by Richard DePersio Janus Citizen Journalist
Orion: "Urania is visiting Uranus. Prior to her departure, she
requested that I present at her comsat. I'm new to
CJCS Comsats. I wish that Artemis was here. We'd
be able to hunt the 'smokey dragon,' a few floors
Three of our favorite quotes:
"Your profession is not what brings home
your weekly paycheck.
Your profession is what you are put
here on earth to do with such passion and
such intensity that it becomes a spiritual
calling." -Vinny van Gogh
"I can calculate the motions of heavenly bodies,
but not the madness of people."
-Sir Newton
"If I have seen further than others, it is by
standing on the shoulders of giants."
-Sir Newton
Orion: "He was referring to the following GIANTS:
Copernicus; Tycho Brahe; Galileo; Kepler. Note:
Some scientific celebrities are recognized by only one
name like the absolutely unscientific Elvis and
Madonna (and B.O. -two letters). Shocking:
modesty and sharing credits weren't Isaac's usual
modus operandi.(CJ is president of the U.S. chapter
of the Newton fan club).
Some psychologists, employing hindsight, suspect that genius
Vinny had A.D.D.
CJ: "I have A.D.D. I am more then most - A.D.D.ed CJ." RD:
"I lost track of what you were saying."
Some psychologists, employing hindsight, suspect the genius
Newton had 'Asperger's Syndrome. See "WebMD for best
CJ: "I may or may not have six of the eleven symptoms."
RD: "You're crazy! CJ: "Look at my handwriting." RD: "You
look at your handwriting. Next thing you'll claim to have
multiple personalities!!!"
You (reader): "A.D.D.-ing - distracted? Does first section have
something to do with second section in even a subtle way?"
CJ: "I beckoned you. RD: "Your using the symptoms of a child
with this condition." CJ: "Look at my posture. Most symptoms
are virtually the same for adults and children. RD: "This isn't
our normal modus operandi: writing short articles." CJ: "I
like dinosaurs."
CJ: "As Columbo would say: 'Just one more thing.' van Gogh,
Newton and me RD: "Say it." CJ: ...
(Info is one floor down)
Yes, our dear friend oxygen which we love so much.
Scientists suspect that life originated in primordial ponds
or tidal pools or the ocean or hot water vents on the bottom
of the ocean.
If oxygen were present (Orion: "I thought that I was
finished.) amino acids, sugars, purines (necessary in DNA and
RNA formation), etc. couldn't form for they react with oxygen
to produce carbon dioxide and water.
Scientists have proposed an early atmosphere without
free oxygen consisting of: carbon dioxide; carbon monoxide;
free hydrogen; water vapor resulting in life. Older models
included methane and ammonia.
This model precludes ozone (oxygen 3) which protects
the earth from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Without the ozone
layer, organic molecules would be broken down shortly
after they formed and have no chance of becoming complex.
Atmosphere with oxygen - amino acids, etc. can't form --
result: no life; atmosphere without oxygen - no ozone --
result: no life.
Note: A reducing atmosphere (one with free hydrogen)
is theoretical and not supported by evidence while a
oxidizing atmosphere is backed by evidence going back
billions of years (including, the oxidation of ferrous irons in
early rocks).
Note: The oldest life is in rocks that are 3.7 billion years
old and are likely cyanobacteria which in time learned to
form colonial bacteria which eventually led to multicellular
organisms. Cyanobacteria produces oxygen via
photosynthesis which created our oxidizing atmosphere.
This still doesn't get us out of the dilemma: how did the
cyanobacteria form? It's truly a catch-22 situation!
A Love Note: We can't live with you and we can't live
without you. One thing is certain: we love you, sweet
(Orion: "Hey! I know him.")
Heracles (to the Greeks, it's all Greek to us at our comsats;
you probably know him better by his Roman name,
Hercules) was beset with ten 'labors': five for his salvation
and five for humanities'. He whooped them all with style. It
resulted in a depression (CJ: "Depression is the most
commonly diagnosed psychological problem. I got that!
As genius Isaac Asimov and genius Isaac Newton - I
share two with the latter). A god-sized depression for he
was half-man (human mother) and half-god --- sound
familiar!?! Heracles realized it would be ten labors after ten
labors ad nauseum...yes, it probably would have gotten
nauseous but it would be better to say...ad infinitum.
He opted to end it all by having himself consumed
in a fire. Zeus, the king of the gods and Heracles father
resurrected him from the dead and in the process
transformed him from a demi-god into a full god ---
sound familiar!?!
Heracles' story is much older than Jesus' story. The
former ascended to Mt. Olympus while the latter
ascended to Heaven.
(Throughout "Plato's Man-in-the-Cave Series," we have
remained fair and balanced. Plato: "I wouldn't have it
any other way.").
(RD/CJ (together again): Info on our other comsats is
one stage down).
by Richard DePersio Janus Citizen Journalist
Orion: "Urania is visiting Uranus. Prior to her departure, she
requested that I present at her comsat. I'm new to
CJCS Comsats. I wish that Artemis was here. We'd
be able to hunt the 'smokey dragon,' a few floors
Three of our favorite quotes:
"Your profession is not what brings home
your weekly paycheck.
Your profession is what you are put
here on earth to do with such passion and
such intensity that it becomes a spiritual
calling." -Vinny van Gogh
"I can calculate the motions of heavenly bodies,
but not the madness of people."
-Sir Newton
"If I have seen further than others, it is by
standing on the shoulders of giants."
-Sir Newton
Orion: "He was referring to the following GIANTS:
Copernicus; Tycho Brahe; Galileo; Kepler. Note:
Some scientific celebrities are recognized by only one
name like the absolutely unscientific Elvis and
Madonna (and B.O. -two letters). Shocking:
modesty and sharing credits weren't Isaac's usual
modus operandi.(CJ is president of the U.S. chapter
of the Newton fan club).
Some psychologists, employing hindsight, suspect that genius
Vinny had A.D.D.
CJ: "I have A.D.D. I am more then most - A.D.D.ed CJ." RD:
"I lost track of what you were saying."
Some psychologists, employing hindsight, suspect the genius
Newton had 'Asperger's Syndrome. See "WebMD for best
CJ: "I may or may not have six of the eleven symptoms."
RD: "You're crazy! CJ: "Look at my handwriting." RD: "You
look at your handwriting. Next thing you'll claim to have
multiple personalities!!!"
You (reader): "A.D.D.-ing - distracted? Does first section have
something to do with second section in even a subtle way?"
CJ: "I beckoned you. RD: "Your using the symptoms of a child
with this condition." CJ: "Look at my posture. Most symptoms
are virtually the same for adults and children. RD: "This isn't
our normal modus operandi: writing short articles." CJ: "I
like dinosaurs."
CJ: "As Columbo would say: 'Just one more thing.' van Gogh,
Newton and me RD: "Say it." CJ: ...
(Info is one floor down)
Yes, our dear friend oxygen which we love so much.
Scientists suspect that life originated in primordial ponds
or tidal pools or the ocean or hot water vents on the bottom
of the ocean.
If oxygen were present (Orion: "I thought that I was
finished.) amino acids, sugars, purines (necessary in DNA and
RNA formation), etc. couldn't form for they react with oxygen
to produce carbon dioxide and water.
Scientists have proposed an early atmosphere without
free oxygen consisting of: carbon dioxide; carbon monoxide;
free hydrogen; water vapor resulting in life. Older models
included methane and ammonia.
This model precludes ozone (oxygen 3) which protects
the earth from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Without the ozone
layer, organic molecules would be broken down shortly
after they formed and have no chance of becoming complex.
Atmosphere with oxygen - amino acids, etc. can't form --
result: no life; atmosphere without oxygen - no ozone --
result: no life.
Note: A reducing atmosphere (one with free hydrogen)
is theoretical and not supported by evidence while a
oxidizing atmosphere is backed by evidence going back
billions of years (including, the oxidation of ferrous irons in
early rocks).
Note: The oldest life is in rocks that are 3.7 billion years
old and are likely cyanobacteria which in time learned to
form colonial bacteria which eventually led to multicellular
organisms. Cyanobacteria produces oxygen via
photosynthesis which created our oxidizing atmosphere.
This still doesn't get us out of the dilemma: how did the
cyanobacteria form? It's truly a catch-22 situation!
A Love Note: We can't live with you and we can't live
without you. One thing is certain: we love you, sweet
(Orion: "Hey! I know him.")
Heracles (to the Greeks, it's all Greek to us at our comsats;
you probably know him better by his Roman name,
Hercules) was beset with ten 'labors': five for his salvation
and five for humanities'. He whooped them all with style. It
resulted in a depression (CJ: "Depression is the most
commonly diagnosed psychological problem. I got that!
As genius Isaac Asimov and genius Isaac Newton - I
share two with the latter). A god-sized depression for he
was half-man (human mother) and half-god --- sound
familiar!?! Heracles realized it would be ten labors after ten
labors ad nauseum...yes, it probably would have gotten
nauseous but it would be better to say...ad infinitum.
He opted to end it all by having himself consumed
in a fire. Zeus, the king of the gods and Heracles father
resurrected him from the dead and in the process
transformed him from a demi-god into a full god ---
sound familiar!?!
Heracles' story is much older than Jesus' story. The
former ascended to Mt. Olympus while the latter
ascended to Heaven.
(Throughout "Plato's Man-in-the-Cave Series," we have
remained fair and balanced. Plato: "I wouldn't have it
any other way.").
(RD/CJ (together again): Info on our other comsats is
one stage down).