Friday, February 24, 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Fri, Feb 24, 2012 2:05 pm

                  Sherlock Holmes in the Case of the Missing Citizen Journalist
                                            by Doyle and DePersio
at MOUNT RUSHMORE followed by a visit with HEF and BUNNIES  in the GROTTO with no
exploration for CITIZEN JOURNALIST winding up at the BYRD STATION in the ANTARCTIC and
right after launching FB DIOGENES CLUB, CITIZEN JOURNALIST has vanished   a la Agatha
Christie. There is speculation that he is studying MAYAN ruins in   Central America in order to
get a handle on the end of the world or fishing in Mayberry, S.C. because he is hungry.
RUMOR: Being nominated for 'Man of the Year' by Los Vegas 'What goes on with Us Stays
with Us' Escort Service.

Fwd: THE RADIO SHOW by R. DePersio

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Fri, Feb 24, 2012 2:53 pm
Subject: THE RADIO SHOW by R. DePersio

                            THE RADIO SHOW (by R. DePersio)
This is the Night Owl Show with me, your DJ , Duke Forest and your favorite announcer,
 Spearchucker Jones (CJCS Comsats' token black), coming to you from  lodge on the Space Coast in Florida. News Bulletin:
Foo Fighters have been reported over New Mexico. We are coming to you not by
radar but our super-station transmitter with issues regarding frequency and other 
 technical matters resolved with and subsequent permission granted by NASA. We
hope to be working with NASA on a host of projects of mutual interest via the which  is moving up the charts with a bullet. We have
 an oldie but a baddy "the muslin brotherhood'  backed   up by 72 virgins(and they were
hard to find). "Don't Do it" has climbed from 6th to 3rd and
 the Revolutionaries are debuting their new dance number "Do the Pelosi. You Better do
Her when You are Drunk."  We are brought to you  by FB Second American Revolution and
 YouTube: Rickaddsite. In sports,  Comsats have beaten the liberal Huffington Post. And,
 now the weather, Rick is chillin' in the  hood with George, Abe and Ron.. Orion is flying high
 over our sister station at  Twitter @rickaddsite. NEWS BULLETIN: Citizen Journalist is
missing; Sherlock, Mycroft and John are on his trail. We'll see you on the
other side of the Einstein/Rosen Bridge. Bye, Bye and don't buy Obama gov bonds. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Thu, Feb 23, 2012 9:11 pm

Transmission received; triangulation failed. Citizen Journalist will deliver Farewell 
Address to cast of CJCS Comsats and to his public : time and place unknown.
Sherlock, John and Mycroft in pursuit of their missing friend; they are heading for
Mayberry, S.C.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fwd: The Red-Headed League

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Feb 22, 2012 11:25 am
Subject: The Red-Headed League

                              THE THE-HEADED LEAGUE
                            by A.C. Doyle & R.J. DePersio
"Well, it is just as I've been telling you, Mr. Sherlock Holmes," said
{Citizen Journalist} mopping his forehead; "I have a small {journalistic
endeavor on the Internet} It's not a very large affair {but has been growing
steadily over the past few months}. I used {to have} two assistants" {but
now many, all famous, including yourself. You can connect to all web
sites via Facebook-Second American Revolution}.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fwd: Gone Fishin'

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Sun, Feb 19, 2012 4:16 pm
Subject: Gone Fishin'

GONE FISHIN' at Andy's Fishin' Hole Citizen Journalist: "I may or may not
return on an infrequent basis with an article instead of fish in hand; unlikely.
I wish to thank our readers on behave of CJCS Comsats for their visits." Give
CJ a BIG going away present: BIG Numbers (Readers; Visits) for his Final Week!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fwd: IN and OUT of PLATO's CAVE (totally new version)

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Thu, Feb 9, 2012 4:00 am
Subject: Fwd: IN and OUT of PLATO's CAVE (totally new version)

Origially Published:
Sent: Thu, Apr 14, 2011 11:13 am
New Expanded-Version:

                        IN and OUT of PLATO's CAVE: St.Paul to Richard DePersio
                                                  by Citizen Journalist
 Most Biblical experts contend that Paul combined Jesus with Greek philosophy. The
New Testament is over 50% about Paul: His interpretation of Jesus' life and philosophy (Pauline
 Letters); Lukes' interpretation of Paul's life and philosophy (contained in the Acts of the
Apostles, Gospel of Luke) and much of Pauline theology (in Mark). Over time, there were various
Pauline Christian (non-Jewish in nature) groups, various groups which followed each of the
apostles (most of whom thought Jesus was Messiah but not Son of God: Jews who believed
in Jesus or Jewish-Christians) and various Gnostic groups which embraced Jesus. James
(Protestants consider him the half-brother of Jesus while Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox,
including, Greek Orthodox do not) was the first bishop: the Bishop of Jerusalem who believed
Jesus was the Messiah and didn't preach outside of Juresulem. Peter became second Bishop
of Rome and, eventually, embraced Paul's ideas and spread the word outside of Jerusalem.
About 300 years later, Emperor Constantine consolidated these groups with the largest
Pauline Christian group thus creating Catholic Church (He appointed a new Bishop of Rome;
the term Pope wasn't used until about 600 A.D./He appointed the Patriarch of Constantinople).
 Those groups that refused, went underground, disappeared within a couple of hundred years.
Paul triumphed.
 We interrupt this article with a Special Bullitten: Citizen Journalist has apprehended
the heretofore nebulous Richard DePersio. We think that we know him from various sources
 or do we? Transparency: Do we know him any better than one of Obama's 44 stealth czars?
Who are they and what do they do in the shadows by day and in the dark at
night when most good Americans are sleeping? If we know R.D., we need to
know more. Rick always had a policy regarding books, especially, those of the
non-fiction variety. He wouldn't purchase a non-fiction which didn't contain an
"About the Author" section for he wanted to know the level of professionalism
and the degree of credence to place in the words of the scribe.
       After an expensive and extensive search in four continents (North America,
South America, Europe and Antarctica), including, searching in garbage cans,
we learned the shocking truth!
       He became interested in astronomy and space exploration at the age of six;
politics at ten; economics, foreign and defense policies at the ripe old age of
fourteen. American history - his roots - at eighteen. R.D. began to dabble in
various other sciences after nineteen. He didn't find the classroom conducive
to learning and likely enjoyed A.D.D. having been diagnosed with regular and
two variants as an adult. Only student to argue with nuns; didn't realize that that
was a no-no and that he was suppose to fear them. More pride of self-ed as
opposed to schooling. Strange kid (Not by design by via employing hindsight):
Started reading the newspaper at ten, everyday at thirteen; began attending
meetings at the local Republican club at fourteen - only kid there - - didn't
realize that he wasn't suppose to hobnob with the big shots (A State Senator, a
State Assemblyman, a City Councilman and a judge - often disagreeing with
       Did that: Was involved with seven institutions of higher learning after
high school; motivated by the acquisition of paper. (Completed three years of
college) Earned an associate-of-arts degree in liberal arts with a concentration in
science journalism; 15 certificates in computer applications, space and general
science, business management and medical assisting/EKG. R.D. completed an
internship in museum/science education.
       Will resume article proper soon: same time, same channel...Is he a
thou breaker?...Don't say a word: He packs a punch and has
big friends: on the couch are George, John, Tom and Jim, all about are Topper and
                                   Who is He: THE NAKED SCRIBE
                                             by Citizen Journalist
Obvious...Subtle...Superficial...Deep...Face-value...Multi-lay ed.....He never gives
his true age...Prides himself on his honesty...Shoots-from-the-Hip/Non-P.C./
Pulls-No-Punches....Thinks that he knows more about outside than people who
go outside...Modest International Man of Mystery...Look at him and what is
transpiring behind him...He resides In and Out of Plato's Cave...
           His first black friend (we needn't say "African-American" because the
           Reverend Jackson ordered everyone to do so in 1988) Harriman (who was
           passing) said of "Krazy Kat" what C.J. thinks is applicable to R.D.:
           "May in some time...let in the light which is now to our meager vision
            denied...For you will understand him no better then we who linger on
            this side of the pale."
           "It's wot's behind me I am. It's the idea behind me (with ever-changing,
            shifting backgrounds) and that's what I am."
           "He is but a shadow of himself caught in the web of this mortal skein."
'cause of the cause.
As a child and teen his parents and since, himself, exposed to old and new. Good taste
 and not as old as you might think.
                                    Best Movies (the envelope, please)
                                          As told to C.J. by R.D.
           1) (Temporary aside: Once compiled a list of his 50 favorite movies and
               was shocked to discover that as a rule he hated musicals but his
               favorite movie was) YANKEE DOODLE DANDY (Patriotism? See best
               T.V. series - which was irreverent);
            2) Twelve Angry Men;
            3) 2001: A Space Odyssey;
            4) Good fellows;
            5) The Pink Panther;
            6) Hanoi Hilton;
            7) Blazing Saddles;
            8) The Day the Earth Stood Still;
            9) Devil's Advocate;
           10) Hear No Evil, See No Evil
             Honorable Mention: Time Machine; Maltese Falcon; Hold that Ghost; Lifeboat;
             Houdini; The Great Imposter; Gunfight at the OK Corral; True Grit; The
             Out-of-Towners; Odd Couple; MASH;
                                                  Best Songs
             1) Jumpin' Jive (Cab Callaway);
             2) Wayward Wind (Patsy Kline);
             3) Yankee Doodle Dandy (James Cagney);
             4) Pomp Stomp (instrumental, Woody Herman Orchestra);
             5) Yesterday (Beatles);
             6) Birth of the Blues (Sammy Davis Jr.);
             7) My Way (Frank Sinatra);
             8) The Gambler (Kenny Rogers);
             9) Is that All There Is (Peggy Lee);
            10) It's a Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong)
              (R.D.'s Godfather knew "Rat Pack")
Best Singers (not in order): Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Nat 'King' Cole,
Billie Holliday, Buddy Holly, Bing Cosby, Ella Fitzgerald, Peggy Lee, Louis
Armstrong, Chuck Berry
Ponder this: Have today's singers listen to an hour of one or more of the above
singers. What they then be capable of getting on stage!?!
                                     Best Television Series
               1) M*A*S*H*;
               2) Bonanza;
               3) Dick van Dyke;
               4) Burns and Allen;
               5) Twilight Zone;
               6) The Prisoner (with a nod in the direction of our British friends);
               7) All in the Family;
               8) Taxi;
               9) Odd Couple;
              10) I Love Lucy
              11) Ed Sullivan
              12) Rockford Files
              13) Happy Days
              14) Combat
              15) You Bet Your Life (RD has a top 50 list; send a addressed/stamped
envelope and $37.64 to CJCS Comsats, 39 Orion, Twilight Zone).
                                     Best Stand-Up Comics
In order: Groucho Marx; Victor Borge; Burns and Allen; Jonathan Winters; Robin
Williams; Bill Cosby; Abbot and Costello; Bill Crosby; Johnny Carson; George Carlin.
   (It's wot's behind me)
                                             The MUSES
                1) Tom Jefferson;
                2) Jim Madison;
                3) Tom Paine;
                4) Rod Serling;
                5) Arthur C. Clarke;
                6) Isaac Asimov;
                7) Carl Sagan;
                8) Arthur Canon Doyle;
                9) "Ellory Queen";
               10) Groucho Marx
The museless: Charlie Sheen..."Who's number one?"...To be continued: In Plato's Cave...
When? Upon the return of the A.D.D. train to the "Village"....
See you in the funnies...