Wednesday, June 8, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Tue, Jun 7, 2011 12:27 pm

                            Subtitle: Action Chain Letter - Ultimate
                        by Citizen Journalist with Richard DePersio
Editor 's Note: Some will be shocked and will head for the hills and search for
caves in which to hide; while others will rally to the cause and become soldiers
in a revolution...stop here...don't tip your hand too much.
Richard DePersio: "You're really going through with it." Citizen Journalist:
"Yes, Sir," Rick: "He knows what he his doing." RD: "I wish him the best of luck;
better him than me."
                               Seeking their vote:
                                           "Hail to the Chief,
                                             And king of all the virgins,
                                             Hail to the Chief,
                                             They satisfy his urgins."*
Let's get real!...There are two crises facing the United States of America: An
economic/financial crisis of the first order which necessitates massive spending
cuts at the federal- state- and local-levels; a crisis having its inception with President
Clinton, the FED Chairman at the time, Clinton's Secretaries of Treasury and
Housing (too lazy to look up names!) and Senator Barney Frank's
 Fannie and Freddie, instigated by ACorn
coupled with massive damage from union demands. Keynesian-stimulus has
failed miserably. Further, a process that began in the 1870's and doing its greatest
damage during the presidencies of Wilson, FDR, LBJ and the Supreme Courts
from 1933-75: Replacing the Federalist/Constructionist/Judeo-Christian/Capitalist
Constitution with the so-called progressive/secular 'living' constitution. Much headway
has been done in this direction with the NE and west coast fighting it out with the
rest of the nation and winning. We are no longer a capitalist nation but a
capitalist/socialist hybrid at a time when Western Europe is slowly moving
away from socialism, including, socialized medicine. Even a quick look at the
media will tell you that we are becoming a nation without shame: Immorality is
all around us and our children. On average, 65% of public school text books and
reading supplements are negative regarding U.S. History - liberal revisionist
       There is only one man who has stood up to the challenge. Yours Truly,
Citizen Journalist, in 11 "Action Chain Letters" with nearly 50 proposals original
and proposals endorsed. Can Obama or any of the current crop of republican
candidates or those that are entertaining the thought of becoming a candidate
offer you such a deep and expansive platform with proposals on space
exploration/exploitation, saving GPS, energy independence, subsidies, education,
Sentinel: airport security, air traffic controllers, a realistic 10-year budget plan,
 restructuring of fed gov, healthcare, pseudo-science: greenies, liberal immorality,
 ending over-regulation, restoration of the principles of the "Declaration of Independence"
and "Federalist Papers," our proposed constitutional amendments, restoration of
state powers and citizen rights, ideas on virtually all the issues that confront us
in the new millennium.
       Sara 'Not much between her ears but elsewhere' Palin, Mitt 'socialized medicine'
Romney, Ron 'in-the-closet social liberal' Paul. We hereby seek our party's
nomination for president (with requisite papers being filed). It will constitute the
first campaign conducted totally on the Internet. Please send donation to:
our off-shore bank account: Bank of South America, U.K., 666 Jone's Town SN,
Guyana, Postal Service - 9C. Our U.S. HQ: The Painless Polish Poker and
Dental Clinic. Topper, Mariam and George are heading our efforts in Iowa with their
HQ in Ottumwa where they are ably assisted by Radar "...invoking unique
extra-sensory powers..."O'Reilly's peculiar skill is a major asset. We have Harvey
in New Hampshire and Ken Kellog in Florida.We hope that highly successful
businessman and republican (Yes, there are black republications!) candidate
for president will give up his presidential aspirations and join our grassroots
effort: he would make for a fine V.P. candidate - Journalist/Cain - - that's the
ticket! Our extra-special advisors: George W., John A., Tommy J. and Jim M.
 We have lawyed-up. There are those who will allege a conflict-of-interest
and claim that Citizen Journalist must relinquish his position at "Citizen
Journalist Comsats." Never! Them there are fighting words from America's
No. 1 Fighting cripple. Disagree: He'll kick you in the chins!
        We do seek the vote from "Our Chosen People," the Jews and from blacks
90% of whom vote democrat. they must learn the truth: Lincoln, a republican,
freed the slaves; The "Voting Right Act" and the "Civil Rights Act" of the
1960's passed because nearly half of republicans voted for it while virtually
all white southern bigoted dems voted "nay." Republican Nixon did more to
help blacks start small businesses than any president before or since; thanks
to Republican Reagan's economic policies in the 1980's by 1990 there were
more rich and middle-class blacks in America than working poor and non-
working poor for the first time in history. Dems promise while the Rebs
deliver. Dem politicians take blacks for granted!
       Now, you have a 'real' choice for president. What if we don't secure
the republican nomination? We will be running anyway on  independent
third-party line: "The Let's Do Ourselves A Second American Revolution"
Party - 'Second Revolution,' for short. We also seek the vote of short
       We do not seek nor shall we except the vote of illegal aliens(You're saying: "
Illegal aliens can't vote"; well, in the last election convicted felonies in prison
who aren't eligible to vote voted and it is reasonable to assume that they
voted dem for dems are notoriously soft on crime: more concerned with
the rights of criminals than the victims. We seek the vote of mod-dems).
We don't seek the vote of homos, as well as, assorted other perves:
spank-me-please (male), tie-me-up-please, beat-me-please, pee-on-me
please, give-me-girl's-clothes-to wear please, man-babies, etc. The
lib-dems will secure their lovely deranged votes.
       Now you can't complain: You finally have a 'real' candidate with real ideas
and a 'real' campaign that you can support (keep those greenbacks coming!).
(The following posts will reveal more to you about your candidate and, after that,
a sampling of his writings. We urge you to read all 11 "Action Chain Letters"
and supplements {all the cool kids on the block are doing it} at, /group/
newfederalism and /group/nasa-our-way and you will say: "Why don't Obama
and republican candidates have so many ideas for America as Citizen
Journalist does!?!).
*We modified a short poem by Richard Hooker (no relation to T.J. or Kirk).

Monday, June 6, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Mon, May 23, 2011 11:49 pm

DAY ONE (Thurs., April 19): GOING-OUT-OF-BUSINESS TOUR is beginning in Charleston; CITIZEN
JOURNALIST is accompanied by TOPPER and HARVEY. They'll be visiting with the city's
famous ghosts from the Civil War; Play-by-Play supplied by Robert E. Lee. Blacks welcomed; Whites
must supply their own sheets...
Subject: Fwd: THE "GOODBYE-FAREWELL-AMEN TOUR - Days Two, Three, Four...
Having left Charleston with a few fun ghostly scares from the denizens of the ether, CJ arrived
at Mount Rushmore, nearby he picked up his old but trusty CITIZEN JOURNALIST/GOOD YEAR
TOURING BLIMP. Next Destination: Remember the ALAMO! Our Pilot: The Spirit of AMERICAN HERO
DAY THREE: Doesn't see Davey Crockett by ghost of John Wayne playing Davy. While there Citizen
Journalist shoots illegal's entering our sovereign nation without authorization - you'll be pleased to know
that he is a marksman!
DAY FOUR: CJ heads for Cape Canavel at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Will he and others
make it? Winds are heavy, veering off course but remember whose at the helm!


Sent: Sat, Jan 22, 2012 12:00 am

This is being composed at the bewitching hour by Topper and Harvey (friends of Casper) while bin laden without 72 virgins is in Hades:
Strange occurrences were reported in the Old West (1840-1917), including, Hairy Man
(1840) later known as Big Foot say some; Thunderbird was sighted in numerous cities
(1877); various towns report fish, pebbles, small pieces of wood, frogs falling from the sky (1873);
(1901) long and short light pulses and radio emissions from Mars detected. Later: (Fall '44,
May, '45) WW2, pilots report seeing Foo Fighters. Where does he live and why only seen by
the mysterious few, including, us bringing info of nature different. Where was Citizen Journalist between
1840 and 1917? ("A TRUE GHOST STORY" sponsored by and your
friends: the Roswell Grays).

Fwd: Citizen Journalist for "Man of the Year"

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Tue, Apr 26, 2011 6:20 pm
Subject: Citizen Journalist for "Man of the Year"
(His masterpieces can be enjoyed at comsats listed and described at
Two months after the highly successful CITIZEN JOURNALIST/GOOD YEAR BLIMP PUBLICITY TOUR ending at MOUNT RUSHMORE followed by a visit with HEF and BUNNIES  in the GROTTO with no exploration for CITIZEN JOURNALIST winding up at the BYRD STATION in the ANTARCTIC and right after LAUNCHING /group/nasa-our-way, CITIZEN JOURNALIST vanished for a time  a la Agatha Christie (there is speculation that he was studying MAYAN ruins in   Central America). He
returns to take ill and, more importantly, take on a CAUSE. NASA, of COURSE. You'll join  the CAUSE, of COURSE.

Fwd: THE RADIO SHOW by R. DePersio

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Wed, Jun 1, 2011 3:33 pm
Subject: THE RADIO SHOW by R. DePersio
This is the Night Owl Show with me, your DJ Hawkeye, and your favorite announcer, Spearchucker John, coming to you from the lodge on the Space
Coast in Florida. News Bulletin: Foo Fighters have been reported over New Mexico. We are coming to you not by radar but our super-station transmitter with issues regarding frequency and other  technical matters resolved with and subsequent permission granted by NASA. We hope to be working with NASA on a host of projects of mutual interest via the new /group/nasa-our-way which       is movng up the charts with a bullet. We have an oldie but a baddy "the muslim brotherhood' backed   up by 72 virgins(and they were hard to find). "Don't Do it" has climbed from 10th to 3rd at /group/yellowfeverlime101 and the /group/sciencerepublicans are debuting their new dance number "Do the Pulusi. You Better do Her when You are Drunk."We have an email request for Mike's new a Capella release on the political chart at  We are brought to you    by and YouTube: Rickaddsite. In sports,  rickcosmos has beaten the liberal Huffington Post. And, now the weather, Rick is chillin' in the  hood with George, Abe and Ron at the /group/newfederalism. Orion is flying high over our sister stations at Facebook: NASA_Ares  and Twitter @rickaddsite. Get Citizen Journalist's free autograph at
We'll see you on the other side of the Einstein/Rosen Bridge. Bye, Bye and don't buy Obama gov bonds. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fwd: ATBTC's CHAIN LETTER 4 (Updated and Expanded)

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
Sent: Wed, May 4, 2011 5:34 pm
Subject: Fwd: ATBTC's CHAIN LETTER 4 (Updated and Expanded)

Originally published Tues, Nov 23, 2010; it has been updated, expanded and improved.

                                               ACTION CHAIN LETTER 4:
                                    MOON MINING/ELECTRICITY EARTH
                                            Or, SUPPLEMENT to ACL 11
                                                 - - - Reader's Choice - - -
                            (Formerly titled: EXPLORATION and ENERGY)
                               by Richard DePersio (Preservatives Added)
Hours and hours (ad nauseam) of coverage to a British wedding and a
week later little coverage in memory of a late American hero and
the two national/historic events associated with him. Networks would
say: "We are giving people what they want." We can't believe
that Americans are that shallow. They would have forfeited
an hour or more of a prince for an Al. If you wouldn't or if
you don't know what we are talking about - you are shallow!!!
The recent announcement by LEXUS of a 3D Carbon Fiber Loom
which will make future cars stronger and lighter is most
disconcerting. Why? We saw numerous stories regarding
this major technological advance but they failed to mention
that Lexus is owned by the Japanese company, Toyota.
      America went from being a minor industrial power in 1870
to being number three in 1900 and number one by 1920 - a
meteoric rise. By 1975, we were number one in virtually all
technological areas due in large part to the NASA of 1958-1970.
NASA's budget which rose throughout the 1960's due to
Moon Race plummeted (adjusting for inflation) since the
early '70's in parallel with America loosing its technological
edge in one area after another. While NASA is still the
main scientific/technological engine of our economy, it
isn't what it once was. We explained that NASA should
see its budget rise from $ 17 billion to 30 billion over 10
years and then frozen for 10 years except for a
full annual inflationary increase. While virtually all other
components of fed gov must be frozen in some cases
and reduced modestly or moderately or big time or
abolished to reduce $16 trillion debt by November. Why?
NASA's prime directive: Manned space flight. Collateral
benefits: NASA in you home, car, factory, office, farm,
hospital. NASA benefits fields ranging from astronomy
to electronics to medicine to microminiaturizing to
zoology. Presently, NASA receives one-half of 1% of
fed budget; for every $1 budgeted NASA, we get a $7
return in pure science and technology. Other gov
components are limited to one area and loose money.
NASA is unique.
We face an energy crisis. NASA can play a major
role in making America energy independent and
substantially reducing the cost of electricity. NASA to
the rescue. (Recently, we told you about a 27 year old
mother of three who was saved with a heart pump with parts
originally designed for manned space flight).
Here's how:
Mining the Moon for Silicon and Helium-3 for the purpose
 of taking a major step toward energy independence and generating
affordable energy while our demand for energy more
then doubles over the next two decades.
      We have taken many factors into consideration in endorsing
 these proposals, including, real climatology as opposed to
 U.N.-Cattle Fart-Hockey Stick Pseudo-climatology.
      It is extremely expensive and difficult to mine for silicon and Helium-3
on earth. The price tag might even be prohibitive on a massive
 scale. Silicon is employed in producing solar cells for solar panels
which we want in earth orbit generating electricity. Helium-3 would
be used for fusion plants to generate electricity. We presently have fission
 plants. Fusion  plants would be less expensive, even safer and more
 environmentally-friendly (for the benefit of Cattle-Farters) than fission plants.
     Let's put the subject in perspective. Coal generates 15-20% as
much energy as put into the energy of mining and processing. Mining on
the moon is much less expensive because of lower gravity and no air
resistance. "Mass Drivers" powered by concentrated
sunlight would scrape helium-3 and silicon from the surface and would deliver the
material to earth (He-3) and orbit (silicon). It would cost only 5% to send
 silicon from moon to earth orbit then it would from earth to earth orbit.
Such mining would retrieve 300x more energy  from He-3 then put in, including,
 the energy   of going to the moon and shipping material to earth! Cost-effective:
It would be less expensive to use He-3 from moon than from earth in nuclear
fusion plants; it would be cheaper and more effective (above weather) to have
 orbiting solar panel satellites as opposed to solar panel stations on earth.So,
Why did Obama cancel moon program? Same reason that he loaned Mexican
Oil  to drill in Gulf of Mexico during moratorium on U.S. drilling, in spite of the
fact that they have much lower safety and environmental standards?
Air Force has been testing 'secret' unmanned X-37B which resembles a
space shuttle. A year ago, we were probably the first to propose placing
future operational version near GPSs in order to move them out
of harm's way in the event that an enemy fires a missiles at them
for the purpose of crippling our communications, especially, military.
Further, upgraded GPS should be housed in cargo bay ready to
replace aging GPS when it dies. Unmanned X-37B is more
maneuverable from ground than a regular satellite. In addition, we
proposed calling operational-version "Constitution" to drive libs crazy.
It is suspected that a manned version is in the works. A
declassified-version - notice: new, original proposal coming -
should be employed by NASA to construct framework for
solar energy collecting devices which would transmit
concentrated sunlight to earth for conversion to electricity.
Framework complete, it becomes a private sector endeavor.
  Don't touch pristine moon. We'll get to it. Hold your farts. 
    It has been estimated that we will have fusion plants by 3030 give or take
 3 years. NASA could truncate it to 2025 give or take 3 years.

Not allowing $9 billion spent on NASA's "Constellation" Program go down
 same presidential black hole as "stimulus package" and Fannie/Freddie.
Combine Orion/Ares 1 and Ares 5
heavy-lifter with nuclear thermal  stage ( aka earth-transfer module to moon
 and Mars)  to      be fired  in low or high earth orbit with it doing double-duty as
 cosmic ray shield for Orion.  If booster rockets are necessary, we should go
with more expensive but safer liquid rather than solid fuel which would
enable astros or ground control to turn off boosters in an emergency;
you can't do that with solid - when ignited it must burn until spent.
We must keep in mind that we are recommending the use of
  nuclear thermal stage would make rocket faster, more powerful and
less expensive. It would also require one or two chemical stages. Project
NERVA (1962-73) would have created a nuclear thermal stage by 1978
for proposed Mars mission - the Saturn 5 third stage would have
been replaced with a nuclear thermal stage and called Saturn S-N.

We should have 5 moon missions - lasting 3 weeks at lunar equatorial
region, mission to lunar 'arctic' region for 5 weeks, flight to lunar 'antarctic'
 circle for 7 weeks, visit to lunar
far side for 4 weeks with comsat in La grange orbit and a return to lunar
north for 3 months
during 2020-21. Four follow-up missions if warranted.
     NASA would establish 3 moon bases where astronauts (Commander, 
pilot, mission specialists - geologists, geophysicists, engineers,
astronomers) for stays of up to 3 months
with private company geologists, geophysicists, metallurgists, engineers
nearby. They would pay NASA to be flown to moon or pay private company.
They might be able to use water at poles to drink, separate out O to breath
and the H for nuclear thermal power plant and for propulsion. Living off the
 land. Mining can't commence until area is thoroughly studied scientifically.
 During that period, private company can determine
viability of site for mining. In the future, it would be in the financial interest
 of a private company to do exploration prior to exploitation without NASA.
 Pure science often leads  to applied science or technology).
The Mars mission would employ the thermal nuclear stage a.k.a. earth
transfer module and what is learned in the process of upgrading
NERVA (nuclear stage development which had been successfully tested)
 and the blueprints of the never built Saturn S-N might be applicable to the
 development of nuclear fusion plants.

Proposals 10, 11 and 12 might enable us to have fusion plants on earth by 2025
 give or take 3 years rather than projected 2030 and we should begin orbiting
solar energy satellites  when the new version Ares   is operational which
should be by or before 2017. Experts estimate  that we can only get up
 to 30% of our electricity from solar and wind by 2035. NASA could guarantee
 it and, perhaps, increase it to 35% less expensively and by 2030.
 Since NASA's inception it has developed cutting-edge technology and
built upon existing technology which has made its way to the private
 sector - free of charge! - after 3 to 5 years.
In acknowledgement of the need to substantially reduce the debt (we have
been recommending $4 trillion over 10 years as a minimum for a year now)
and consideration of what NASA needs to accomplish over the next
quarter century (the sheer beauty of comprehending our place and
destiny in the immense cosmos and practical applications fallout from
the acquisition of knowledge), we hereby modify our proposal for
the purpose of making it more palatable and garnering majority (51%
or more support): Increasing NASA budget from $17 billion to $30 from
2012-1222. And, then, shrinking it from $30 billion to 25 from 1222-1227.
And, then, freezing it for 10 years with a full annual inflationary/cost of
living increase. Rally 'round the Flag on Orion!
(As always, we request that you contact your members of congress.
You can call 202-224-3121 for their phone numbers, as well as,
specific members - for example, request name and number of
chairman of house committee on science and technology.
Leave a message at their website:
or Supply name of your
state to operator if you don't know the names of your members
 of congress. One more thing: check recent Action Chain Letters for
 info on contacting key members of congress and their names).