-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Jun 18, 2012 8:58 am
Subject: Busman's Holiday...
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Jun 18, 2012 8:58 am
Subject: Busman's Holiday...
by the Hot New Trio: Richard DePersio, Citizen Journalist and Aristotle
We are pulling out all the stops for these here are final' articles on all five of the CJCS COMSATS (web
sites). Citizen Journalist doesn't do friendship but Aristotle does:
"A friend to all is a friend to none." "A true friend is one soul in two bodies."
"Friendship is essentially a partnership."
We've had many: Plato; Al; the Cartwrights; Sherlock, Mycroft, John; Dago Red and Duke; Topper,
Marion, George; Number 6; Rod; the Mavericks; the rest of the Gang.
Special Members: George, John, Tom and Jim.
There will be those who disagree with us but we define Western Civilization/Western Culture/
The West as Western Europe, with our origins in Ancient Greece and the peak: the US of A. At
one time, it would have included all of Europe. Due to socialism for about a hundred years and the
heavy influx of muslims over the past couple decades, Western Europe has moved even further
away from Western Civilization than we have (our problems began in the mid-'60s).
The situation has gotten progressively worse since the mid-sixties: The drug culture; the sexual
revolution; the birth of the modern women's movement; Johnson's great society programs (none of
those major changes will be dignified with capital letters!). The situation has gotten progressively
worse since the mid-sixties as regards the teaching of social studies and science in elementary
schools, high schools (especially, the public variety) and colleges (public and private). Younger minds
are taught what to think not how to think. They are taught one-side of an issue only and if they are taught
both sides one is given much greater preference - fair and balanced not; indoctrination not education.
This applies to many issues, including, labor unions (most public schools teach about the glorious
unions beginning in first grade!), global warming/climate change, American history (including, out-and-
out lies about the Founding Fathers and the so-called Robber Barons), capitalism, homosexuality.
Beginning in the mid-sixties, lib educators began to go negative on Western Civilization (some - all of it;
others - all of it except Enlightenment) and American history. On average, over 60% of American history text
books are negative about our nation, perhaps, even anti-American! They are often subtle and seductive in
approach. Over 60% of public elementary school teachers are libs and don't hold traditional moral values;
high school teachers: over 75%; college professors and instructors: over 90%.
We recommend without reservation the following (and encourage you to make a donation or become a
member): Western Culture Global contact@WesternCultureGlobal.org ; WorldNetDaily.org ; Youth for Western
Civilization; Judicial Watch; Alliance Defense Fund.
More attacks on our Culture...Alliance Defense Fund: "Fighting the ACLU and its allies who bully
public schools and government officials to deny your Judeo-Christian heritage...Stopping attempts
by radical homosexual activists to redefine marriage and punish those who disagree." The Rise and Fall of
Western Civilization - public schools: 5th grader delivers speech to school body on same-sex marriage!; teacher
in another school shocks 5th graders with graphic descriptions of oral and anal sex! Certainly, this behavior
can't be countenanced by our Judeo-Christian heritage nor Enlightenment thinking. This is progressive!!!
Most of the articles at this site, especially, the one two floors down, have to do with Western Civilization. Please
read articles at Citizenj concerning morality, public schools, the mainstream media, today's precarious
military, sex-selection and more.