-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Feb 19, 2013 4:09 pm
Subject: Doyle/DePersio Joint...
The problem with gravity: it pulls rather then pushes. We think of
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Feb 19, 2013 4:09 pm
Subject: Doyle/DePersio Joint...
Enjoy Doyle/DePersio Trilogy: "Citizen Journalist is Missing"
(start with "Gone Fishin'" and work you way backwards) at this
comsat; "The Return of Citizen Journalist" at
www.rickcmtsite.blogspot.com ; separate from the
two part-er is "Citizen Journalist in the Diogenes Club" at
Sent: Thu, Feb 14, 2013 1:08 am Gravity: Force that Pushes...
by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist Janus Calliope
Hermes: "Speaking on behave of RD, CJ-C, it is good to be back.
Signed long-term contract that is equitable to all parties: RD, CJ
and I. The gods and goddesses of Mt. Olympus aren't members of
socialist unions which are destroying America --- to whom we
bequest Western Civilization. A Message for Urania: The old
haunt - CJCS Comsats - won't be the same without you. Sign new
contract post haste! The Obols are quite good! Ploutos concurs.
The problem with gravity: it pulls rather then pushes. We think of
a force as a push.
Newton couldn't explain nature of gravity and how it could
influence over empty space. He tired of the questions until with
annoyance, he finally said: "It is enough that gravity exists
according to the laws I explained. It abundantly serves to explain
the motions of celestial bodies. I feign no hypotheses." He would
not speculate on the nature of the force - be it physical or
metaphysical or occult or mechanical. He explained that
science explains how something acts but not why.
We think of a force as a push.
Einstein stated that a mass bends the curvature of space-time.
The more massive the object the greater the curve. The curve
causes space-time to push down on a nearby object.
Newton works just fine under most circumstances and the numbers
in problem solving are virtually identical to Einstein. Newton is
somewhat easier and was good enough to get us to the moon.
Einstein is needed when dealing with extremely high velocities and
The fact of the matter: Push not Pull seems to save the
phenomenon better; it works better and may or may not describe
reality; describes it better than Newton. We can never be
certain if we are describing reality or absolutes --- that's for religion.
With science near certain, perhaps.
Wing lifts because air pushes down. Force is a push. Wing
irregardless of shape causes air to be deflected downward like the
curve of space-rime causes the space-time above the less
massive object to press down on it.
Run a small stream of water from a faucet. Bring a horizontal
water glass over to it. The water will wrap partway around the glass.
Newton's first law (no need to call on Einstein to complicate
things) tells us for the flow of water to bend, there must be
a force on it. The force is in the direction of the bend. Newton's
Third Law tells us that there must be an equal and opposite force
acting on the glass. The stream of water puts a force on the glass
that tries to pull it into the stream.
You don't like pull. The wing gives the air a downward deflection.
It does so by creating a region of reduced pressure on the top
surface of the wing (a kind of a suction) which pulls the air
downward. PUSHES on the wing. Wing deflects air down; air
pushes down on wing FORCE; equal and opposite reaction wing
pushes up --- lifts.
"Stick and Rudder" by W. Langewiesche (McGraw-Hill): "The main
fact of all heavier-than-air flight is this: the wing keeps the
airplane up by pushing the air down."
"...it pulls the air down with its top surface...makes the air go
down. In exerting a downward force upon the air, the wing
receives an upward counter force."
Air pushes down on wing (force; action) and wing pushes up
(equal and opposite force; reaction). The same thing: gun
recoils as it shoves the bullet out forward.
''...if the wing pushes the air down, the air must push the wing
up." This is Newton's Third Law: For every action, there must be
and equal and opposite reaction. "...the wing...is in the last
analysis nothing bit an air deflector. It is an inclined plane...
that's, after all, why that whole fascinating contraption of ours is
called an airplane."
"This plane is inclined so that as it moves through the air,
it will meet the air at an angle and thus shove it downward." It
pushes down on the wing.
Pic. 2: Imagine space-time pushes down on satellite as a
consequence of the curvature.
Pic. 3: As Albert taught us everything is relative: Wind deflected in
downward direction by wing as viewed by pilot (if he could see
wind); wind would be nearly straight down behind wing as viewed
from earth - not depicted (again, if you could see air).
(More on flight, as well as, the fallacy of Bernoulli Principle when
applied to lift {according to BP, symmetrical wings, for example,
couldn't produce lift}, see: "Hermes has a Message" And
"Hermes: Ladies, Fly Me" at www.quasarpolitical.blogspot.com ).
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