-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Fri, Nov 23, 2012 3:49 am
Subject: Fwd: SOUL MAN (Expanded Version)...
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Fri, Nov 23, 2012 3:49 am
Subject: Fwd: SOUL MAN (Expanded Version)...
(Reading the other installments in the "Plato Man in the Cave" series is
recommended but not required. Take note of "Plato's Cave to Plato'
Heaven," "Plato's Heaven" and "Return to Plato's Cave" which are highly
critical of physicist like Michio Kaku whom seem to treat mathematical
speculation as fact and largely bypassing observational and experimental
evidence. "Outside of Plato's Cave" is appropriate to the season).
(This constitutes a Supplement (isn't it unusual for a supplement to enjoy
its own name) to Plato's Man in the Cave series/Urania Moons You/God:
A Personal Journey {an article with three names} A supplement comes
after the article proper; if you don't know that you aren't equipped to be
reading material of this nature).
SOUL MAN (Expanded Version)
PLATO'S MAN in the CAVE Series: The FINALE'
by Richard DePersio with Citizen Journalist
(Special thanks to Urania {for the use of the hall} and Plato)
The ancient Greek and Roman philosophers might be described
as nearly being idealists/immaterialists (although, these
philosophical terms weren't employed at the time; ethical values and
math properties exist independent of our knowing or experiencing them).
They felt that one can only understand nature by thinking about it and
through the use of mathematics, especially, geometry.
For most of the ancients frowned upon observing or experiencing
or experimenting, especially, the latter for the use of hands in work
was for slaves. Soldiers' use of hands were an exception. A few would
engage only when they thought absolutely necessary and felt
self-degradation. Plato subscribed to this view. (Ionians being the
exception. They found value in both). On the other hand, Plato was a
dualist in that he thought in terms of soul-body being of a different nature.
Descartes, in the 17th Century, that mind was a mental
substance whose essential nature was thinking and feeling. Everything
else is matter or material substance with physical characteristics like
size and shape. This is known as dualism. He was a rationalist:
Knowledge acquisition wasn't limited to the senses and one might be
better off not attempting knowledge acquisition by this fashion.
(Empiricists think that it is virtually all about senses: observing;
experiencing; experimenting).
Those in opposition hold that since Descartes made mental
and physical different substances that they can't possibly react to each
other: a physical effect requires a physical cause.
Matter and the Space-Time Foam (Einstein's gravity: the curvature
of space) interact with each other and STF isn't even a substance!
Spinoza tried to rectify {CJ: "That which we don't perceive as
a problem."} by suggesting that it is properties not substances.
You're describing different aspects of the same entity: two sides of the
same coin. He attempts to explain how mind-body (or brain)
interaction can occur. {CJ: "This works for us as well."}
Those in opposition hold that he has shifted the problem of dualism
not solved it.
Empiricists posit that virtually all knowledge is derived from the
senses through observation, experience and experimentation and are,
by and large, materialists (universe is all matter).
It should be noted that 90% of scientists and philosophers are
materialists or physicalists.
Why isn't dualism in physics acceptable? A massless particle
light sometimes behaves like a particle and sometimes behaves
like a wave; particles with mass like protons sometimes behave
as particles and sometimes waves. Even opposites exist in
nature: positive and negative charges; matter and antimatter.
Mind containing info on thoughts, feelings and memories
corresponding to data contained in neurons of the brain.
Info existing at two different locations; mind and brain of two
different substances or two different aspects. Mind or
consciousness, perhaps, existing in the microtubules of
Albert taught us that matter was a concentrated form of
energy and that matter and energy are two different forms of
the same thing. And, certainly matter and energy interact with
each other and have no problem doing so. Mind and/or
consciousness and/or spirit and or soul. Why does Albert
have a problem with soul? Please continue reading.
Speaking of soul: CJ is pretty fly for a white guy!
Descartes like Plato contended that we were born with
certain innate ideas: the true meaning of liberty (abstract ideas);
geometry. Descartes felt that the mind was a little god made in
God's image and to think of the mind as a machine was
undignified. Plato felt that innate ideas are in the soul. Could Mind
and soul might be the same thing!). For Plato the soul was
imprisoned in the corrupt body making it difficult to apprehend
innate ideas while for Descartes the world of the senses could
impede one's attempt to connect with innate ideas. Knowledge from
senses is inferior.
Empiricists claim that most knowledge should come from
observation, experience and experimentation. Most wouldn't
object to Descartes claiming math and abstract ideas are innate
but Descartes went further by contending that knowledge of
the physical world should be ascertained through pure thought.
Both sides resurrected the little known ancient Greek idea of the
atom as the smallest indivisible part of a substance. Most ancient
thought that everything was made of earth, wind, fire and water.
Atoms had no substance - only shape, spin, motion. Descartes went
further: color, taste, sound were innate. When we looked at grass,
our mind tells us to see it as green. This too was a road too far for
the empiricists.
We maintain that knowledge must be secured via thought/
math and observation/experience/experimentation. As physicist
Roger Penrose suggests there might be three realms: math; mental
or mind; physical or material. Just to complicate things further!
We can't be certain that mind and consciousness can exist
separate from but related to brain. We cannot be certain that mind
can be soul/spirit. Although, it might be proven one day.Does this
constitute wild unscientific thinking? One might say that of quantum
physics. It seems to us that most physicists today are thinking in a
fashion like Descartes: minimizing value of observation and
experimentation. Accepting math speculation as fact with little or no
observational/experimental data to support it. Descartes once again
you are front and center.
Why is it difficult for most scientists to accept mind as separate
from brain. They except electron being in more than one place at a
time. They accept Higgs-Bosons: ghost-like particles which give
substance to matter. They accept ten spatial dimensions instead of the
traditional three. It seems to us that mind fits right in there. Is it that
they are married to atheism.
Disagreeing with Albert...Idealism/realism: minds and ideas is all
that there is; ethical values and mathematical properties exist 'out
there' independent of our knowing them. there is no substance. On
the issue of math: A rationalist is with an emphasis on getting knowledge
of abstract ideas, including, math. via thought. Empiricists argue that the
abstract ideas of math are actually human constructs (tools) and math is
a matter of convention - it helps create consensus not discover; adds
additional proof but not fact or truth. Descartes was a duelist who
reasoned God's existence (one might say that he was a deist) while
Spinoza was a dualist and a pantheist. Which brings us to Albert. We are
going to quote from "Parallel Worlds" by Michio Kaku, even though we
have been critical of Michio: "Einstein once wrote that he believed in
Spinoza's God who reveals Himself in the orderly harmony of what exists
{CJ: "We can see why the 'Uncertainty Principle' upset him."}, not in a
God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings.
The god of Spinoza and Einstein is the god of harmony, the god of
reason and logic. Einstein writes, "I cannot imagine a god who
rewards and punishes the objects of his creation...Neither can I believe
that the individual survives the death of the body." {CJ: "We think that
deism is predicated on reason."} Einstein said,"I am convinced that we
can discover by means of purely mathematical construction the concepts
and the laws...which furnish the key to the understanding of natural
phenomena....pure thought can grasp reality." We contend that since
quantum theory was created in the '20s and even more so since the '80s
with String Theory, M Theory, Multi-verses that scientists have become
more idealists (or immaterialists). Machio in his own words: "My own
view is that verification of string theory might come entirely from
pure mathematics rather than from experiment." Is the real
universe just in way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Einstein helped develop quantum physics but was most uncomfortable
with it, especially, the Uncertainty Principle: You can know a particles
location or it speed and direction but not both at the time time. Not
long before his death, he grudgingly accepted it but felt that like
Relativity didn't replace Newtonian Physics but made it a subset that
eventually Quantum would become part of something bigger.
The Cat Paradox...Imagine a cat sealed in a box with a bottle of
poison gas connected to a hammer, which in turn is connected to a
Geiger counter placed near a piece of uranium. The radioactive decay
of the uranium atom is a quantum event which can't be predicted ahead
of time. Let's say the there is a 50% chance that the uranium atom will
decay in the next second. If it does decay, it will set off the Geiger
Counter, which sets off the hammer which breaks the glass, killing the
cat (PETA, its not real but a thought experiment; don't protest at our
comsats). The physicists say that the cat is 50% alive and 50% dead
until we open the box. Once you open the box the wave function
collapses and you and the cat have definite position and your
observation can be made.
There are several ways of resolving the cat problem. According to
Eugene Wigner consciousness determines existence. Wigner's friend:
In order to determine my state, someone else has to observe me to
collapse my wave function. It also means that someone has to observe
Wigner's friend, and Wigner's friend's friend, and so on. Is there a
cosmic consciousness that determines the entire sequence of friends by
observing the whole universe?
Scientists haven't created life out of non-living matter nor have they
created consciousness out of life, let alone the higher consciousness of
Each one observing the previous observer with the ultimate observer
in the cat paradox being God.Can there be a universe without observers?
John Wheeler proposes that the entire universe is dominated by
consciousness and information (mind and math) Consciousness
determines the nature of the universe. "50 Philosophy Ideas You Really
Need to Know" by Ben Dupre' (Quercus, 2007): "...in Descartes the mind
is effectively a stage on which ideas are viewed by an inner observer -
the immaterial soul. the fact that this inner observer, or 'homunculus',
itself appears to require an observer of its own (and so on to infinity).
We need both approaches to understanding the universe: thought and
observation. The pure forms of ethics and math reside in Plato's Heaven.
They are innate in our mind or soul and can be discovered by rationalism
and empiricism. Sadly, science is over-emphasizing the latter. We are not
a blank slate at birth but this does not mean that we are born with strong
or weak homo or criminal or nasty genes. Quantum may be true but so
is purpose to universe true.
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