Wednesday, May 15, 2013


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, May 15, 2013 4:17 pm
Subject: HERMES/URANIA JOINT - Part Two...

         by Richard DePersio and Aphrodite
                                    with Citizen Journalist Janus Calliope
We would be most appreciative if you told family members, friends
 and co-workers about our comsats and shared articles of all ages. RD:
 "A BIG Wet Kiss for all single females who do so....Aphrodite, I was
 just kidding. Put it down. Don't strike me with Hermes caduceus! Help!"
"You rang.?" responds Maynard G. Krebs. RD: "Oh, no! No, thanks.
Take him away, Dobbie." A: "All is forgiven but watch it, mortal!"
Try this on for size: IN SEARCH of ALETHEIA. Is the newest slogan at
CJCS (Citizen Journalist/Cayuga Productions/Shamley Productions ---
as you know, merger having taken place about a year ago) Comsats.
Joining slogan: Offending with Truth. Announcement is being greeted
with wild applause at our comsats and throughout cyber-space.
Recommendation: Read or reread "Plato Man-in-the-Cave Series" plus
"Atropos' and Addendum to Supplement - Remix at comsat-ak. It isn't
absolutely necessary and, if Aletheia be told, we don't give a damn what
you do --- other than share our web sites and articles.
Momus: "Speaking of Offending with Truth," we target science followed by
           "It is the sort of truth that philosophers call pragmatic truth;
            a theory is true if you can act as if it were true and not come
            to grief." -Wolgang Langewiesche, Stick and Rudder (see
            our stellar review of Wolfman's book below)
           The ancient Greeks weren't depicting reality which was known
           only to the gods or in Plato's Heaven or beyond the capacity
           of man. "...Greek philosophers were...trying to find a scheme
           that would describe the phenomena and would predict events
           such as eclipses." Schemes such as the epicycles of Ptolemy
           (mathematical representations not intended to describe
           reality.  They created schemes "that 'saved the phenomenon'
           better than the one before it." - George Abell, Exploration of
           the Universe
           'We scientists, sometimes, think that we are learning the truth
            of the universe. The reality of stars, nature of atoms, gravity,
            relationships...We are creating belief structures. They're just
            human ideas. They may have math. behind them but they are
            still just human ideas. We build better theories with time, more
            sophisticated...that better unable us to predict the world around
            us." - Geoff Marcy,  Astronomy: Observations and Theories (PBS/
      Do general principles really exist in nature independent of human
 thought or are they artificial constructs of human thought. We might agree
that we can be reasonably certain of validity: speculation - 0 to 10%;
model - 10 to 20%; theory - 20 - 50%; widely accepted theory - 50 to
85%; fact - 85 - 99%%. Mathematical, Philosophical and Ethical Concepts
precisely defined and existing in Plato's Heaven. We can only glimpse at
 Aletheia in the shadow of Plato's Cave.  
      Is math. a tool or reality unto itself - a god? As Kako and company
seem to think: "Addendum to Supplement - Remix," "Atropos" and 
Soul man."  Math. suffices to see into the mind of God. Math. is the only
thing that is real. Math. is the universe. Math. perfectly describes reality.
Having observations and experiments backing it up is optional. This is
the new science having its origin circa '75 and subscribed to be the vast
majority of physicists.
      Interestingly enough, when you have a widely accepted theory or a
fact, you can pretend it to be 100% and built technology (applied science)
predicated on it (pure science). (First quote above). Which of today's
amazing technology is based on quantum theory.
     We at CJCS Comsats are in the Plato/Geoff Camp.
             Extremely Fascinating but Scientifically Irrelevant...There are
             approximately: A) 150 billion neurons in our brain; B)
            (rough estimate); 150 billion planets in our Galaxy; C) 150
            billion stars in our Galaxy; D) 150 billion galaxies in the
            universe. (We wonder if it is 150 billion angels that can dance
            on the head of a pin!).
     While virtually all astronomers, astrophysicists, planetary scientists and
exobiologists contend that it is virtually certain that there are dozens to
hundreds of earth-like planets and just a little less certain of life on those
planets and just a tad less certain that intelligent life takes up residence
there. We disagree!!! Who are we to disagree. We are the mortals and the
gods of CJCS Comsats! Perhaps, a Googol (the number not the search
engine: Google) of things had to occur in the order that they occurred to
produce the universe that we know (as well as we can possibly know it) and
to produce the life of earth. Take just one of numerous examples: Theia
had to be just the right size and strike the young earth (earth 1) at just the
right angle to help create the earth (earth 2) needed for life and the moon -
also vital to our existence. Oh! And, at just the right speed too.
     Yet, you hear them talk about their complete confidence in their ideas
with a fervor reminiscent of some religious! (Please read our articles at
experience difficulty connecting directly, anyone {not just Followers} can
connect via Facebook's Second American Revolution).
     It's time for them to act like scientists!!!
As you are well-aware, we have been equally disparaging of science and
             "Oh, God if there is one, save my soul if I have one."
     This expression of the 18th Century might want to be adopted by today's
atheists and agnostics - hedge your bets. However, Eugen Weber, OBS/
CUNY "The Western Tradition (very enjoyable and informative and though
considering its home there is little liberal-bias. We wholeheartedly
 recommend) points out that it was an expression of some deists (CJ is a deist).
     We can't recall the name of the physicist appearing in an edition of
Intelligence Squared for a debate on weather God existed stating: "God
sacrificed Himself to Himself to protect humanity from Himself." (We doubt
that this scientist would capitalize the 'G' and the 'Hs' - although, customary to
do except when referring to the gods of mythology.
(CJ: "A lightning bolt just missed me and I'm inside! It could only mean one
thing: Zeus is angry with me. I'd be well-advised to quickly rectify the
situation...and, I do mean quickly! I believe in the wonderful Gods and
Goddesses of Mt. Olympus.").
    We were watching "Mysteries of the Church" at     (you might think us strange
but we seek knowledge from all kinds of sources) when the hostess (PC: Host)
stated and we paraphrase: The Catholic Church has always sought to guide the
faithful a long a path that gives the greatest freedom and latitude in thinking
while remaining firmly within the framework of Church Doctrine. CJ: "I was born
and raised a Catholic. I find claim laughable). Of course, she pointed out that it
was a Catholic priest, George Lemaitre, who first proposed Big Bang (name
it later acquired) in 1927. We're surprised that he wasn't punished, perhaps,
Pope wasn't aware of his scientific paper. One more comment: The host is
very attractive.
     History is replete with those who were exiled, stripped of their valuables,
fined, tortured, burned at the stake for their theological and scientific ideas
by the Catholic Church. Evidence of it. Yet, CC claims Hundreds of martyrs,
many of whom became saints, between 100 A.D. and 309 A.D. who allegedly
were victims of the Roman government. Yet, not a single doc has have been
discovered bearing this out for remember: Christianity was legal in the Roman
Empire. They might have been punished for various reasons but being Christian
 couldn't have been one of them! Constantine upon becoming emperor (306)
 rescinded law outlawing Christianity which had only been in effect for a few years
 restoring the Roman Empire to religious tolerance. The historical record shows
martyrs during this brief period.
    Robert A Segal "Myth" (Oxford, 2004): "Taken literally, the New Testament
in particular describes a cosmic battle between good and evil beings for
control of the physical world. These supernatural figures intervene not only in
the operation of nature...but also in the lives of human beings. The beneficent
beings direct humans to do good; the malevolent ones compel them to
do evil.
 (To be continued at Part Four).

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