage Hera in conversation
so that he could pursue the other nymphs. This ruse succeeded
for awhile until Hera got wise to it. In her wrath, she punished
chatterer Echo by compelling her to wander the earth forever;
unable to speak until someone else spoke first, nor to remain
silent when someone else had spoken, and then only to repeat
that which had been said. She suffered unrequited love with
 Narcissus (who only loved you-know-who). In sadness, the
poor nymph pined away until nothing remained of her but her
voice. It is her voice that we hear coming back to us in certain
places. This returning sound is named after the lovelorn and
lonely nymph. (CJ: "When Momus told me this story, we laughed
and laughed and laughed; our sense of humor being strange.").
(Do you remember when we were famous for our extra-long
preface (s) at - of course, you are
- rhetorical question).
Preface Two: We all know what a 'fly-by-night' individual or company
is. Originally, it meant a witch, one who, as popularly supposed,
actually mounted her broom at midnight and went off on her round
of appointments ( including stealing infants or to meet secretly with
the devil himself for less than holy activities (some of which many
today find acceptable.
(You're welcome to supply your own appropriate preface; we're very
democratic here).
                         HERMES GOING BALLISTIC
              by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
                                 (Part of Tri-fecta*)
(Hermes: "I'm finished and I'm back...You are well-advised to read or
reread the articles at qp on air flight and space flight, especially, for Part
Two of this article) --- or not. Who cares if you do - rhetorical question).
Some ballistic missiles reach space and are considered sub-orbital.
BMs (what are you thinking, that's, disgusting!) are classified by range:
Battlefield (up to 60 miles) and tactical; short-range ballistic missiles;
long-range; ICBMs (4,000 miles or greater).
We wondered for many years why we couldn't have conventionally-tipped
ICBMs, perhaps, even retro-fitting, if feasible, conventionally-tip for nuclear-
tip as we reduce nuclear warheads in compliance with arms treaties;
otherwise new type ICBM would be dictated
We just learned that Gates stated in 2010 that we have been secretly
developing such missiles to be launched from subs. We want mobile land-
based for we contend that the Air Force should dominate in our military
strategies. Would anyone be surprised if Air Force is doing just that.
Take 'secret' Air Force 37b. Air force denies larger manned-version is
(Hermes: "Too bad Echo couldn't fly in the air and space like me. We
could have had fun. Forget you 100-mile High Club! Commercial
airliners fly at a cruising altitude of between 6 and 8 miles. {Why 100
mile club?} Echo, I can go much higher! Although, not as high as Priapus -
the BIG show-off!").
      "Stick and Rudder" (see our review below): "A pilot must judge things
less by the eye and more by his other senses than the ground man.
 (Hermes: "Poor Echo was a ground woman")...The pilot needs this
sense of buoyancy" the sense of lift and a feel for his angle of attack.
"..he can always sense whether he is doing right or wrong largely by the
 feel of the controls."
      Early planes didn't have many instruments, some didn't even have
radios and so you flew by the 'seat-of-your-pants': using all senses,
including, ass to estimate wind speed, outside temperature, overall condition
 of plane, etc. (Hermes: "The only way to fly!").
      Before digital computers, the yoke or control wheel was
connected to airplane control surfaces by cables which were difficult to
install - these were mechanical links. (Hermes: "Look, visitors to comsat,
do you see any mechanical parts on me!")
      Fly-by wire*: with the computer in the loop, there is no need for
mechanical connections. Pilot inputs command, computer translates into
an electrical signal, wires to various actuators, signal is converted into a
mechanical action - example: elevator moves. (late '60s; without mechanical
back-up in early '70s). (Hermes: "I say: to Hades with computers. Some
people think that they will be as smart as Gods/Goddesses some day.
Taurus shit!).
     Pilot doesn't feel resistance and pressure on joystick. Pilots want the
mechanical feedback. It's bone of contention between pilots and designers
(physicists and engineers) who often don't see things alike, including, the
nature of flight. One airline manufacturer, will others follow, has developed
springs which are controlled by the computer system and give pilots the same
 feel - though artificial - of the old mechanical linkages. This means that the
stick force and balance can be tuned by software. The designer argues: this is
extra hardware and thus weight (which means more fuel which is expensive)
just to make the pilot more comfortable. The pilot contends: his having this
capability makes flight safer.
     There is less and less for the pilot to do --- and more and more avionics and
computer systems. It has began to infiltrate private piloting - zapping out much
of the fun!
     Major airliners  have a flight management  computer for commercial transports
 with which a pilot can preprogram the flight from take-off to landing and never
have to touch the controls!
     What will happen to the glamour of being a pilot? Pilots are well-known for
picking up a lot of girls, especially, in bars after he reveals his occupation. Some
non-pilot-guys use the line "I'm a pilot" to get tail and we don't mean the tail
of an airplane!
You're in a plane now --- you too Hermes, rest your shoes!...To be Continued... 
*The first pure electronic aircraft with no mechanical back-up system was the
Apollo Lunar Landing Research Vehicle which was first flown in '64.
Read one or two --- why not three, after all, you're a winner.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013



-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, May 15, 2013 4:16 pm

                      PLANES, TRAINS and AUTOMOBILES
    by Richard DePersio and Aphrodite/Citizen Journalist Janus Calliope
          (the first DePersio with the late 'Wolfman'* Collaboration;
              let's hope that it is a Harbinger of Things to Come**)
(Part Two follows...Part One will continue in Part Three). 
In part two, RD inadvertently offends Zeus; here, in part one, he
further apologies. Is time in reverse!?! There's a FOX NEWS ALERT
concerning it at 
RD: I got it! Saturn's (in Greek Mythology: Kronos --- BOO!!!; that should
please Zeus) Shepard's: Type One - moons outside of the ring system 
whose perturbations cause gaps in the rings - Daphnis is responsible for
 the Keeler Gap and our friend Pan ( )
claims credit for the Encke Gap, both in the 'A' Ring; Type two - moons
near edge of a ring causes them to enjoy sharp, crisp/more definition
edges -- Promethesus' post is the inner while Ponderous (the first
human female created by Zeus) handles the outer 'F' Ring and it was
thought that Atlas*** was given boss duties regarding 'A' ring but it turns
out the that our buddy Janus and Epimetheus have that honor and power.
 (Atlas disgraced. HOORAY! That should please the King of the Gods
(capital 'G').
(RD: "When in high school, I was in college-level program at a planetarium
and was assigned a project regarding the Gaps (not jeans). This  section
afforded me the opportunity to brag! Never a slave to fashion: never wore
 jeans or dungarees. Boasting again!).
What does it have to do with Al's Relativity!?!
Wind Drift: What happens if there is wind blowing against your airplane?
 "Nothing works out as it ought to work out. In crosswind flight---does
the air press harder against the airplane's windward side than against its
leeward side?" When it comes to flight --- leave common sense on the
ground! A pilot would say: It is futile to try to counteract drift!!!
      "It helplessly participates in the motion of that air mass, it 'drifts'
with the wind." When force isn't force. The plane is moving because the
wind is pushing it. "The wind can't blow against the airplane because
the airplane doesn't present itself to be blown at; it yields without any
resistance: it moves with the air. A pure example of this kind of motion,
drift, is the travel of the free balloon. Here is one kind of aircraft that has
no motion at all through the air (other than perhaps climb or descent)
but moves only with the air. The free balloon has no 'air speed,' no
relative wind'. To its pilots, it always seems to be flying in a complete
dead calm. Even though it may be flying in a gale and drifting across the
country at 50 m.p.h., there still won't be even the gentlest breeze in the
basket. This is because it yields so completely to the motion of the air,
and it participates in it: the balloon does not push against the air, and
neither does the air push against the balloon; hence no forces arise."
WHAT!!! The wind can't exert a force on the balloon by virtue of the
fact that the balloon is drifting; drifting nullifies all wind forces on it. If
you blow against a ball, the ball moves as you placed a force in it. On the
other hand, if the air around the ball moves and the ball moves with it -
no force has been exerted on the balloon. No force; total surrender (or
yield. Still not convinced?
      You're no longer in an airplane or a balloon. Now, you're safely on
the ground, well, in a railroad car. You walking in the railroad car is
just like an airplane flying in a wind. Think in terms of steady motion:
you are moving at the same speed and in the same direction. You
wouldn't be able to tell if you were moving or standing still (for our
thought experiment (Al loved to think and explain by TE; we will ignore
 jolting and bouncing due to roughness of track).
      You find that you can walk forward or backwards or sideways with
ease; if you don't look outside you couldn't tell in which direction that
the train is moving. Draw the blinds. If the track were smooth, you
would wonder if you are moving or standing still. You don't even have
to struggle to balance if you move "cross-train," left to right in the car.
The motion of the train doesn't concern you.
      "When a pilot flies in a wind, the wind is his railroad coach, but we
shall see about that later."
      There is your motion relative to the train and the motion of the train
to the rest of the USA outside --- of course, you being carried by train
at say 75 m.p.h. You walk to the dining car, eat and return to your seat
and say, "I'm back where I started from" (we apologize, dear readers for
ending a sentence with a preposition. as regards, female readers,
no apology, consider it a strange proposition!). In one sense, you would
be right and in another wrong. The seat to which you have returned has
in the meantime moved something like 50 miles. It's a paradox. Whether
or not you are truly back to where you started from "depends, in highbrow
words" on your "frame of reference," that is which side of the facts {you}
choose to regard, and which side {you} choose to disregard; whether
{you} judge your position by reference to the train, or by reference to the
United States outside.
     " airplane that flies in moving air is like {you} who walks within a
moving train. Just as {you are} "contained" by the railroad coach {car}
and cut off from the scenery outside, so is the airplane, once in flight,
entirely "contained" by the surrounding air and cut off with all connection
with the ground. Its propeller {or engine} propels it, not by acting on the
ground, but by acting on the surrounding air. Its wings hold it up, not by
acting on the ground, but by acting on the surrounding air. Thus the
cubic mile or so of air in which the airplane {or jet} flies is to it exactly
what the railroad coach is to the train passenger {you}. The only
difference is that the railroad coach surrounds  {you} visibly, while the
air surrounds the airplane invisibly."
     Hence, whatever is true of you when you walk within a moving train
"is equally true of an airplane that flies within a mass of air which is
itself in motion. The airplane, too, has two motions, both at the same
time. It has a motion though the air, which corresponds to {you} walking
through the train. It has a motion with the air, called drift, which corresponds
to the travel of the train." A pilot can focus his attention on one motion
or the other and, with time, can hold both in mind simultaneously and not
experience confusion.
     "Look first at his motion through the air: in a sense this is the all-
important motion, since it is what makes the air strike his wing and
produce lift; what makes the air strike the tail surfaces and gives him
stability and control. And incidentally, it is the motion that registers on the
air-speed indicator."
    "This motion of the airplane through the air is in no way affected by the
fact that the air itself is in motion---any more than {you} walking within the
train is affected by the travel of the train." You walk in train in all directions
and experience no need for special balancing and no sensations. "In the
same way, the airplane can not 'feel' any difference between down-wind
and up-wind flight and cross-wind flight. It feels the same; the engine has
to pull no harder; the air-speed indicator indicates the same; the lift is
the same."
    You can draw the blinds and not know which way train is moving. Pilot
can draw the blinds --- not look at ground or get above a solid overcast.
The pilot would not know if he were flying in a gale or a calm. "In short,
the wind does not have any effect on air speed, lift, stability, and control:
an airplane, once in flight, can not 'feel' the wind.
    No matter what you do within train - you helplessly participate in its
motion; regardless of pilots maneuvers, he helplessly participates in the
motion of the air mass; it 'drifts' with the wind. It is helpless like the
free balloon discussed way back a the beginning; there is no force on
plane by wind because plane is completely yielding.
    Flying a Heading: direction on compass; Flying a Track: direction that
you are moving over the ground; Flying a Course: It is the intended path.
    Student pilot looks at ground and sees plane veering eastward and
wants to take action to 'counteract drift' by use of rudder. This is
a waste of time and could change your heading. Is the situation
hopeless; are we victims of DRIFT!  Nay! A trick can save the day.
"Nothing in the world will keep an airplane sliding eastward as long as
it is flowing in westward flowing air {crosswind)" Does it mean that a
plane can never reach its destination!?! " can outfox this effect,
and the experienced pilot does so automatically. Upon noticing the
eastward drift, he points his airplane slightly west of north...when the
eastward motion with the air adds itself to this northwesterly motion
through the air, the resulting motion over the ground will be exactly
    Let's take it further...You're in a spacecraft with no windows. Is it
moving at a constant speed or accelerating at the same rate and
moving in the same direction --- or is craft sitting on the earth?
    CJ enters cars, sits and says, "I'm out of here - for now. To be
continued at Part Four...Part Two follows."
(*We so enjoyed working with the late Wolfman and enthusiastically
welcome him to CJCS staff. We review his "Stick and Rudder" in our
first ever book review in "To Hermes with Love Urania" at
 Without explicitly saying so, the Wolf taught some Albert Relativity.
**Things to Come" was a book by H.G. Wells which was made into a
motion picture. Who knows, we made collaborate with H.G. in the
future --- he does have a "Time Machine." Enjoy our collaboration with
Sir Canon Doyle: "Citizen Journalist is Missing" (start with 'Gone Fishin'
and work you way backwards; "The Return of Citizen Journalist" here
and "Prequel: Citizen Journalist in the Diogenes Club" a quasarpolitical.
***Please don't tell Zeus but we have been sympathetic toward Atlas at
"Urania Moons You" - comsat and "Hermes Final Message" and
"Hermes BIG Challenge at quasarp. SHH!
{ } ours)


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, May 15, 2013 4:17 pm
Subject: HERMES/URANIA JOINT - Part Two...

         by Richard DePersio and Aphrodite
                                    with Citizen Journalist Janus Calliope
We would be most appreciative if you told family members, friends
 and co-workers about our comsats and shared articles of all ages. RD:
 "A BIG Wet Kiss for all single females who do so....Aphrodite, I was
 just kidding. Put it down. Don't strike me with Hermes caduceus! Help!"
"You rang.?" responds Maynard G. Krebs. RD: "Oh, no! No, thanks.
Take him away, Dobbie." A: "All is forgiven but watch it, mortal!"
Try this on for size: IN SEARCH of ALETHEIA. Is the newest slogan at
CJCS (Citizen Journalist/Cayuga Productions/Shamley Productions ---
as you know, merger having taken place about a year ago) Comsats.
Joining slogan: Offending with Truth. Announcement is being greeted
with wild applause at our comsats and throughout cyber-space.
Recommendation: Read or reread "Plato Man-in-the-Cave Series" plus
"Atropos' and Addendum to Supplement - Remix at comsat-ak. It isn't
absolutely necessary and, if Aletheia be told, we don't give a damn what
you do --- other than share our web sites and articles.
Momus: "Speaking of Offending with Truth," we target science followed by
           "It is the sort of truth that philosophers call pragmatic truth;
            a theory is true if you can act as if it were true and not come
            to grief." -Wolgang Langewiesche, Stick and Rudder (see
            our stellar review of Wolfman's book below)
           The ancient Greeks weren't depicting reality which was known
           only to the gods or in Plato's Heaven or beyond the capacity
           of man. "...Greek philosophers were...trying to find a scheme
           that would describe the phenomena and would predict events
           such as eclipses." Schemes such as the epicycles of Ptolemy
           (mathematical representations not intended to describe
           reality.  They created schemes "that 'saved the phenomenon'
           better than the one before it." - George Abell, Exploration of
           the Universe
           'We scientists, sometimes, think that we are learning the truth
            of the universe. The reality of stars, nature of atoms, gravity,
            relationships...We are creating belief structures. They're just
            human ideas. They may have math. behind them but they are
            still just human ideas. We build better theories with time, more
            sophisticated...that better unable us to predict the world around
            us." - Geoff Marcy,  Astronomy: Observations and Theories (PBS/
      Do general principles really exist in nature independent of human
 thought or are they artificial constructs of human thought. We might agree
that we can be reasonably certain of validity: speculation - 0 to 10%;
model - 10 to 20%; theory - 20 - 50%; widely accepted theory - 50 to
85%; fact - 85 - 99%%. Mathematical, Philosophical and Ethical Concepts
precisely defined and existing in Plato's Heaven. We can only glimpse at
 Aletheia in the shadow of Plato's Cave.  
      Is math. a tool or reality unto itself - a god? As Kako and company
seem to think: "Addendum to Supplement - Remix," "Atropos" and 
Soul man."  Math. suffices to see into the mind of God. Math. is the only
thing that is real. Math. is the universe. Math. perfectly describes reality.
Having observations and experiments backing it up is optional. This is
the new science having its origin circa '75 and subscribed to be the vast
majority of physicists.
      Interestingly enough, when you have a widely accepted theory or a
fact, you can pretend it to be 100% and built technology (applied science)
predicated on it (pure science). (First quote above). Which of today's
amazing technology is based on quantum theory.
     We at CJCS Comsats are in the Plato/Geoff Camp.
             Extremely Fascinating but Scientifically Irrelevant...There are
             approximately: A) 150 billion neurons in our brain; B)
            (rough estimate); 150 billion planets in our Galaxy; C) 150
            billion stars in our Galaxy; D) 150 billion galaxies in the
            universe. (We wonder if it is 150 billion angels that can dance
            on the head of a pin!).
     While virtually all astronomers, astrophysicists, planetary scientists and
exobiologists contend that it is virtually certain that there are dozens to
hundreds of earth-like planets and just a little less certain of life on those
planets and just a tad less certain that intelligent life takes up residence
there. We disagree!!! Who are we to disagree. We are the mortals and the
gods of CJCS Comsats! Perhaps, a Googol (the number not the search
engine: Google) of things had to occur in the order that they occurred to
produce the universe that we know (as well as we can possibly know it) and
to produce the life of earth. Take just one of numerous examples: Theia
had to be just the right size and strike the young earth (earth 1) at just the
right angle to help create the earth (earth 2) needed for life and the moon -
also vital to our existence. Oh! And, at just the right speed too.
     Yet, you hear them talk about their complete confidence in their ideas
with a fervor reminiscent of some religious! (Please read our articles at
experience difficulty connecting directly, anyone {not just Followers} can
connect via Facebook's Second American Revolution).
     It's time for them to act like scientists!!!
As you are well-aware, we have been equally disparaging of science and
             "Oh, God if there is one, save my soul if I have one."
     This expression of the 18th Century might want to be adopted by today's
atheists and agnostics - hedge your bets. However, Eugen Weber, OBS/
CUNY "The Western Tradition (very enjoyable and informative and though
considering its home there is little liberal-bias. We wholeheartedly
 recommend) points out that it was an expression of some deists (CJ is a deist).
     We can't recall the name of the physicist appearing in an edition of
Intelligence Squared for a debate on weather God existed stating: "God
sacrificed Himself to Himself to protect humanity from Himself." (We doubt
that this scientist would capitalize the 'G' and the 'Hs' - although, customary to
do except when referring to the gods of mythology.
(CJ: "A lightning bolt just missed me and I'm inside! It could only mean one
thing: Zeus is angry with me. I'd be well-advised to quickly rectify the
situation...and, I do mean quickly! I believe in the wonderful Gods and
Goddesses of Mt. Olympus.").
    We were watching "Mysteries of the Church" at     (you might think us strange
but we seek knowledge from all kinds of sources) when the hostess (PC: Host)
stated and we paraphrase: The Catholic Church has always sought to guide the
faithful a long a path that gives the greatest freedom and latitude in thinking
while remaining firmly within the framework of Church Doctrine. CJ: "I was born
and raised a Catholic. I find claim laughable). Of course, she pointed out that it
was a Catholic priest, George Lemaitre, who first proposed Big Bang (name
it later acquired) in 1927. We're surprised that he wasn't punished, perhaps,
Pope wasn't aware of his scientific paper. One more comment: The host is
very attractive.
     History is replete with those who were exiled, stripped of their valuables,
fined, tortured, burned at the stake for their theological and scientific ideas
by the Catholic Church. Evidence of it. Yet, CC claims Hundreds of martyrs,
many of whom became saints, between 100 A.D. and 309 A.D. who allegedly
were victims of the Roman government. Yet, not a single doc has have been
discovered bearing this out for remember: Christianity was legal in the Roman
Empire. They might have been punished for various reasons but being Christian
 couldn't have been one of them! Constantine upon becoming emperor (306)
 rescinded law outlawing Christianity which had only been in effect for a few years
 restoring the Roman Empire to religious tolerance. The historical record shows
martyrs during this brief period.
    Robert A Segal "Myth" (Oxford, 2004): "Taken literally, the New Testament
in particular describes a cosmic battle between good and evil beings for
control of the physical world. These supernatural figures intervene not only in
the operation of nature...but also in the lives of human beings. The beneficent
beings direct humans to do good; the malevolent ones compel them to
do evil.
 (To be continued at Part Four).

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fwd: To Hermes, Love Urania

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Tue, Apr 23, 2013 2:44 pm
Subject: Fwd: To Hermes, Love Urania

                            To HERMES with LOVE, URANIA
  by Richard DePersio and Aphrodite
                                                    with Citizen Journalist Janus Calliope
  (Fortified with Shocking Non-PC; Someone has to be willing to speak
                               the unspeakable! It ain't you typical science article)
!) Launched in August '62. Vostok 2 was polited by Titov the Soviets
second manned mission. He was the first man to eat in space: he ate
some food paste; later, he gained the distinction of becoming the
first human to experience space sickness. Apparently, paste wasn't
umm umm food!;
2) The third American in space, Glenn, emptied a tube of applesauce
into his mouth becoming first USA to eat in space. We are certain
that it wasn't good to the last drop and he didn't become ill. We
can't be sure if Titov problem was food or motion sickness or a combo;
3) Wally Schirra was our fifth one-man Mercury mission and the
first telecast beamed to earth. It was processed and soon telecast.
Prior to this time, astronauts and cosmonauts were filmed in their
space capsule with footage shown on TV and stills in newspapers
after the conclusion of their missions;
4) Wally was followed by Gordo Cooper who launched a sphere with
strobe lights, which he was able to see on the following orbit. Gordo
was the first astro-guy to deploy a satellite from orbital flight. He
is further distinguished by the fact that his manual landing was of
pin-point accuracy;
5) The joint Apollo/Soyuz mission: after Apollo splashed down , an
astro-error caused the fumes of fuel being dumped overboard to be
drawn into the spacecraft. The fumes caused Brand to loose
consciousness, but no permanent harm resulted. The crew probably
saved their own lives by using their oxygen masks.
(Note: Mercury and Vostok flights took place between 1961-64; joint
mission in '75).
6) In '86, two cosmonauts having spent two months aboard the Mir
space station flew Soyuz spacecraft to the older Salyut station where
they spent 50 days - this represented the first transfer from one craft
to another;
7) Let's pay homage to the unmanned pathfinders...Our Ranger probes
 intentionally crashed into the moon transmitting date until impact; the
 Lunar Orbiters gathered data from lunar orbit (aren't you glad we
explained it; it would have driven you crazy for hours if we hadn't --- we
 know our readers!); finally, we were able to soft-land Surveyors on the
moon. In '67, Surveyor 6...
FOX NEWS ALERT: Artemis is furious. Let's hope that she doesn't go
muslim (slang for violent or crazy). The goddess demands that CJCS
Comsats desist in employing the words moon and lunar. RD: "We
shall never give in to terrorist demands." Artemis: "But, darling, I'm no
terrorist." RD: "Are you a Zsa Zsa? Artemis: "Let's get physical." RD:
"Are you a Newton-John." Calliope: "Rick, I can vouch for my Greek
goddess friend. Now, be a good human and make her happy --- and
Newton-John her." Aphrodite: "Over my dead immortal body!" RD: "My
decision is...
...lifted off the lunar surface - correction: Artemis' body - moved to a new
location, and set down to photographed another sexy area. The first time
an engine had been restarted on an extraterrestrial body.
8) In '69, Apollo Astros landed within 600 feet of Surveyor 3 which had
landed about 2 and a 1/2 years earlier. Conrad and Bean retrieved some
pieces from the probe, later found to contain earth bacteria, which had
survived all that time subjected to extreme cold and heat, near vacuum
and dryness.
All of this enabled America to win Artemis Race. There must be more to
the story like even bigger events:
A) Americans and Russians could maneuver their crafts for experience
when scheduled, otherwise controlled from the ground and on-board
'auto-pilot.' They could seize control if part or all of system conked out
(US), all (USSR). The cosmonauts had to open a box containing a code
to punch in in order to secure manual control --- great if there were an
emergency! As we progressed from Mercury to Gemini to Apollo, our
spacemen secured much control of craft while the other side only a
modicum more. (One can argue that it reflected our different political systems.
B) Greater astro-control enabled us to achieve rendezvous and docking and
 accomplish more during space walks - vital for Artemis missions.
C) We had the Saturn 5, was most powerful rocket ever built --- 7.6 million
pounds of thrust at launch. In '67, USSR had a more powerful Artemis rocket
 but blew up on launch pad during a fueling test producing many casualties.
(Note: Saturn 5 too Apollo crafts to Artemis beginning in '69. It wouldn't be
until '87 that Russia would have a rocket approaching Saturn 5 in power ---
7.9 pounds of thrust at launch called Energiia. It was launched only twice: '87,
'88. The second time it tested an unpiloted space shuttle called Buran.
(Note: Some data came from "Smithsonian Guides: Spaceflight" {Prentice
Hall Macmillan, 1995} ** - see below).
                                           BOOK REVIEW
          (Our first. While we have quoted from outstanding books,
     we've yet  to review a single one {single one seems redundant}.
   System: * star - poor; ** - fair; *** -good; **** - excellent and ^ - 1/2
"Stick and Rudder" by Wolfgang Langewiesche (McGraw-Hill, 1944). This is
without a doubt one of the greatest stories ever told: creative, educational
fun --- you just don't wish to put it down as if you are reading a mystery.
      It constitutes an excellent supplement to a student pilot's manual, an
informative/imaginative journey for the earth-bound intelligent layman and
well augments a freshman aeronautical engineering student's textbook. Written
slightly more from a pilots perspective.
      Don't Allow Year of Copyright dissuade you from purchasing this
top-of-the-shelf construction. Sneaky, he helps you understand Relativity too!
      Remember: During and prior to WW2, what keeps a plane up - lift - was
taught correctly in elementary and high schools, pilot training and college
aeronautics. Since the late 40s, it is only taught correctly in aeronautics. Bernoulli
is baloney when misapplied leading to a false understanding of lift and, thereby,
making it harder to understand flight.
     It's about Newton and your angle of attack. Who did it? The Wolfman!
Rating: ***^ (Only, we will get ****, if we ever write a book).
"Understanding Flight" by Anderson Eberhardt (McGraw-Hill, 2010) Written for the
intelligent layman and more from an aeronautical engineer's point-of-view. We
don't feign to be experts but it seems to us that the book contains a few errors
and contradictions plus a few confusing passages. We need to consult our
other books on the subject - now, especially, the Wolf - to better understand
certain parts. Educational but not entertainingly educational.
Rating: **.
"Flight: Pioneers-Airpower-Record Breakers-Future" by Ian Graham in association
with Royal Aeronautical Society (KingFisher, 2001). This book can serve a meaningful
purpose: Parent and child (over 10) can take turns reading out loud and discuss or
read separately followed by discussion. It could lead to looking up more info on
items covered in short composition.
Rating: **^.
(How did with do as first time critics?).
Aphrodite: "Wrap it up. Artemis is now visible." Calliope: "Let's do one more section."
RD: "CJ, How can we refuse: Beauty-Brain-Body!"
                           HERMES MAIN LAUNCH SITE is MT. OLYMPUS
                        (Put Down that Remote!!! Wait for Guinean Surprise*)
World Launch Sites: US - Kennedy Space Center-Florida, Vendenberg, Air Force Base-
California, Wallops Island-Virginia; Russia - Baikonur Cosmodrome-Kazakh Republic,
Kapustin Yar-Russia, Piesetsk-Russia; China - Sguang chang tse, Xichang; Japan -
Kagoshima Space Center, Taneegeshima Space Center; Africa - San Marco
platform (Italian); South America - Guiana Space Center, Kourou Space Center
(French/European; Israel - Negev; India - Sriharikutas Range.
(*Let's define Latin America as Mexico and the countries of Central America, South
America and the Caribbean Islands as those controlled for many years by Spain and
where the dominate language is Spanish and where there is a pronounced Spanish
influence. And, African-Americans as descendants of those who had ancestors who
were slaves and those who were or had become freemen.
PC-Blow-Up: Have you noticed but wouldn't dare say out loud but we will that those who
emigrate here from nations to our south with a heavy British or French or Dutch influence
are better educated and more classy and cultured: the way they talk, their ideas; style of
dress; way they carry themselves; are hard working. We are speaking in general for
there are exceptions to the rule. We don't consider our observations bigoted. Recently,
a 30 year old Guinean black friend described an African-American co-worker as ghetto
 due to her appearance and work habits or lack thereof. Further, the boss has to cow tow
 to the African-American, clearly fearing being accused of discrimination, costing after a
verbal altercation, my much harder-working/better qualified friend her job. There is black
 and  there is black. It has nothing to do with color (race) for that would be indicative of
racism. What about Jamaicans, man. Of course, UK, France and Holland are part of
Western Culture to the greater degree. Word. I'm chillin' in my crib with my homies. It's
 the Hip-Hop culture. Milf).
Hermes: Thank you, Urania for serving as gift's producer.