-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Thu, May 3, 2012 7:11 am
Subject: OUTSIDE of the CAVE...
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Thu, May 3, 2012 7:11 am
Subject: OUTSIDE of the CAVE...
Originally posted on May 2, it has now been expanded; new section is cleverly labeled 'new section.'
PLATO's MAN in the CAVE series: OUTSIDE of the CAVE
by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
An Important Message from a Non-religious/Scientific/Moral Traditionalist/Deist with a Splash
of Plato*:
During Christmastime (this is the appropriate time to discuss it) which type of displays
were required in public buildings, including, schools and should still be required? Those
associated with the federal holiday known as Christmas: Nativity scenes; Christmas
trees; Santa Claus displays. A community can opt to chose other religions to be represented.
Which other religions if any? Their choice. Which symbols? Their choice.
Let us not forget that the Founding Fathers created a Judeo-Christian/Federalist/
Constructionist U.S. Constitution, including, Bill of Rights and not what libs think: a secular/
progressive 'living' constitution. We use the term republic not democracy in our Pledge of
Allegiance. Majority rules in both but in a democracy unlike a republic one or more or all of the
bill of rights can be negated from the minority, the minority can be unduly inconvenienced and
placed in a precarious situation.
When our nation was founded most states had an official religion. The national constitution
did not preclude this. It states, however, that there couldn't be a national religion too and,
further, fed gov couldn't interfere with the practice of religion. Today religious voices are being
banned from the public square! President Jefferson ordered that D.C. schools had to begin
and end the school day with a prayer and use the Bible to help teach English - just like the
states. That ended in '64, when the U.S. Supreme Court decided that they knew more than the
Founders. An Indian tribe wanted to learn Christianity on their land, he used fed funds to pay a
minister's salary for a year and to build a church (more at the web sites Citizenj and rickadd -
connect via Facebook- Second American Revolution and Twitter- @rickaddsite) Libs lie about
what Tom meant by separation-of-church-and-state, he meant fed gov would not declare a
particular Christian denomination as the national church not that fed gov had to be hostile toward
religion or muzzle it in defiance of Amendment One. About 80% of famous, semi-famous and
unknown Founders were Christians and 18% Deists (not a religion but a philosophy).
Allow us to illustrate our point with an actual event that transpired a few years back in Texas.
An old people's...not PC...Senior Citizen's club, partially funded by gov, listened to gospel music
on Mondays. Of the 100 members, 2 were Jewish members and objected to the tradition.
They did what Americans are wont to do: took it to court! Lib judged: gospel is banned. What would
our Founders say and what would a constructionist judge of today say: "Disgraceful: Friends taking
friends to court; couldn't you resolve this matter on your own? Are there other senior clubs in
the area? If so, you can go there on Mondays or once in a while you can play a record...we are
dating ourselves...CD of a Jewish cantor on Mondays.
Bottom line: libs are creating minority rule in our nation. No one is denied a Bill of Right if
appropriately there is a Nativity in a courthouse or gospel music; no one is unduly inconvenienced;
no reasonable person can be by offended. If a majority in a state or city or neighborhood want public school
prayer - there should be prayer. A parent can instruct their child to stand politely, not be disruptive, but not
utter a word of the prayer: Christian or non-denominational - whatever is decided upon. No one
can deny the rise in juvenile delinquency since God was taken out of schools in the '60s coupled
with other destructive lib actions. (Look at what is happening to military traditions because of libs
primarily and Muslims secondarily - see Citizenj, rickadd and www.rickcmtsite.blogspot.com ).
Yes, it's the cleverly named: NEW SECTION - enjoy! Do something that you rarely do: exercise some
common sense. Certain symbols and activities are associated with particular national holidays: New Year's -
"Auld Lang Syne," countdown to midnight, getting drunk; Veterans Day - parades; Thanksgiving - turkey,
Pilgrims, stuffing yourself like a turkey; Independence Day - fire work shows, picnics; President's Day -
pictures of George and Abe; we don't wish to offend our black friends - Martin Luther King Day - pics of
Martin; Labor Day - women giving birth. Would you think it appropriate if a lib judge ordered that an element
be arbitrarily added or omitted? You can't have picnics on the 4th because 1% of some minority is
offended by it. If you have turkey on Thanksgiving, you must also have beef and pork.
While religion has been a positive in society for the most part, it is not above being analyzed and
critiqued. Miracles: Extraordinary events require extraordinary evidence. God acts in mysterious ways
won't cut it. The God of the Old Testament was a baby killer. His gift of free will seems to come with a
codicil: You are free to make your own choices but if I don't like your choices I will punish you now and
after you die! You must only make what I consider right choices. He was angry with the choices made
by virtually everyone - so with a great flood he kills men, women, children and babies too. Death by
drowning is a horrible death. What sins did the innocent children commit!?! He saves Noah, his good
family and some GOOD animals.(As we heretofore stated other cultures have similar flood stories, for
example, the Greeks and Zeus). Later, he does it again (A repeat performance in a somewhat smaller
scale): He kills the first born sons of Egypt - many of whom were babies. Moses and the tribes make it
safely across the parted water. Does God restore the water to prevent the Pharaoh and his soldiers from
continuing their pursuit? No; he waits until they are on the riverbed before returning the water: the horrible
death by drowning again. (FAIR AND BALANCED: We shall be equally tough with science when circumstances
warrant. You experienced a sample of that in an earlier installment. We will concentrate on science after we
wrap up religion - one more installment).
Let's return to where we left off last time...Of course, the Pope, Bishop Jake and the Reverend Graham are
shielded from tough questions by their staffs - much like when the president appears before a group like a
town meeting and the only invitees are of his party, the questions are cleared in advance or supplied. Even
the White House Press Corp never asks truly tough questions; although, republican presidents get far more
semi-tough ones than dems.
Did the Apostles and even more so Paul get some of the ideas about Jesus from gods like Osiris, Mithra
and Hercules? After his death when they were trying to fully what he was about and were trying to come to
terms with his death.
There is sparse evidence that Jesus studied with the Essences but stronger evidence that James
was associated with this strict Jewish sect. While the Old Testament predicts another Messiah (Jews had
Messiahs such as Moses and David), some interpret the Dead Sea Scrolls written by the Essenes as
stating that the Messiah would be crucified and rise. Does this mean that there were Jews who prior to Jesus
thought in terms of a suffering messiah who must suffer for man (Most of Hercules 'labors' were for man),
perhaps, not even achieve all of his goals if the suffering took the form of a premature death?
Enter: Simon of Peraea who nearly had a successful rebellion against Herod until he was caught and became
head-less! Josephus the most famous and respected first century historian writes more about him than Jesus.
Some archeologists maintain that his followers wrote that Simon rose after three days, perhaps, to cope with
their messiah defeat; many continue to follow him after his death. He died in 4 B.C. Did Jesus know of and did
he become a prototype for Jesus. Or, did the apostles find out about him and decide Jesus rose as a way of
coping. Historians have wondered: There have been up to ten who have claimed to be messiah or their followers
have claimed it between about 10 BC and 700 AD. They would be killed - defeated - all or virtually all of their
followers dispersed and went home. They few they didn't soon faded away. Christians claim that apostles and
other followers went into hiding after crucifixion for about two weeks and then emerged preaching. Why didn't they
abandon Jesus. Did they transpose Simon to Jesus (maybe, not consciously aware of what they were doing) and
continue to follow like many of Simon followers did? Jesus rose after suffering and will return later to fulfil his mission.
De-emphasize defeat: killed;' emphasize: rose and later return for Last Judgement. Simon and Jesus not abandoned
by followers; eventually, after long interval Simon lost his - maybe, some became Jesus followers. The key for Simon/
Jesus: resurrection.
*Strange Bedfellows: We will continue to defend the rights of the religious as our friends George, John, Tom, Jim
and the rest of the gang intended. Alliance Defense Fund's Certificate of Appreciation: "Richard DePersio: A
Champion of Religious Freedom whose steadfast support helps keep the door open for the spread of the Gospel."
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