Saturday, June 26, 2010

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Astronomy 309: COSMOLOGY

- Richard

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fwd: Signature in the Cell by Stephen C. Meyer

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, Jun 20, 2010 7:04 pm
Subject: Signature in the Cell by Stephen C. Meyer
Our background is in science. What if no dark energy? What becomes of inflationary
big bang. Pause for thought: anthropic principle. Universe is 13.7 billion years old.
Is it possible not enough time for non-life to form life or even first DNA? Gerald Shoder,
Rabbi and physicist (now that's a strange combo claims that he can prove
mathematically that at bib bang and at present utilizing relativity the age of universe
can be 13.7 billion or 6 days  depending on perspective. Read: Rick's "In and Out of
Plato's Cave" and his related articles.  Perhaps, brain can't understand itself and cosmos
of which it is a part.  --- This message was sent by via  Please note  that AddThis does not verify email addresses.  Make sharing easier with the AddThis Toolbar: 

Thursday, May 13, 2010


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 9:47 pm
Subject: MISSION STATEMENT FOR "COSMIC TRINITY" w/NASA associate component

                                          "MISSION STATEMENT"
                                   COSMIC TRINITY, NASA associate
A: 1:We hereby swear to preserve and protect the FOUNDING FATHER'S FEDERALIST CONSTITUTION predicated on Judeo-Christian principles and classical market
liberalism (later known as capitalism);
A: 2:We are committed to preventing OUR CONSTITUTION from being replaced by the
bogus "progressive 'living' constitution.

B: 1: We are firmly committed and dedicated to NASA in general;
B: 2:We will do everything within our  power to restore the "CONSTELLATION
PROJECT" and restore NASA as the main scientific/technological economic engine
in particulars;
B: 3: We will do everything possible to prevent NASA from being forced to spend more
on pseudo-science: 'hockey stick' graphs; cattle farts; suppressed data via floored peer
review; falsified data; Al Gore placing sensors near heat-generating sources.

C: 1: We will exploit all resources, including. putting pressure on the Chairmen and Ranking Members of Senate and Hose Budget Committees, other select members
of congress, press releases, classifieds, social networks, etc.

Saturday, May 8, 2010 visits

DUAL-PURPOSE: 'Cyber-friends' Rick and Walt periodically visit each other. It was Rick turn.Richard DePersio's comment can be found at topic: Mind vs. Body.' Also part of comsat "Theory of Everything"


Check out: Richard DePersio's comment at: Topic:
"Mind and Body" walterjacabsonmd.wordpress and visit
each other. It was my turn to visit him. Comment also part of comsat's "Theory of Everything" Project.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Long Countdown - The Fight Over NASA’s Future -

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Fwd: Mind vs Body: What I Think Is What I Am

-----Original Message-----
From: Walter Jacobson <>
Sent: Sun, Apr 4, 2010 1:57 pm
Subject: Mind vs Body: What I Think Is What I Am

Editor's Note: The Doctor is in the House. He's making  his second house call.

Dr. Jacobson is a Board Certified Psychiatrist who has been in private practice in the Los Angeles area since 1999. He specializes in insight oriented psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, marriage counseling, medication management and spiritual psychotherapy.  He was Editor of the The Southern California Psychiatrist, the monthly newsletter of the Southern California Psychiatric Society for two years and has written hundreds of articles and blog posts about psychiatry and mental health.

Mind vs Body: What I Think Is What I Am
I was asked by a cyber friend to give my opinion regarding the mind and the brain, the mind and the body, and the role genetics plays in the psychological makeup of individuals.
The first point I'd like to make is that the mind and the brain are not the same. The brain is part of the body. It is an organ like other organs in the body. It is part of the material world.
The mind is not part of the material world. The mind is not housed in the brain.  The mind has no specific location. It is not confined to time or space. It is unlimited in its creative power.
Our body is limited. Our body has no creative power. Our body does our mind's bidding. It does this when it gets sick, recovers from illnesses, gets old, and dies. All of this happens first in the mind, at an unconscious level.
When our body is sick, it is our mind that has generated the problem, and, therefore, it is our mind we must look to for the solution. In other words, "Only the mind can be sick and only the mind is in need of healing." This is a quote from "A Course In Miracles," which presents a thought system I believe in.
The question you're now asking yourself is: "Where is the proof upon which he bases this belief?"
When some people who are depressed are given a placebo and told it is an antidepressant, their depression goes away, including their loss of appetite, their difficulty sleeping, their impaired attention and concentration, their loss of interest in things they like to do, and their somatic problems as well, such as headaches, stomach aches, muscle tension, and other physical discomforts. How can this be?
When some people who have chronic pain are hypnotized, their pain nerve fibers in their body are still firing like crazy, but there is no perceived pain. How can this be?
When some people use hypnosis while getting root canal without anesthesia, they experience no pain. How can this be?
When some women use hypnosis to undergo C-sections to deliver their babies without anesthesia, they experience no pain. How can this be?
When some people with cancers use guided imagery to visualize cancer cells being gobbled up by an army of white blood cells, their cancers go into remission. How can this be?
When some people focus their mind using biofeedback techniques, they are able to manage their pain, lower their blood pressure, and lower their heart rate. How can this be?
When some people use affirmations and visualizations to mobilize the Law of Attraction, positive outcomes are generated in their physical world. How can this be?
The reason why all these things occur is because everything starts in the mind. The mind is the prime mover. We create our reality from our thoughts.
Everything in the physical world is an illusion generated by the Collective Mind, including our bodies. Long ago, we hypnotized ourselves into believing that we are bodies and that our bodies can be sick and die. And then we forgot that we did this.
And so, now, we identify with our bodies. And because our bodies are frail, get diseased, get old and die, we embrace fear at the core of our unconsciousness.
From that fear comes every perception we have in the world of scarcity, lack, limitation and separation, and the need for competition and aggression as a means to survive and succeed. And from all of this comes every negative emotion we experience, including depression, anxiety, and anger.
Were we to use our conscious mind to override our negativity by replacing our fear thoughts with thoughts of unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness, and unity, all the manifestations of our fear would go away, our mind would be restored to sanity, peace and joy, our body would be restored to perfect health, and our world would reflect abundance and prosperity.
Our ego mind, that unconscious part of our mind that houses our fear, is already telling you that this is absurd and that only a naïve fool would endorse a philosophy that  love can conquer all the evils in the world.
It is reminding you that nice guys finish last, that no good deed goes unpunished, that survival of the fittest means an eye for an eye, kill or be killed, and that no one can defend themselves with love.
Certainly, as long we believe in bodies, as long as we identify with our ego mind, which is devoted to preserving the idea that bodies are real, and as long as we are unaware that everything we now see is a figment of our fear thoughts, it would be insane to not defend ourselves when we are attacked, and to not take antibiotics when we get sick.
The point is this: We must change the way we think. We must stop being victims of our bodies and realize the power of our minds to create reality.
The first step in this process is to heal our mind by letting go of judgments as best we can, by accepting others as best we can, by letting go of resentments and grievances as best we can, by forgiving others as best we can, by being of service to others as best we can, and by extending compassion and unconditional love to others as best we can.
As we do this, we will see gradual improvements in our lives, in the form of greater happiness, well-being, and material success.
As to the role genetics plays in our psychological makeup: As long as we believe we are bodies, genetics will be a powerful force influencing our emotional as well as our physical reality. Brain illnesses such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, and personality disorders run in families. They have a genetic component.
However, when we get real good at releasing our judgments and attack thoughts, giving no power to the illusions of fear,  and focusing instead on unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness, we will transcend genetics and all bodily limitations.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


                  Coming Soon: "MIND VS. BODY: WHAT I THINK IS WHAT
                                         I AM" by Dr. Walter Jacabson

WMAP: Personal message from below continued: The visible light is now invisible
light. Like everyone else astronomers see in the visible. The colors are computer-generated to enable analysis (A color indicates how hot or cool a spot is).


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, Mar 2, 2010 5:43 pm

MUSINGS: What's between my legs - correction: Ears...Ladies, Down with your genes...In the cave.

Editor's Note: The series has now grown to six: "Plato's Cave - New Version"; New:
Doctor Jacobson's Comment on "Plato's Cave" (from a psychological perspective as
opposed to a philosophical or physics perspective); New: the WMAP and Explanation;
"Perspectives"; "What Between My Ears" and Addendum. - Top Story - NEW IMAGE OF INFANT UNIVERSE REVEALS ERA OF FIRST STARS, AGE OF COSMOS, AND MORE - Feb. 11, 2003 has sent you this article.

Personal Message:
Richard DePersio. Light There be Light. This represents the first visible
light created in the universe. Red light is visible. Beyond the red is
infrared followed by microwave (nearest part of radio portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum). 3 degree kelvin radiation is in the microwave
and surrounds the whole universe. The burst of bright and blinding light
occurred about 400,000 years after the big bang. Since then the universe
has continued to expand and cool.


Related Links For more information contact: Nancy Neal NASA Headquarters Washington, DC (Phone: 202/358-2369) Bill Steigerwald Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Md. (Phone: 301/286-5017) MAP Glossary (PDF File) MAP Primer (PDF File) You must have Acrobat Reader (a free download) to view the files above.

Click the following to access the link:


NASA Privacy Statement:

Monday, April 5, 2010 - The First Communications Satellite has sent you this article.

Personal Message:

The First Communications Satellite

Click the following to access the link:


NASA Privacy Statement:


EDITOR'S NOTE: Doc's psychological twist
this "common sense" world you speak of that we inhabit is NOT real. it is an illusion, we are not bodies, we are  mind/consciousness. we have identified with an idea, that idea being ego, and the ego believes in time and space and bodies and disease and death. we invented this world and then forgot that we made it up, and now we can't wake ourselves up out of it....

On Feb 27, 2010, at 7:33 PM, wrote:
Physics or philosophical perspective
Our common sense world might be a corruption of reality. Reality might exist in the
bizarre quantum world and ultimate reality in the stranger quantum/relativity world - if we can find it! Plato with one foot in this world and the other on a higher plane - so
he thought. Will we have to except it as well. (Brain singular or) Brain/Mind two sides
of same coin. Complete each other. Will we need to have one foot in this world and the
other in the quantum/relativity world.   

Walter E Jacobson, MD
Psychiatrist, Speaker & Author.
Spiritual Solutions & Cognitive Tools for Happiness, Well-Being &  
Material Success.

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Walter E Jacobson, MD
Psychiatrist, Speaker & Author.
Spiritual Solutions & Cognitive Tools for Happiness, Well-Being &  
Material Success.

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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, Feb 14, 2010 10:17 pm

Editor's note: article needs to be repeated as does another article from last year and a future article about behaviorism in order to be in Plato's Cave.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 8:35 pm

      Dear Other Selfs,
      Don't worry about paying your rent: the liberal/secular media's messiah has arrived. Actually. I wish him the best - he is my president and Bush left him a financial mess. The liberal biased media doesn't want you to know that Billy-boy Clinton made it possible for individuals with little or no credit to get mortgages through Fanny and Freddy! President Bush thought that it was good idea to allow low income people to have the opportunity to own a house until 2005 when he realized that the policy Clinton implemented '98 had gone too far. He tried through executive decisions in  2005 to rectify the situation to no avail. He directed republican leaders to raise the issue with the chairman of the Senate Banking and Finance Committee, Barney 'is my skirt to short' Frank. He was told that there was  a housing problem that could turn into a crisis. He refused to take any action and claimed that the republicans were making things up He was on watch and there
were no problems. And then came the domino effect: the mortgage domino fell leading to the fall of   investment and commercial bank and wall street dominos. By the way, he. Oboma and other democrats were receiving campaign contributions - some for many years - from Fanny mae and Freddy Mac - - - both of which are semi-independent federal agencies. Possible crime here. Do you think the democrats will investigate their own. They and their liberals cohorts in the mainstream media will continue to blame Bush. You should spend some time thinking about the big, profound, cosmic questions before they place you six feet under. As for the democrats in congress - they were born with strong liberal genes...

     The mind-body problem: Sociobiology; Tabula Rasa and Saving Self.
     At least they don't tell me when to speak or go skydiving: Or, do they?!
     Physicalists are philosophers who like most computer scientists, evolutionary psychologists and neuro-scientists harbor the view that the mind is physical and that mental states are neurological states or properties. And most of them subscribe to the sociobiological perspective regarding mind: intelligence; consciousness; thought; perception; memory; emotion; will; imagination; unconsciousness; personality; behavior.There's more in your genes then you think! Neurons are the brains nerve cells and cells contain genes. You can be born with a strong homosexual gene and therefore are likely to grow-up to be Barneyy Franks. They can't help being what they are anymore then you can, as a result, their life style should be excepted as normal
and condoned by society and recognized by government. (They aren't immoral -Bible; they aren't abnormal - traditional biology). You can be born with a strong criminal gene. Consequently,criminals shouldn't be severely punished they just couldn't help but shoot that guy. As Ann Courtler points out in her book,  The church of liberalism:
 " Why is it that liberals say that child molesters shouldn't be imprisoned but    should receive psychotherapy instead. Weren't they born with a strong child molester gene? They can be helped but homosexuals can't. (I paraphrased somewhat). You can even be born with a strong nasty gene or a strong greedy gene - you got the idea. You programmed like a computer!
    Some say that it's part nature(genes) and part nurture (environment). I don't find this argument palatable. X was born with a strong nasty gene and Y a weak nasty gene. What determines whether or not he will grow up to be nasty? They should just drop nature from the equation.
    Their strongest argument: twins separated at birth have a 50% chance to grow up to have a similar personality and background. I don' find their argument compelling.
    Bible: man has free will; traditional biology: human's have the most advanced brains and therefor aren'tslaves of their biology.
    Tabula Rasa. Ibn Sina, Persian philosopher in the 11th century, "human intellect at birth is rather like a tabula rasa (blank slate), a pure potentiality that is actualized through education and that knowledge is attained through empirical familiarity with objects in this world from which gains abstract, universal conceptswhich is developed through reason ; observations lead to propositional statements  which when compounded lead to further abstract concepts." The theory - originally proposed by Aristotle - has gone virtually unchanged.
    Clearly, psychosis are the result of genes or structural brain structure damage. The meaning of facial expressions made by infants are universal.
    Saving Self: at this juncture, we can all agree that genes determine hair texture, eye color,  
congenital and hereditary disease, etc. There can be environmental constraints on realization. Genes might indicate that an individual will be  tall and muscular due to lack of food or sanitary conditions or other factors in which the individual inhabits this might not come to pass. Biological characteristics,
    Supporters of dualism maintain that mental phenomena are in some respects non-physical. They hold the view that phenomena may be perceived through a person's senses  or with the mind and the mind doesn't exist in non-living things. Mind is subjective and isn't spatial (height, length, width) like brain or brick. Some dualist go so far as to suggest that mind and brain are properties of an unknown substance.
    Let's put all are cards on the table...The average man is much taller and stronger then the average woman; male and female chromosomal differences; women tend to be left-hemisphered (cerebral cortex) while Rick prefers the right (in more ways then one).
    Let's make some assumptions: intellect and reason (the higher functions partially genetic-jury still out).  John Pokinhorn, physicist and priest (how's that for a combo!) states, "reductionist - replicating, information processing, and existing is all that they think that we do!"
    We take in data through our senses and neurons light up as a result of the input while other neurons light up to generate a response. Memories are held in neurons and neural connections. Our mind can light up neurons in dreaming, day-dreaming and when engaging jn abstract thought without sensory input. matter and energy are two forms of the same thing as are particles and waves.
    You see the sky and the pond floor when you look into a pond. Some photons of light bounce off of the water a strike your eyes while others bounce off of the pond floor. Quantum physics isn't deterministic. It can only talk in terms of probabilities. The probability of weather a particular photon will bounce off the water or floor. Is the photon thinking? no, energy can't think.
    What is mind? A phenomenon that accompanies another phenomenon is usually parallel to it and is related in some way to it - precise electric correlates of conscious things in the human brain. Option one: mind and brain are different forms of the same thing; option two: mind fills out, completes, compliments brain; mind is made up of a mysterious unknown substance.
    I'm going with option one and two: the abstract, imaginations, dreams, will and emotions, complete brain. It isn't genetic. Husband and wife complete each other; wave and particle complete each other; matter and energy complete each other or are different forms of same thing.. There different manifestations of the same thing and interact with each other.
     I was born with a strong conservative gene. Issue two: the science-politics problem. Was this a political or science article? With a nod toward Mozart, Einstein and Edison...
                                                                                                     My A.D.D. Self,

Fwd: addendum

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, Feb 14, 2010 10:11 pm
Subject: Fwd: addendum

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 9:06 pm
Subject: addendum

Self - you are the product of everything you learned in the order that you learned it; you are the product of everything you experienced in the order that you experienced it; and you are the product of everyone you have known - espec-
ally your parents. Genetics is too simple in comparison.