Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fwd: Urania Moons You...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Oct 31, 2012 11:52 pm
Subject: Urania Moons You...

        Alternate Title: Is there a God? A Personal Journey
                             (spanning many years)
A Personal History: Catholic until 18; atheist until 25; pantheist
 until 30. Became a deist at 30 and has just become a contented
 deist who deeply respects the Judeo-Christian Tradition as part
of the Western Tradition.
The Anthropic Principle made famous in '73 can be restated as the
Law of Human Existence. Our existence and that of the universe
itself depends on numerous cosmological constants and
parameters. - whose numerical values must fall within a very
narrow range of values. If even a single variable was off, even
slightly, galaxies and us wouldn't exist. The improbability of
of the universe existing is the Anthropic Principle. The laws of
nature (physics) are so arranged that life and consciousness are
Take protons which are 1836 times more massive than electrons,
if it were a little bigger or smaller we would not exist.
Amazingly, they are of extremely different mass and, yet, their
charges are equal (but opposite). Planets and you depend on
this balance.
If the BIG Bang or subsequent inflation were minutely faster or
slower there wouldn't be the quantum fluctuations that enabled
matter to congeal - the universe would be a humongous
homogenous cloud or it what have collapsed on itself shortly
after the bang.
Life on earth would not be possible if earth were closer or further
from the sun or if it were too near the core or the edge of our
Our magnetic field protects us - good thing it isn't stronger or
Halloween - do you want scary? Our atmosphere is 21%
oxygen. a few percent less and we wouldn't be able to
breath; a little more and anything ignited would burst into
flame, including, us --- any organic material ignited would
burn out-of-control.
Does this mean that there is a God?
    URANIA (English pronunciation: Your-Anus) MOONS YOU*
         aka PLATO's* MAN in the CAVE Series Resumes***
                by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist
Is there a God? In the name of full disclosure: CJ is a deist
of the traditional variety**** (Reminder: This comsat was
always about astronomy and philosophy/theology. Herein, we
attempt to combine the two.
 Atlas shrugged. Atlas: "BIG deal, humans named one rocket
after me - albeit an important one -- but it is still one. Originally,
it was an intercontinental ballistic missile. The Redstone
missile was modified for the U.S.'s first manned program in
the '60s. Project Mercury consisted of six one-man missions.
The first two were sub-orbital and employed the Redstone.
Mine was the more powerful intercontinental missile and
modified for the four orbital flights. It was so exciting that I
nearly dropped the earth from my shoulder! A family of launch
 vehicles, the Atlas 5 is still in service. My namesake has sent
 probes to the moon and Mars, and has placed communication
 and military satellites into earth orbit, including,
geosynchronous orbit.
Urania: "As Reagan famously said 'There he goes again.'
Doesn't Hermes have enough room at ! Rockets aren't part of
astronomy. Why must he invade my space? Philosophy? I
don't like it but I wouldn't say it to Plato's face.
Lucky Strike!?! (CJ quit smoking cold turkey three years ago).
Earth One was struck by Orpheus: a Mars-sized object. It
struck at just the right angle and speed to create a ring of
debris which would coalesce to form our moon. The ring
formed just outside the Roche Limit; a little closer and
earth's gravity would have prevented it from coalescing -
the material would have spiraled into the earth. Earth's tidal
forces have caused the moon to move outward to its present
       Our moon isn't the largest moon but it is the largest
compared to the size of its planet: about 1/4 earth's size. It
is responsible for retaining the earth's inclination of 23
degrees; earth's axis  is tilted. Otherwise, it would gyrate
wildly over hundreds of thousands or millions of years
 from 0 to 90 degrees like Mars. It is doubtful that
hominids or humans could have survived such drastic
climatic changes. More fundamentally, according to
scientists the creation of DNA required hundreds of
millions of years of climatic stability
      Further, it is likely that the moon has been in the right
place at the right time in its orbit to take blows for us
from comets, asteroids and large pieces of asteroids.
There might have been more mass extinctions in the past.
Also, Jupiter is the right size and right distance to have
intercepted comets headed for earth or deflected comets,
prevented our extinction.
     (Did these things occur by pure chance!?!).
Orpheus****: "It is indeed an honor and a pleasure to visit. I
have my lyre. Who's in charge here: Urania, Plato, Rick or
CJ.  I would like permission to sing my praises."
There is also an asteroid Orpheus with a one in 10,ooo
chance of striking earth over the next 100 years and doing
 regional damage.
Orpheus: "Pardon me." Atlas: "I can't deal with it. Do you
know who I am!" Urania: There is a small moon very near
 the  Ring A of Saturn called Atlas and it is said that you
 have the ring on your shoulder. This should serve as some
consolation." Atlas: "I'll muse on it."
(Is this an ADD-ed article!?!)
Most Biblical experts maintained that Jesus was hijacked by
Saint Paul and the Roman Emperor Constantine. Both of
who didn't know Jesus and both of whom call themselves 'The
13th Apostle; both of whom had visions.
       Paul was more educated than the Apostles having come
from a fairly well-to-do Jewish family and enjoying a
successful tent business. His education on the Jewish faith
would have been superior. In all likelihood he would have
been taught Greek philosophy and ancient mythologies,
including, Greek. While the Apostles spoke Hebrew or Arabic,
he would have spoken those languages plus Greek and
      Jesus was crucified. The Apostles continued to be
practicing Jews: reciting Jewish prayers, celebrating Jewish
holy days, performing Jewish ceremonies; just like Jesus had.
They were called Ebonites; we might call them Jewish-
Christians. They also taught the teachings of Jesus whom they
thought was the Messiah not the Son of God.
(Remember Christians: Strange Bedfellows - CJ is a member
of the Christian "Alliance Defending Freedom." You need not be
offended. We are a Christian nation with a strong Judeo-
Christian component).
      Paul changed all that: declaring that Jesus was the Son
of God and enabling pagans to become followers of Jesus
without becoming Jews.
      James headed the Ebonites after Jesus' crucifixion.
Protestants consider him to be Jesus' half-brother while
Catholics - Roman and Easter Orthodox - don't. A few of the
Apostles, including, Peter came to agree with Paul but most
     By about 300 A.D. there were various Pauline Christian
groups, Ebonite groups and Gnostic (with a Jesus component)
(More info on early Christianity in other installments of "Plato's
     Constantine made Christianity legal and took the largest
Pauline group and ordered the other groups to merge with it.
Those that refused remained underground and vanished
after a few hundred years. He made the new large group the
Roman Catholic Church. He authorized a New Testament
which contains the letters that Paul wrote, Paul's activities,
Paul's interpretation of Jesus' philosophy. As a matter of
fact nearly 2/3 is Paul.
The odds of there having been a BIG Bang our astronomically
Space (time was a spatial dimension, later becoming non-spatial,
consequentially, no beginning of time). Space wasn't empty
but contained dark energy in which
particles and their corresponding anti-particles formed and
within an unbelievably small fraction of a second annihilated
each other. Once in a blue moon somehow some particles
and anti-particles survived until there were enough to create
 a BIG Bang. But there were slightly more particles than
anti-particles, therefore our universe consists of matter and
not anti-matter. Space isn't empty but contains this dark energy.
 It's the nature of things. Physicists claim that they aren't
violating the law of physics that states that you can't get
something from nothing!!!
The Bible is chock full of visions/prophecies and miracles.
Why would God create laws of nature in order to violate
them!?! Wouldn't He create a universe in which He could
operate without violating His own work??? Would he even
interfere at all?
Not too hot, not too cold, just right: Goldilocks.
Idealism or Immaterialism: minds and ideas are all that there
is. Physicalism or Materialism: bodies and matter are all
there is. Just Right/The Middle Ground like our fine-tuned
universe - Dualism: Mental and Physical; Mind and Matter.
The first is silly. The second would be the winner except for
the way it deals with fine-tuning. The last leads to soul/
spirit and body.
Article ADD-ed?
Pandora/Eve and Gilgamesh and Noah and much more (See
other Plato Man in the Cave installments). The Bible is better
when not taken literally but philosophically and as a guide for
good human behavior.
The God of the Old Testaments is petty and cruel while the
 Son doesn't take after the Father and, yet, they are one
and the same: multiple personalities. Cruelty: God acts in
mysterious ways. Evil is evil whether committed by God or
Human. An example: killing babies in flood. How did they
cross God. Drowning is one of the worst ways to die. They
barely enjoyed living and then went to hell! According to
New Testament: Jesus descended into hell to give those
who lived before He came to earth a chance to follow Him.
It means babies were in hell along with the first born sons
of the Egyptians. Catholic Church invented limbo to get
around the problem but Bible doesn't say babies or anyone
who lived prior to the coming of Jesus went to limbo. CC
invented Purgatory. Protestants object to these creations.
       Bible as word of God: flat earth; immobile earth; no
evolution and extinctions; heaven as invisible firmament not
that far above our heads; hell below; belief in ghosts. God
wrote Bible through humans. Religious Person: Humans
misunderstood. Why couldn't God transmit more clearly?
Religious Person: God wanted humans to discover certain
facts on their own. Excuses
      We are a Christian nation. Churches do a better job at
helping the needy than does the government. Churches
generate a sense of community. The Founding Fathers and
Founding Docs were one part Judeo-Christian- and one
part Enlightenment- inspired. When our nation was founded
99% identified themselves as Christian while today it is 70%
B.O. is wrong to state that we are a nation of Christians, Jews,
Muslims, etc, believers and non-believers. He is attacking
our very core: WESTERN CIVILIZATION!!!
CJ: "This one is for Urania: "Urania Upset" (one-level down)
 revisited...We described the theory of star formation. In some
 cases, it is triggered by a supernova explosion. In a majority
of cases, it is triggered by luck. Random motion: eddies and
steams of particle coming from difference directions. Either
way, very small clumps form allowing attraction via electro-
static force.
       We would like to add: density waves. Star formation takes
place in the spiral arms of spiral galaxies. Think of a water
wave. The water moves up and down - horizontally; the energy
promulgates - vertically. A ball would bop up and down. Why?
The water molecules are moving thus. In the case of clouds
of gas and dust the energy in the density wave is presently
where the arm is located causing some interstellar dust and
 gas to form clouds of dust and gas - where new stars are born.
Nowadays, scientists place faith in numbers with little or no 
supporting observational or experimental evidence. Math.
speculation as fact short-circuiting the Scientific Method (See
other Man in Cave articles.
     Relativity and Quantum Physics defy common sense. We put
our money on Jew. Relativity is palatable.
     Then came Inflation in '80 and multi-universes as a derivative
by the '90s. Of course, universe means all. Right, Pan. It appears
as if Antropic caused a crisis in physics and they had to come
up with something no matter how ridiculous! Some physicists
claim that there is only one universe and it is just a fluke that
everything is just right. It happened by chance. Although,
statistically speaking, the chances of our universe existing
is practically zero. Others maintain that there are many, trillions
or an infinite number of universes that a few would get it
right, statistically speaking. Physicists use to see elegance and
beauty in the  simplest explanation. Antropic caused
contortions! Further, time had no beginning and you can't get
something from nothing except short-lived particles and Higgs
     What follows from Relativity. There was a singularity
containing WHAT? All energy at a point with no length, width
or depth or 4-dimensional space a little larger than a point.
 Time is a spatial dimension until bang. Time as non-spatial 
begins with Big Bang followed by Inflation. Some energy
becomes matter. Permissible: E = MC squared. The laws of
physics, constants and parameters determined at instant of
bang. There is a T = 0. There is only one universe. 3-
dimensional space isn't empty. Dark energy filled it instant of
the bang. Matter and dark matter created at the instant of the
bang. A Conscious Mind or God must have caused bang and
created laws of physics at the time of the bang. Belief in Bible
 is belief based on faith. There is also believe based on Reason.
 There is science today: belief in numbers with particles
 popping in and out of existence; an electron in many places at
 the same time -sometimes in another universe. More than
 three spatial dimensions in order to explain relative weakness
 of gravity compared to the other three fundamental forces.
 We don't have a problem with that. Keep it simple: one
universe and one God or Cosmic Consciousness. (There is
 nothing scientific about scientific creationism).
     God-singularity-Relativity-Quantum Fluctuations (we don't
 have a problem with all of Quantum)Astronomical Evolution-
Geological Evolution-Biological Evolution.
     As Penrose has suggested: Physical/Material World; Math.
World; Mind World. Mind or Consciousness ---- or soul.
     God breaths 'life' into equations. What happened at T = 0
is beyond scientific explanation when singularity banged.
Is this an ADD-ed Article!?!
* Goodbye*Farewell*Amen is CJ the boy who cried wolf? We
said it before but this time it is definite. There will be zero to
three more articles per comsat; we are closing up shop. There
is a remote possibly that articles will appear infrequently in
the new year but without a doubt there will no longer be five to
fifteen articles per month.
**Yes, the honored guest who still won't leave! Brought here via
the Einstein/Rosen Bridge.
***Plato's Man in the Cave Series: one installment is located at while the rest are at Urania's
Place. Find installment one and work your way backward - or
not; reading in order isn't absolutely necessary by semi-strongly
****Traditional deist defined: There is a 'God' who is logical/
rational/compassionate. We don't believe in the God of the
Bible. At the instant of the BIG Bang, God wrote the laws of
nature (physics). He observes the unfolding universe but
doesn't interfere by punishing people on earth (punishing with a
flood, including, babies, for example); prophecies; miracles.
We are not certain that there is a God and a heaven (if there is
 a heaven, it is here
where we would be punished and rewarded for our lives on
earth). God doesn't answer prayers; He doesn't illogically
violate the laws that He created. He would be too compass-
ionate to create hell. At the instant of the BIG Bang, He
establishes a antrophic universe that will result in life, including,
intelligent life (although, he likely didn't know what kind of
life). He establishes laws that will very likely create life and
 somewhat likely Intelligent life. Intelligent life by its very
nature will have free will.
Less appealing: Buddhists think that your consciousness melds
with a cosmic consciousness wherein your identity is lost while
New Wave thinkers think your individual identity isn't
Roger Penrose, physicist, suggests that at some point after the
BIG Bang the cosmos acquired consciousness and somehow
directing the cosmos to create beings possessing conscious-
ness who could appreciate the cosmic consciousness. He further
 posits, consciousness resides in the microtubules (the cell's
skeleton),  At death, consciousness leaves the body
and becomes a part of the cosmic consciousness.
One can accept God and Heaven predicated on reason but
there is no certainty. Plato and Janus heavenward?


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fwd: Urania Upset...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 26, 2012 8:13 pm
Subject: Urania Upset...

                                  URANIA UPSET
             by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist
The earth's magnetic field shields us by deflecting the solar
 wind: high energy particles emanating from the sun (mostly
protons and electrons). However, some become trapped by
the magnetic field in one of two doughnut or tire shaped
belts known as the Van Allen Belts. Two lower half tires and
two higher half tires.
      The lower belt ranges from 1,000 to 10,000 kilometers*
above the earth while the other belt is approximately 15,000
to 65,000. The inner belt has far more protons the electrons
and the highest density is around 3,500. The outer consisting
mostly of electrons is most dense at about 18,000.
      Satellites and spacecraft can't be placed in the two
densest regions. Objects placed outside of these regions still
need protection.
Urania; "I hate to be a name dropper but what in Hades is going
on at my comsat!?! I'm all about astronomy; the above is not
astronomy. It has a component that might interest Hermes and
should have been placed at .**
 Where is Eros? He likes to be mischievous. Did he do it?
What can I do about someone smuggling inappropriate material
to my comsat? Unconstitutional feel-ups and porno pics like the
According to the Discovery Channel's "How the Universe Works -
Episode: The Birth of the Earth" (Urania: "Now that's more like
it.") supernova's are necessary for star formation. The shock
wave from a supernova striking a nebula will cause dense
 pockets to form and grow into stars. While PBS/CUNY's
"Astronomy (Urania: "that's what I'm about") - Episode: The Birth
of the Solar System" there weren't enough supernovas since
the first generation stars (the first stars in our Galaxy) to
explain all of the second and third generations. An additional
mechanism must be at work. (Urania: "I love it") Random
motion: Particles moving helter skelter occasionally become
close enough for electrostatic force to cause these few particles
to move together. Over a period on average of 80 million years.
electrostatic forces will cause these little packets to attract
other little packets - from a few particles to dust bunnies of
gas and dust to an object about ten miles across. Now,
gravity is strong enough to kick-in. On average, it will take
another 20 million years and a star is born!
      In both methods, a few particles clump and, eventually.
form stars via the process outlined.
Interstellar dust and gas is very tenuous - in some places
 nearly a vacuum and, in others, not much more. Nebulas
which can later be the nursery for many stars are more dense
 but not dense: if you took a mountain's worth of dust and gas
in a nebula...remember: an atom is mostly empty space, if a
proton were the size of a baseball, the nearest electron
would be about two floors up...removed the empty space in
the atoms, you would end up with a rock about the size of a
*1 kilometer = .6 miles, sp 1.000 kilometers = 600 miles.
See ** ,if you have a
problem reaching this comsat, try, Second American
Revolution at Facebook.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fwd: Urania Presents (New Version)...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 22, 2012 6:11 pm
Subject: Fwd: Urania Presents (New Version)...

Dear Readers, This is corrected version. In original version, pics 2 & 3 had to do with astronautics not
 astronomy and not the nature of our Galaxy. Rectified: Pics 2 & 3 replaced with proper pics. This is
expanded version with 'new' info on exoplanets.
Original Version: Wed, Jul 18, 2012 8:40 pm

                        URANIA Presents Her Astronomy (Corrected & Expanded)
                                  by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
We protest!!! Books, documentaries and the Internet claim that the first exoplanet was
discovered in '92 orbiting a pulsar and in '95 by Mike Mayor (51 Pegusi b) orbiting a main
sequence star. We contend that exoplanets were discovered in the '60s and '70s as
astrometric binaries. Astrometric binaries are binaries in which one member is too faint to be
seen but whose presence is realized and its mass determined by its gravitational effect on its
larger and visible partner. The mass can be low enough to qualify it as a planet. A method still
employed. See "Plato Presents Calliope" at You may want to
 reread --- or not. Add this to that as it comes from the same source: Peter van de Kemp may
have been the first exoplanet discoverer in '68 after carefully analyzing hundreds of observations
 of Barnard's Star made over a 51 year period.  (as stated in the college textbook; second
edition - '69 which also talks about 69 Cygni). It had a mass 80% greater than Jupiter. You
 might argue that we now consider objects ranging from 15 to 25 Jupiter masses to be brown
dwarf stars. Let's fast forward to the '85 third edition of Hartmann's college textbook:
"Astronomy: The Cosmic Journey." It states that five of the nearest stars have planets,
including, Barnard's Star and 61 Cygni. And, that three stars just a little further out have
planets with masses 10-15 times greater than Jupiter's. We tentatively rest our case!
After all, more evidence might come to light. It has (expanded version)! "Astronomy:
Fundamentals and Frontiers" ('77) by Jastrow and Thompson: "The periodic shift or wiggle
seems to have been detected in the path of Barnard's Star. According to Peter van de Kamp,
small variations in the path of Barnard's Star reveal that two planets, approximately the size of
Jupiter and Saturn are in orbit around it...photographic plates exposed at the telescope over
a period of decades. Two such quests have been performed...implying presence of  two or
more planets of Jovian mass or smaller. {Needs further study}" "Are We Alone" ('81) by Rood
 and Trefil: "...Barnard's Star is small (0.15 solar masses) star about 5 light years away. Since
 the late 1930s, Peter van de Kamp has taken thousands of photographs of this star...Although
some of (his) early data were questioned on technical grounds, the data since 1950 can't be
criticized on the same grounds. Furthermore the predictions of the star's position made on the
basis of data taken through 1975 have been verified by observation taken through 1979.
Even though some controversy remains, van de Kamp and Lipponcott seem successfully
detected the first extrasolar-system planet."* Carl Sagan contributes to the conversation:
"...For most of the trip the velocity would be very close to the speed of light and time would
slow down enormously. A nearby objective, a sun that may have planets, Barnard's star,
about six light years away. it could be reached in about eight years as measured by clocks
aboard the shop..." (Cosmos, 1980). Thanks Carl from coming from the heavens (weren't
you an atheist?) to serve as a witness. Kamp not Mayor: We rest our case!
Between the '50s and the '90s, it was thought that the Milky Way Galaxy consisted
of four major arms: Norma; Sagittarius; Scutum-Centaurus; Perseus; There were two spurs:
Our solar system resides on a spur of Sagittarius called Orion.
During the '90s, we came to the realization that our galaxy wasn't a spiral but a barred-
spiral with two major arms: Perseus emanating from one end of the bar and Scutum-
Centaurus the other - which is the way virtually all barred spiral do it. These arms
contained numerous young, hot stars and old red giants. The other two arms have been
downgraded to minor having a paucity of hot, young stars and being sgorter.. All arms have
 dust and gas. (Some astronomers are calling it: Crux-Scutum).
If truth be told: the downgraded arms are none too pleased! A deviant Centaurus issued
a Press Release: "I'm still here. Challenge me: Make my  day!" Sagittarius is resigned
to the situation having told reporters: "Now, I know how Pluto feels!
(Also at this venue "Citizen Journalist is Missing" - start with "The Last Bow". {"The Return of
Citizen Journalist" at; "Prequel: Citizen Journalist in Diogenes
Club" at - problems connecting? Connect via Facebook
Second American Revolution} Also at this site: The on-going "Plato in the Cave Series").
(We must acknowledge the fact that Hubble has yet to confirm).

Monday, June 18, 2012

Fwd: Busman's Holiday...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 18, 2012 8:58 am
Subject: Busman's Holiday...

                                                                             BUSMAN'S HOLIDAY
                                by the Hot New Trio: Richard DePersio, Citizen Journalist and Aristotle
We are pulling out all the stops for these here are final' articles on all five of the CJCS COMSATS (web
 sites). Citizen Journalist doesn't do friendship but Aristotle does:
                           "A friend to all is a friend to none." "A true friend is one soul in two bodies."
                                                          "Friendship is essentially a partnership."
We've had many: Plato; Al; the Cartwrights; Sherlock, Mycroft, John; Dago Red and Duke; Topper,
Marion, George; Number 6; Rod; the Mavericks; the rest of the Gang.
Special Members: George, John, Tom and Jim.
There will be those who disagree with us but we define Western Civilization/Western Culture/
The West as Western Europe, with our origins in Ancient Greece and the peak: the US of A. At
one time, it would have included all of Europe. Due to socialism for about a hundred years and the
 heavy influx of muslims over the past couple decades, Western Europe has moved even further
away from Western Civilization than we have (our problems began in the mid-'60s).
      The situation has gotten progressively worse since the mid-sixties: The drug culture; the sexual
revolution; the birth of the modern women's movement; Johnson's great society programs (none of
those major changes will be dignified with capital letters!). The situation has gotten progressively
worse since the mid-sixties as regards the teaching of social studies and science in elementary
schools, high schools (especially, the public variety) and colleges (public and private). Younger minds
are taught what to think not how to think. They are taught one-side of an issue only and if they are taught
both sides one is given much greater preference - fair and balanced not; indoctrination not education.
This applies to many issues, including, labor unions (most public schools teach about the glorious
unions beginning in first grade!), global warming/climate change, American history (including, out-and-
out lies about the Founding Fathers and the so-called Robber Barons), capitalism, homosexuality.
Beginning in the mid-sixties, lib educators began to go negative on Western Civilization (some - all of it; 
others - all of it except Enlightenment) and American history. On average, over 60% of American history text
books are negative about our nation, perhaps, even anti-American! They are often subtle and seductive in
approach. Over 60% of public elementary school teachers are libs and don't hold traditional moral values;
high school teachers: over 75%; college professors and instructors: over 90%.
We recommend without reservation the following (and encourage you to make a donation or become a
member): Western Culture Global ; ; Youth for Western
 Civilization; Judicial Watch; Alliance Defense Fund.
More attacks on our Culture...Alliance Defense Fund: "Fighting the ACLU and its allies who bully
public schools and government officials to deny your Judeo-Christian  heritage...Stopping attempts
by radical homosexual activists to redefine marriage and punish those who disagree." The Rise and Fall of
Western Civilization - public schools: 5th grader delivers speech to school body on same-sex marriage!; teacher
in another school shocks 5th graders with graphic descriptions of oral and anal sex! Certainly, this behavior
can't be countenanced by our Judeo-Christian heritage nor Enlightenment thinking. This is progressive!!!
Most of the articles at this site, especially, the one two floors down, have to do with Western Civilization. Please
read articles at Citizenj concerning morality, public schools, the mainstream media, today's precarious
military, sex-selection and more.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, May 23, 2012 3:07 pm
Subject: UNNERVING! and TRUE...
Citizen Journalist: "I had taken ill on the Ponderosa. I became alarmed when
Little Joe could only fetch a card shark/dentist (!) from Virginia City. Amazingly,
I got better...did I have a choice???...Last year, I took ill and was treated by John
Hamish Watson - fine chap and doc. A few years back, I was fortunate enough to
be treated by an outstanding sawbones - Duke Forrest. Of course, Dago Red
visited. Two treatments and a threat plus a bet!"

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fwd: OUTSIDE of the CAVE...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Thu, May 3, 2012 7:11 am
Subject: OUTSIDE of the CAVE...
Originally posted on May 2, it has now been expanded; new section is cleverly labeled 'new section.'

                                  PLATO's MAN in the CAVE series: OUTSIDE of the CAVE
                                            by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
 An Important Message from a Non-religious/Scientific/Moral Traditionalist/Deist with a Splash
of Plato*:
During Christmastime (this is the appropriate time to discuss it) which type of displays
 were required in public buildings, including, schools and should still be required? Those
 associated with the federal holiday known as Christmas: Nativity scenes; Christmas
trees; Santa Claus displays. A community can opt to chose other religions to be represented.
Which other religions if any? Their choice. Which symbols? Their choice.
      Let us not forget that the Founding Fathers created a Judeo-Christian/Federalist/
Constructionist U.S. Constitution, including, Bill of Rights and not what libs think: a secular/
progressive 'living' constitution. We use the term republic not democracy in our Pledge of
Allegiance. Majority rules in both but in a democracy unlike a republic one or more or all of the
bill of rights can be negated from the minority, the minority can be unduly inconvenienced and
placed in a precarious situation.
     When our nation was founded most states had an official religion. The national constitution
did not preclude this. It states, however, that there couldn't be a national religion too and,
further, fed gov couldn't interfere with the practice of religion. Today religious voices are being
banned from the public square! President Jefferson ordered that D.C. schools had to begin
and end the school day with a prayer and use the Bible to help teach English - just like the
states. That ended in '64, when the U.S. Supreme Court decided that they knew more than the
Founders. An Indian tribe wanted to learn Christianity on their land, he used fed funds to pay a
minister's salary for a year and to build a church (more at the web sites Citizenj and rickadd -
connect via Facebook- Second American Revolution and Twitter- @rickaddsite) Libs lie about
what Tom meant by separation-of-church-and-state, he meant fed gov would not declare a
particular Christian denomination as the national church not that fed gov had to be hostile toward
religion or muzzle it in defiance of Amendment One. About 80% of famous, semi-famous and
unknown Founders were Christians and 18% Deists (not a religion but a philosophy).
      Allow us to illustrate our point with an actual event that transpired a few years back in Texas.
An old people's...not PC...Senior Citizen's club, partially funded by gov, listened to gospel music
on Mondays. Of the 100 members, 2 were  Jewish members and objected to the tradition.
They did what Americans are wont to do: took it to court! Lib judged: gospel is banned. What would
our Founders say and what would a constructionist judge of today say: "Disgraceful: Friends taking
friends to court; couldn't you resolve this matter on your own? Are there other senior clubs in
the area? If so, you can go there on Mondays or once in a while you can play a record...we are
dating ourselves...CD of a Jewish cantor on Mondays.
      Bottom line: libs are creating minority rule in our nation. No one is denied a Bill of Right if
appropriately there is a Nativity in a courthouse or gospel music; no one is unduly inconvenienced; 
no reasonable person can be by offended. If a majority in a state or city or neighborhood want public school
prayer - there should be prayer. A parent can instruct their child to stand politely, not be disruptive, but not
utter a word of the prayer: Christian or non-denominational - whatever is decided upon. No one
can deny the rise in juvenile delinquency since God was taken out of schools in the '60s coupled
with other destructive lib actions. (Look at what is happening to military traditions because of libs
primarily and Muslims secondarily - see Citizenj, rickadd and ).
Yes, it's the cleverly named: NEW SECTION - enjoy! Do something that you rarely do: exercise some
common sense. Certain symbols and activities are associated with particular national holidays: New Year's -
"Auld Lang Syne," countdown to midnight, getting drunk; Veterans Day - parades; Thanksgiving - turkey,
Pilgrims, stuffing yourself like a turkey; Independence Day - fire work shows, picnics; President's Day -
pictures of George and Abe; we don't wish to offend our black friends - Martin Luther King Day - pics of
Martin; Labor Day - women giving birth. Would you think it appropriate if a lib judge ordered that an element
be arbitrarily added or omitted? You can't have picnics on the 4th because 1% of some minority is
offended by it. If you have turkey on Thanksgiving, you must also have beef and pork.
While religion has been a positive in society for the most part, it is not above being analyzed and
critiqued. Miracles: Extraordinary events require extraordinary evidence. God acts in mysterious ways
won't cut it. The God of the Old Testament was a baby killer. His gift of free will seems to come with a
codicil: You are free to make your own choices but if I don't like your choices I will punish you now and
after you die! You must only make what I consider right choices. He was angry with the choices made
by virtually everyone - so with a great flood he kills men, women, children and babies too. Death by
drowning is a horrible death. What sins did the innocent children commit!?! He saves Noah, his good
family and some GOOD animals.(As we heretofore stated other cultures have similar flood stories, for
example, the Greeks and Zeus). Later, he does it again (A repeat performance in a somewhat smaller
scale): He kills the first born sons of Egypt - many of whom were babies. Moses and the tribes make it
safely across the parted water. Does God restore the water to prevent the Pharaoh and his soldiers from
 continuing their pursuit? No; he waits until they are on the riverbed before returning the water: the horrible
 death by drowning again. (FAIR AND BALANCED:  We shall be equally tough with science when circumstances
warrant. You experienced a sample of that in an earlier installment. We will concentrate on science after we
wrap up religion - one more installment).
Let's return to where we left off last time...Of course, the Pope, Bishop Jake and the Reverend Graham are
shielded from tough questions by their staffs - much like when the president appears before a group like a
town meeting and the only invitees are of his party, the questions are cleared in advance or supplied. Even
the White House Press Corp never asks truly tough questions; although, republican presidents get far more
semi-tough ones than dems.
      Did the Apostles and even more so Paul get some of the ideas about Jesus from gods like Osiris, Mithra
and Hercules? After his death when they were trying to fully what he was about and were trying to come to
terms with his death.
     There is sparse evidence that Jesus studied with the Essences but stronger evidence that James
was associated with this strict Jewish sect. While the Old Testament predicts another Messiah (Jews had
Messiahs such as Moses and David), some interpret the Dead Sea Scrolls written by the Essenes as
stating that the Messiah would be crucified and rise. Does this mean that there were Jews who prior to Jesus
 thought in terms of a suffering messiah who must suffer for man (Most of Hercules 'labors' were for man),
 perhaps, not even achieve all of his goals if the suffering took the form of a premature death?
      Enter: Simon of Peraea who nearly had a successful rebellion against Herod until he was caught and became
head-less! Josephus the most famous and respected first century historian writes more about him than Jesus.
Some archeologists maintain that his followers wrote that Simon rose after three days, perhaps, to cope with
their messiah defeat; many continue to follow him after his death. He died in 4 B.C. Did Jesus know of and did
he become a prototype for Jesus. Or, did the apostles find out about him and decide Jesus rose as a way of
coping. Historians have wondered: There have been up to ten who have claimed to be messiah or their followers
 have claimed it  between about 10 BC and 700 AD. They would be killed - defeated - all or virtually all of their
followers dispersed and went home. They few they didn't soon faded away. Christians claim that apostles and
other followers went into hiding after crucifixion for about two weeks and then emerged preaching. Why didn't they
abandon Jesus. Did they transpose Simon to Jesus (maybe, not consciously aware of what they were doing) and
 continue to follow like many of Simon followers did? Jesus rose  after suffering and will return later to fulfil his mission.
De-emphasize defeat: killed;' emphasize: rose and later return for Last Judgement. Simon and Jesus not abandoned
by followers; eventually, after long interval Simon lost his - maybe, some became Jesus followers. The key for Simon/
Jesus: resurrection.
*Strange Bedfellows: We will continue to defend the rights of the religious as our friends George, John, Tom, Jim
and the rest of the gang intended. Alliance Defense Fund's Certificate of Appreciation: "Richard DePersio: A
Champion of Religious Freedom whose steadfast support helps keep the door open for the spread of the Gospel."

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fwd: PLATO'S MAN in the CAVE series continues...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Apr 25, 2012 12:56 pm
Subject: PLATO'S MAN in the CAVE series continues...

                                          Plato's Man in the Cave Series continues...
     Osiris* (our beer guy) to Mithra (mark his birthday on your calendar: December 25)
                                                    to Hercules** to Paul's Jesus
                                    by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
Article is largely self-contained and stands alone. However, you will get more out of series if you
begin with part one. Do it as we worked hard on them! Do it for Plato!
Reminder: RD & CJ are deist with a Splash of Plato; do believe in possibility of God and Heaven.
 (Views which he will share with you soon). Strange Bedfellows? We Report/You Decide: A
strong believer in all of Amendment One, he is a proud member of ADF (Alliance Defense Fund -
protecting the rights of the religious, especially, Christian from lib attacks) and acknowledges the
largely positive role played by the Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist religions. Blind belief or a
critical examination of the Bible in order to get "Closer to the Truth" (Have you seen that series?-
PBS/CUNY. Our,activities have been similar for the past few years. Excellent show but we don't
always agree; we would also like to thank our ourselves for affording ourselves the opportunity to
recommend "the Naked Archeologist" on the HistoryChannel). Plato appears regularly at this venue
and rarely at He will be  producing the next article there (will it be live?)
soon. Taking care of business.
 Mithraism religion originated about 600 B.C. in Persia, made its way to Greece and, eventually, Rome.
 He was human, yet, divine and born on December 25 from a rock. He is known for slaughtering a
bull and sharing a banquet with sun-god. Actually, he was an offspring of the sun-god. Mithra had
twelve companions and performed miracles (sound familiar?). He had 'nicknames': the Good
Shepard; the Way, the Truth and the Light; Redeemer; Savior (Sound familiar?). Upon death, he was
 buried in a tomb and resurrected three days later. This day was celebrated. Later, Christians would
celebrate Easter on the self-same day. 
      He had a virgin mother. After birth, he was visited by three magi who adored him and
brought him gifts. Followers believed in the immortality of the soul, a last judgement and the
resurrection of the dead.
      There was baptism to remove sin and a ceremony involving water and bread and, in which,
sacramental wine played a role. There are additional similarities between Christianity and Mithraism.
      There are those that maintain that Mythra ideas were resurrected in the Roman Empire about
 a decade or so after Jesus resurrected. It became a secret mystery cult particularly attractive
to Roman officers. Which elements were part of Roman version and which elements that are new
is uncertain. It might have been syncretistic. (The myth of Mithra may have originated in India three
thousand years ago went to Persia to Babylonian to Greece to Rome).
(Keep in mind for later: Christmas; Easter; Roman officers).
The 12 Apostles lived and worked with Jesus for three years. Many scholars consider it reasonable
to assume that Jesus knew some of them, especially, the fisherman in the Galilee before he began
his ministry at age 27.
      And, then came Paul. He never knew Jesus; what he knew of his life and philosophy was
secondhand. He arrested followers of Jesus after Jesus was crucified. He was a strict Jew. As
we stated in a previous installment, he was likely more educated than the Apostles. It was
unusual for Jews to be Roman citizens. Some well-to-do Jews were; Paul's parents were. He
likely received a fairly good education and spoke Greek, Hebrew and Latin plus would have had an
accent. all of this added up to his being a strange one as far as the Apostles were concerned. On the
road to Damascus (wasn't that a Hope/Crosby movie?), he fell off of his horse, hit his head and had a
vision of Jesus which resulted in his conversion. Biblical experts indicate that he may have had more
visions or dreams in which he learned more. The Bible explicitly talks of one. 
      He considered himself the 13th Apostle which didn't sit well with most of the Originals, including,
Jesus' brother James. Experts tell us that he combined Jesus' philosophy with Greek philosophy,
especially, Greek Stoic Philosophy. He told pagans that they could become Jesus believers without
becoming Jews and, on at least one occasion, told Jews that they could abandon the Law. Over
two-thirds of New Testament is concerned with Paul's interpretation of Jesus theology, Paul's activities
and Paul's letters. He largely defined Holy Spirit, encouraged performing Communion every Sunday and
stated that baptism should replace circumcision (which was part of the sacred covenant made
between God and the Israelites), amongst other things. Why didn't Jesus tell these things during the
three yeas that he spent with the Apostles. Certainly, he would have made the time. Did he forget? Did he
have to make an appearance to the guy who hit his noggin' to tie up loose ends; loose ends? - more
like fundamental issues.
      We haven't heard or read the following anywhere. Is it an original idea? In the past, we have been
certain of our originality on various issues. In this case, we claim such until the contrary rears its ugly
 head. We think not. Others probably had it before us. The educated Paul would have known the
Hercules Myth. Might he not also have known of Osiris and Mitra. Did he create a syncretism involving
the lives of Jesus plus elements from these three other gods thus creating a new Jesus story? As stated
previously, the Apostles thought Jesus to be Messiah while Paul thought him to be Messiah and Son of
God. A few of the Apostles but not most came around to his way of thinking, including, Peter --- but not
      Upon the death of John the Baptist, Jesus became the leader of John's People of the Way group;
Upon Jesus' death, People of the Way became the Nazarenes headed by the Bishop of Jerusalem,
James (brother of Jesus according to Protestants but not Roman and Eastern Orthodox Catholics).
Jesus and the Apostles were practicing Jews and the Apostles continued to be so after Jesus'
crucifixion. Jesus modified of few of the 613 commandments but did not abandon any of them; added
new prayers to existing Jewish prayers; ate kosher; was called rabbi; worshipped at the Jerusalem
 (second Solomon) Temple; celebrated Jewish holy days - he celebrated Passover the day before he was
 nailed to the cross. He nor his Apostles ever said that baptism could replace circumcision! The
circumcised Jesus was a Jew-boy!
      It appears to more and more Biblical authorities that Jesus wasn't here to create a new religion but
a new Jewish denomination - what we call in hindsight Jewish-Christians.  (which is what the Nazarenes
were while today we refer to followers of Paul as Pauline Christians).
     It appears that Paul wanted to reconcile with James. When the Jerusalem congregation was in dire
financial straits, he raised a collection amongst his followers and brought it to Jerusalem in person. The
donation was soundly rejected. "Paul: Founder of Christianity" by Gerd Ludemann (Prometheus Books, 2002):
"...Paul was an apostate from the law (Editor's Note: Jewish law) almost from the Acts
21:21, Paul teachers all Jews who are among the gentiles to forsake Moses, telling them not to
circumcise their children or observe the customs. This charge {apostate) runs like a scarlet thread
through the stories told by the Jewish Christian groups which claimed to be the successors of the original
Jerusalem church."
     Rejection of Pascal's Wager: Collection rejected by James and Jerusalem community; James and
Jerusalem community very probably somehow responsible for Paul's arrest and certainly did nothing to
help him. Not original: A growing number of Bible experts think that James had a role in Paul's arrest.
Whereupon, Paul invokes his Roman citizenship and placed under semi-house arrest: continues to preach,
have visitors. Some suggest that he had been working with the Sadducees (the Temple rabbis, the wealthiest
 and most powerful of the Jewish denomoinations) or the  Pharisees (rabbis of Synagogues and their followers,
 Paul is believed to have been a Pharisee) to cause a rift between Judaism and Jewish Christians.
Sadducees worked with Roman authorities and Paul lived the good prisoner life - though, eventually, he lost
 his noggin' - the very noggin' that generated at least one vision.
      In this corner, the guy who hits his noggin' and in the other corner, those who knew him. Remember:
This is the 21th Century. We don't think that demons are around every corner and hiding behind bushes.
     And, then came Roman Emperor Constantine...
**Correction: In Hercules installment we stated that he rose body and soul after completing ten labors mostly
for humanity and after descending into Hades. His body burnt while SOUL rose during which time Zeus converted
him from a demi-god into a god.
*Footnote or Supplement to Osiris Installment? We Write/You Decide (Our former English teachers can hang
themselves with a dangly participle!). More on Osiris and beer: A Greek historian from the time of Julius Caesar
wrote that, "Osiris taught the people how to brew the beverage which is made of barley, which is not greatly
inferior to wine in odor and potency."