-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Mar 27, 2013 12:00 am
Subject: BREAKING the RULES!!! (Expanded Version)..,
Only two articles appear at both www.quasarpolitical.blogspot.com and
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Mar 27, 2013 12:00 am
Subject: BREAKING the RULES!!! (Expanded Version)..,
Only two articles appear at both www.quasarpolitical.blogspot.com and
www.comsat-ak.blogspot.com for greater exposure (Sorry - not of
Scientific Paper: Breaking the Rules
by Richard DePersio with Ben and Michael*
Flying solo aboard comsat. Gods and goddesses - Calliope
included - are on Mt. Olympus. Winging it; impromptu; off-the-cuff;
adlibbing; without a net. Without hours of research and planning.
Lying: B M (not bowl movement --- best men) are with me for
one of my final articles (the boy who cried wolf; you've heard it
before --- this time it's for real; looking forward to hearing from you).
An autographed picture of Aphrodite is on my computer desk.
Breaking the Rules...This represents my first scientific paper (or, is it
the second; Hayden Planetarium Program, age 16, some math - must
be early senility) as differentiated from a scientific article. It would never
be published in science journal because of format and other violations.
All modesty aside, it deserves publication After all, the UN papers on
global warming are falsified while mine is honest! (At
see: "Green with Envy" and "The Article: New-Spanking Version"
(first blue section).
(first blue section).
(This paper was written prior to the events at
www.rickcmtsite.blogspot.com As Colombo would say: :Just one more
thing..." feel free to share my articles with your friends and
semi-friends and to tell people eve more famous than me about
my web sites and articles - even Schultz-ey at Red Eye!).
There has been a proliferation of shows about ghosts and UFOs
thanks to cable and thanks to cable for these comedies. I would
like to relate a story which I'm certain has a rational explanation.
Being that this is my space, I'll relate it unless there are any
My nephew Miles (4 or 5; I don't keep track of important stuff).
My sister used to read to her daughter which helped her learn to
read. Miles didn't enjoy it. One day, he was looking at a photo
album and saw a picture of my father who passed away before
my nephew was born . He asked his mother to tape it to the
backboard of his bed. She continued to read to him and virtually
all the time he was bored and distracted; her daughter still found it
enjoyable. One day, my semi-wonderful sister heard him reading out
loud. In shock, she said, "How did you learn to read!" He pointed to
the picture of my father and said, "He taught me."
Brain or brain/mind...God or multiverses...Physics with math. and
without.....................I just returned from visiting the pope. Alright, no
more potty humor. Have you noticed that since the 70s, especially,
the '80s that stand-up comics and sitcoms, by and large, are only
capable of finding humor from sex, bodily functions, buffoonish
white males, the religious and conservatives. It must take all of ten
minutes to write a sitcom or a monologue nowadays. Gone are the
days when such humor was rare and comedy writers could derive
laughter from all forms of human behavior....where is my Adderall?
...........I'm back. You didn't catch me kissing the picture on my desk.
No; good.
The articles at www.comsat-ak.blopgspot.com concern astronomy
and philosophy...it takes time for the Adderall to take effect...the
posts at www.quasarpolitical.blogspot.com are primarily about
astronautics and space policy.
Didn't I warn you that this article was extemporaneous (except for
BM (now, cut that our!), well, we're changing the title of this magnum
opus...too pompous?...exposition.
The BIG Challenge: Gravity - the Force that Pushes not Pulls-Part Two
(actually, adding a sub-title in the middle of article...nay, paper).
I can do that because I'm Add-ed and this is my comsat! A-oh, Hermes
and Urania just arrived. RD: "No; it's not a hostile takeover. No; I'm
not crazy enough to make a god and goddess angry. After all, all five
comsats belong to me." Hermes: "What! Comsat-ak belongs to Urania
and quasarp..." RD: "Where not doing that kind of humor here."
"Hermes: ...belongs to me and don't ever interrupt me again! I work
with Hades." RD: "Aphrodite gave me permission --- and you know who
her father is! Urania: "Namedropper." I'll see you later at the latest
Diogenes Club." Hermes: "What are you talking about?" RD: "The
one at rickcmtsite." Hermes: Now, I remember." RD: "You've been
spending too much time with Dionysus!"
Let's get down to business...Some say that Einstein replaced Newton.
Albert fell otherwise. He felt that Newton was great for the cosmos
(world) in which normal people lived. Einstein felt that Einstein was
only needed to be invoked when dealing with masses and speeds that
the average (who needs them; most people are prosaic; can't think in many
boxes simultaneously) don't deal with (forgive me for ending a
sentence with a preposition. Ladies, make that a cyber-space proposition).
Newton was good enough to get us to the moon! Albert helped develop
quantum physics but never accepted it. He felt that it must be part of
something BIGger. Newton shouldn't be discarded but thought of as part
of something BIGger and more correct: Einstein. Newton was good enough
for everyday world. Einstein contended that quantum would eventually be
found to be part of something BIGger and more accurate. Albert felt that
you can use Sir Isaac in the commonplace world or him (more complex
math.) for greater accuracy but why make life more difficult for yourself.
As far as we know, no one has attempted to describe Einstein
non-mathematically in the world of Newton. At this junction, you might
elect to reread Part One to see where I'm going. B & M: "Do you know
where you are going or where you are in the universe!?!?" RD: No; but I'll get
there. Don't abandon me."
Sir Isaac refused to explain how a force could pull and do so without
having contact between the two bodies - touching each other or a medium
between them. He finally became testy regarding the question and said,
"hypotheses non fingo (Latin for: I feign no hypotheses)...It is enough that
gravity exists according to the laws I explained. I feign no hypotheses...it
abundantly serves to account for all the motions of celestial bodies...I won't
speculate or guess if it is physical or metaphysical or occult or mechanical.
...inappropriate...experimental science explains how not why."
Later scientists tried to explain gravitational contact
between bodies not in physical contact via a invisible ether -- reminiscent of
the invisible crystalline spheres. A holdover, it would seem, during the
development of modern science of ancient type thinking, it seems to me.
Our contention: Let's think in terms of push not pull. Let's agree that the
pictures of the space-time curvature in books, magazines and docs are
misleading generating misconceptions much like Bernoulli diagrams, as
opposed to, Newton-based in describing lift when it comes to things like planes.
We should change the way that we visualize the s-t curvature and, perhaps,
for the first time we can visualize Einstein in the everyday world between the
worlds of the very massive, very large and very fast and that of sub-atomic
particles. We shall return to this controversial position sometime before the
conclusion of the article. Let's go for the gold : a scientific paper in contrast
to a scientific article. Let's keep our bladders under control. My Biggest
Challenge: Let the stars be with me: Welch, Madonna and Spears (with a
shaven head). The established scientific community is crying foul. You can't
do a scientific paper this way. We certainly don't seek to be published in a
U.N. scientific (we use the term loosely, very loosely) journal. We'll present it
directly to our intelligently readers - nothing average or common about them.
We'll start off with the indirect like a lawyer who has his strong stuff but will
fatten it with stuff of lesser strength.
RD: "Dionysus what are you doing here? Something tells me that it is time for
a liquid break; perhaps, it's the change of color -grapes...
Drank Ascencion - Torrontes, Salta -- cheap enough to do the trick.
Let's get physical...no; Aphrodite hasn't arrived yet...tangentially for you...
In "Understanding Flight" by Anderson and Eberhardt (McGraw-Hill; 2010)
they give a physical description of flight, especially, lift. I'm attempting to give
a physical description of Einstein in the world with which we are familiar.
Engineers employ Newton in the everyday world and scientists go with Isaac in
the commonplace world except when the most precise measurements are
required when they call upon Albert. As far as we are aware no one has
attempted to give a physical description of Einstein gravity for the world between
the extremes: the very fast and massive and the quantum of the very small.
We couldn't handle Einstein mathematically in our world but they must think that
you are stupid too stupid to grasp complex concepts with a physical description.
(Please reread last few articles a quasarp - not absolutely necessary).
Understanding Flight: "...the wing is forcing the air down, or more
accurately pulling air down from above." If we want to enjoy the BIG 'A' in
our familiar environment, we must think in terms of forcing down or even
better: pushing air down.
(Aphrodite has arrived). Let's get physical...
RD: "Klinger, slide one, please": the curvature of space-time depicted
for laymen (RD: "Aphrodite, let me be you lay-man) in discussions of 'E's
general relativity is rather flat and two-dimensional. They do point out that the
more massive an object is, the more it curves the 'fabric' space-time. (Don't forget
that when it comes to space-time, we don't mean empty space like a vacuum; we
mean space that contains dark energy and quantum foam {electrons are made
of strings while protons are made of quarks which are made of strings and
strings are made up of the foam - remember: Albert 'no middle name' Einstein
taught as the matter and energy were different forms of the same thing;
preempting a question that you made ask later}).
RD: "Max, slide two": Let's imagine: that the first circle to the center represents
the earth; the next circle has a satellite in orbit around the earth. In Newton's
universe, gravity (an invisible force or force field) is pulling the satellite down.
(although, we generally, think of a force as a push not a pull; further, there is no
physical contact between earth and satellite). Let's pretend that the next circle is
right above and in contact with the satellite. (Hey! You have to work with what
you have!). There is no downward force instead the earth is bending or
warping space-time. (If the earth were more massive it would curve it more).
Result: the circle representing space-time is pushing down on the satellite.
RD: "Next slide, please,": You and I are being pushed a lot by BIG bullies! Mainly,
the sun and the moon. Jupiter, for example, though massive is far away,
therefore, its effect is imperceptible (not even capable of being measured with
today's instruments {technology}): the curve looks like a line --- but slight curves
does exist.
Curves and Curves...The whole solar system creates a curve around the
earth and you but not as curved as that of sun and moon ( solar system: further
away; more spread out). There are more curves that Aphrodite: The Galaxy;
the Local Group; the super cluster; the whole damn universe. (once again, we
have to work with this slide; it's the best that we got!). Space-Time is being
curved all around us: some imperceptible (with present technology), some slight,
others progressively larger.
No longer should newspaper and magazine articles on science or popular
science books written for intelligent laymen or college textbooks use slide one
but instead a version of slide three!
What about dark matter? Newton: Hermes ("You rang?" RD: You're invoking
Maynard G, Krebs line in Dobbie Gillis."). orbits the sun faster than Gaia
because it is closer to the sun, therefore, the sun's gravitational pull
on Hermes is greater than that on Gaia. Alternately, the curvature over 'H'
pushes down greater than on 'G.'
Getting back to dark matter....You would think that the stars closer to the center
of our galaxy would orbit faster than those further out. Well, they don't! the stars
near the center and at the edge orbit at the same velocity (think of a record; the
thing before the CD). Astrophysicists claim that the Galaxy is filled with dark
matter and extends out 10x (pardon the math!). the length of the visible part of
the Galaxy. I wonder if this dark matter, extending so far out, isn't pushing the
stars at the edge to orbit faster than those closer in, as the halo of dark matter is
closer to the edge than the center. Newton battling with the DM achieving
equilibrium. Or, more precisely, the push not pull (or curvature) is less between
the edge and the center. Matter battling with the dark stuff. We reiterate: Ban
Slide One!!!
*Franklin and Faraday are counted amongst that rarified breed: two of greatest
f'n scientists. Yet, they weren't very good at mathematics beyond arithmetic! (As
we learned from our WC friend Goldstein {another wonderful Jew-boy of "BO
Offends WC/AB" at rickcmtsite; David had nothing to do with this paper).They
possessed a genius for conceptualization and physical representation; akin,
one might say, to Albert's thought experiments to work through and help
explain his thoughts non-mathematically. RD wouldn't presume to place himself
with the the Fs; although, Citizen Journalist might!