Tuesday, April 29, 2014

             ADDENDUM to SUPPLEMENT (with its own name!):
                   PLATO's MAN-in-the-HOLOGRAPHIC CAVE*
                     by Richard DePersio Janus Citizen Journalist
                        Coming Soon:    LIVE with Special Guests LIVE
(Expanded Version)
Let's hark back (or down) to Supplement: Could a wolf have 
sufficient consciousness to work its magic on the smoky 
dragon of the moon to bring it into view in order to howl at it or 
a dog entering the living room doing the self-same to the TV in 
order to watch "Lassie"?
        Could a camera replace the conscious being in the cat
paradox? Could the self-same camera cause the early universe
to spring into existence if attached to a telescope? Many
physicists who our uncomfortable dealing with the
problematic issue of consciousness subscribe to the view that a
camera can suffice.
        Yet another description of consciousness!
        "A good analogy of  is explained here based on work by
Giulio Tononi (a pizzona!).**Imagine the difference between 
the image of an apple to your brain and a digital camera. The raw
image is the same whether on a camera screen or in your head.
The camera treats each pixel independently and doesn't 
recognize an object. Your brain, however, will combine parts of
the image to identify an object, that it is an apple and that it
is food. Here the camera can be seen as 'unconscious' and the
brain as 'conscious.'
                              -Oliver Freeman, The Brain Bank (website)
Can only homo sapiens work their magic on the 'dragon,' at
least as regards the early universe!?! Is it fundamentally info
in the form of math within the smoky dragon which collapses
to form the TV, fossil, moon and young galaxies in early cosmos?
Was Plato right in concepts, including, numbers having an
existence independent of us?
       The amount of info contained within a black hole isn't
determined by its volume but by the the amount of inner surface
 on its event horizon. Imagine goldfish in a bowl; it is three-
dimensional and moves in three dimensions.Its two-dimensional
image is on the inner surface of the fish bowl containing all
the info about the fish and its movements. We're talking
holograms here. Which fish is real!?!
        Could we reside in a holographic universe with all the info
within concerning galaxies, stars, planets, you and I projected on 
the inner part of the edge of the observable universe. Are you or
 hologram real - each containing the self-same info!?!
        It is most disconcerting to learn that in a recent poll 50%
of Americans don't accept the BIG Bang as the explanation for
the origin of the universe (only 10% take Genesis literally; the
rest are in the dark). For the evidence for the BIG Bang is
overwhelming, perhaps, it's do to speculations gone wild like
'smoky dragons. They shouldn't throw the baby out with the
bath water.
         On the one hand, God of the Old Testament (or Jewish Bible,
as our Chosen People prefer) commits infanticide on three
occasions while God of the New Testament sacrifices Himself
to Himself in an effort to save humanity from Himself. On the
other hand, smoky dragons and multi-universes. You shouldn't
be dissuaded  from accepting classical physics and Al's 
Relativity, though weird, proven conclusively as our aspects of 
quantum physics. Don't Kaku: it's bad science to accept
 mathematically-proven speculation as fact with little, if any, 
observational and experimental proof. Fascinating as it may be: 
dark matter and dark energy; positive and negative matter
 -matter/antimatter, yes, but no evidence for positive and
negative matter or worm hole or more then three spatial 
dimensions. Yes: wave/particle duality. No: Strings, where's the
 beef!?! We must demand inductive and deductive reasoning;
rationalism and empiricism. Don't settle for less!
         Speculations after decades of studying the issues ( but not 
 Kaku-ing; pure speculation not dressed as fact; take with a grain 
of negative matter): 1) The existence of the Biblical God - 5%; 
The existence of heaven - 10%; the reality of a deist or pantheist
 (with consciousness) god - 25%; our essence (mind, soul,
 consciousness - whatever you prefer to call it) existing beyond
 our death --- out there somewhere - 33%.
*If you're capable of recollecting back to the Supplement, we
slighted Plato; it wouldn't be wise to have done it again.
**We don't consider ourselves Italian-Americans but Americans
and embrace Western Civilization which concerns Europe,
especially, Western Europe. WC unites while multi-culturalism
divides - see numerous posts at www.rickcmtsite.blogspot.com
We  should all embrace WC and American Branch.
                LIVE...THE END... LIVE...PARTY TIME...LIVE
        Organized by The Graces: Euphrosyne, Aglaia, Thalia
  Music supplied by Apollo and Pan (and his dancing Nymphs)
(Tables surrounded by chairs; gods and goddesses hobnobbing
 with mere mortals!)
RD: "Smoky Dragon is not invited! Pray tell is Priapus on the 
invite list!?!" CJ: "Dog my cats! We'll never get goddess tail with 
him around!" Painless Pole: "I figured that we had to invite him 
as we were inviting his parents, Dionysus and Aphrodite." RD: 
"We'll send Priapus to the wrong venue --- the Banquet Hall in
 London. And, for good measure, we'll send two others as a
 practical joke!"........
........I confess that at these words a shudder passed through me.
There was a trill in the doctor's voice which showed that he was
himself deeply moved by that which he told us. Holmes leaned
 forward in his excitement...
       "You saw it?"
       "As clearly as I see you."
       "And you said nothing?"
       "What was the use?"
       "How is it that no one else saw it."
       {They were looking in the opposite direction.}
       "You say it was large?"
       "How {long] was it?"
       "About four feet..."
       "Good Heavens! Did no one examine?"
       "Yes, I examined, myself."
       {Watson by now I know the minds of our two friends across
        the pond quiet well: RD Janus CJ. I believe that a visit to the
        Diogenes Club will prove most advantageous. Upon arriving
        at the Club, Sherlock exchanged pleasantries with brother,
        Mycroft. He then inquired as to whether or not something 
        had been left for him.}
        He had picked from a drawer a little tarnished cylinder, and
        undoing the tape, he handed me a short note scrawled upon
        a half-sheet of slate-grey paper.
        The supply of game for London is going steadily up. {Up and
        the game is afoot. See you soon. Bring Mycroft. Let him know
        that we intend to update the U.S. Branch of the Diogenes 
       Club at Facebook soon. By the Bye, I laugh as I picture the 
       doc compelled to examine. Reputation and Rumor.}
        As I glanced up from reading this enigmatical message, I saw
        Holmes chucking at the expression upon my face.
        "You look a little bewildered," he said.
        "I can not see how such a message {can be of any assistance.}
        {My dear Watson: comsat www.rickcmtsite.blogspot.com is
         the usual party venue. Watson thought: Priapus + exam +
         Reputation + Rumor. Sherlock and I are just roommates. I best
         get some goddess-ass soon. As for Sherlock: "To Sherlock
         Holmes she - Irene Adler - is always the woman."{How in later
         years, movies would be made to cast aspersions; he is anything
         but abnormal, unnatural and a bad mutation. The former two, yes,
         but not in that vein as "An experience of women which extends
         over many nations and three separate continents." Freak, yes,
         but not in that regard!}
         "Excellent! I (Dr. Watson) cried. 
         "Elementary" said he Holmes.
         {Priapus to party, declared Holmes.}
         "Wonderful!" I (Dr. Watson) ejaculated.
Seated at the dais: Zeus; Calliope; Plato; RD/CJ. RD heads for the
podium. {Wild applause and naked dancing!!!} RD: "Tumultuous
behavior can certainly be explained by an ample supply of the
intoxicating,  courtesy of Silenus, god of beer, and his good pal
Dionysus, god of wine." CJ: "Who invited Machio Kaku!?!
Kaku: "Our grand kids will live the lives of the gods of mythology.
Zeus could think and move objects around. We'll have that power.
Venus {Aphrodite} had a perfect, timeless body. We'll have that,
too. Pegasus was a flying horse. We'll be able to modify life in
the future." Zeus takes to the podium: "Jean Marie Le Pen said
of me, 'An ancient dictum says that when Zeus wanted to destroy
someone, he would first drive them mad.'" 


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