Monday, December 26, 2011

Fwd: Plato's Chariot...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Mon, Dec 26, 2011 4:46 pm
Subject: Plato's Chariot...

                 Plato's Man in the Cave Series continues: PLATO'S CHARIOT
 (reading other installments not required but strongly urged as we worked hard on them!)
                            by Citizen Journalist with Richard DePersio
And, so it would appear as if today's physicist believes in the numbers and perfect forms of
Plato's Heaven and puts less stock in observations and experiments. When there is an
observation or experiment to confirm a 'theory' one such observation or experiment shall
suffice. Of course, they were much more rigorous and demanding of Einstein's Relativity.
(Perhaps, it wouldn't hurt to check out previous installment. It is on the first floor below).
(We will tell you up front: We are more in accord with Plato's Cave and Heaven, as opposed
to his Chariot. Why do you think?).
Soul: The Charioteer is reason, he tries to manage the horses; guide us to truth. The white horse
is of noble breed and difficult to control: spiritedness; moral impulse; irascible; bold. The
black horse is even more difficult to manage: uncontrolled appetite; desire; feelings; black drives;
basic impulses; irrational; uncontrollable passions, concupiscent.
      Horses try to pull us in different directions. Some rise to heaven and enlightenment; others
may frequently bob into it; the remainder lose control of horses, lose wings, fall to earth,
some having occasionally seeing truth and some not.
      The order of enlightenment: philosophers (naturally, Plato places them in the first order);
law-abiding kings, civic leaders; politicians, businessman; those who specialize in bodily
heath; prophets, members of mystery cults; artists; craftsman; farmers; sophists or
demagogues; tyrants.
      It should be noted that in the Ancient Greece and the Greek Empire with the possible
exception of the Ionians that working with one's hands was frowned upon for it was the
activity of slaves. Slaves were at the bottom of the totem pole (interesting choice of words).
A notch above were peasants who worked for owners of farms and clerks who worked for store
owners or politicians. A notch above them were the craftsman with stone masons being at the
peak of this group; above them were artists. Philosophers engage in thought when dealing with
ethical philosophy and when they engaged in naturally philosophy (science) thought and
mathematics. On those rare occasions when they felt it absolutely necessary to engage in
observations or experiments, they considered it degrading (not the Ionians) and akin to slavery.
These attitudes continued in the Roman Empire to the Renaissance and to a certain extant they are
 still with us. We may as well complete the process: Next came property owners; above them
were politicians who were also property owners. At the pinnacle? Philosophers placed themselves
there while kings thought otherwise. We confident that philosophers didn't tell kings what they
thought regarding top of placement.
      Some people see a correlation between Freud's  Id, Ego and Superego and Plato's Chariot.
Id: Uncoordinated; instinctual; with us from birth; primary component of personality; I want it
now! Ego: organized, realistic; pleasure principle - will try to satisfy id if only with a mental image
of it being satisfied (primary process). Anxiety, tension if ego fails. Superego: critical and
moralizing. It may deny Id or match reality to primary process or modify Id's desire into something
realistic to have and socially acceptable. Moral standards and ideals come from parents and society;
superego emerges at age 5. Id = black horse; Ego = white horse; Superego = Charioteer. Do you
see similarities?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Fwd: From Plato's Cave to Plato's Heaven...

-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Tue, Dec 20, 2011 4:30 pm
Subject: From Plato's Cave to Plato's Heaven...

                               Plato's Man in the Cave Series continues...
(Reading other installment recommended by not absolutely necessary; look downstairs)
                                From PLATO's CAVE to PLATO's HEAVEN
                      by Richard DePersio with Plato and Citizen Journalist
Scientists accept brain and mathematics: the Material (or Physical) World and the
Math. World. They reject the non-material: mind (as differentiated from brain); consciousness
(being self-aware as separate from brain); soul (the supernatural).
The religious believe in the Material World and the Spiritual World. Mind/Consciousness is
intimately connected to but more than brain: part of and separate from it. Further, they
contend that mind is intimately connected to soul and soul to God or a greater mind or
Note: We employ the proper terminology. Scientists accept or reject a concept while the
religious believe or disbelieve a proposition. Scientists like Michio Kaku use believe when
talking science. Are we nitpicking? Is it just semantics? The appear to almost religiously
believe in that which is proven mathematically with little or no evidence (observational and
experimental) to support it. Remember: Math is abstract. Of course. the religious have
faith, therefore, evidence isn't required. Kaku sounds like a scientific preacher. The religious
put stock in revelation, prophesy and miracles. Yet, they disbelieve in ghosts, flying
sauces, astrology, numerology, witchcraft. They don't believe in fortune tellers but believe in
And, then came Plato. He's Back! And, Citizen Journalist Comsats got him. What if the
perfect definition and understanding of abstract concepts such as love, freedom and justice
existed in Heaven or in God? What if perfect geometrical forms existed there as well? When
you make a point with a pencil on paper, the point has a little bit of length, width and depth.
The same is true of a line or a triangle. We used the terms number and numeral interchange-
ably, however, in the strictest sense a number is abstract and a numeral is a representation
of a number. Scientists accept numbers and geometry.
Let cogitate on the previous paragraph. Perhaps, some scientists and some religious can both
agree to it. Going beyond it is a bit more tricky. We were souls in god or heaven and could
appreciate perfect forms. When we are made to inhabit a corrupt body, we lose that ability.
However, employing reason not faith some of us might come closer to apprehending it more
often than others - thruth.
Roger Penrose, physicist and philosopher, I would like you to meet Plato - no last name -
philosopher and mathematician. Roger holds that the KNOWN laws of physics fail to explain
consciousness. He talks in terms of the Mental (Mind) World, the Math World and the
Physical World with each creating the other.
                                                       To Be Continued...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: b <>
To: rrdd3939 <>
Sent: Wed, Dec 14, 2011 9:52 am
Subject: PLATO's HEAVEN...

                                   "Plato's Man in the Cave" series continues...
                                                      Plato's Heaven
                                    by Richard DePersio and Citizen Journalist
                      (Reading other chapters encouraged {we worked hard on them
                                   but not necessary}; look below this chapter)
What is reality?
      The singularity of a black hole is a point; it is at the center of the black hole
relative to itself. The event horizon is the circumference of the black hole; it doesn't
shrink to a singularity relative to the universe.
      Black holes are predicted by Einstein's Relativity. Physicists had a problem with
the singularity for a particle would loose its identity (mass, spin, charge) there.
      A photograph or T.V. screen is 2-dimensional but gives a partial illusion of
having 3-dimensions. A hologram is 2-dimensional but looks virtually 3-dimensional.
      Physicists are now talking in terms of information or the info in the form of
mathematics retaining the identity of the particle on the inside of the event horizon (which
is 3-dimensional) as a hologram. The even go so far as to maintain that the edge or
circumference of the universe is an event horizon. Info about subatomic particles to
people to galaxies exist as a hologram on the universal event horizon.
       Now we'll go in the other direction. Electrons are made of strings. Protons and
neutrons are made of quarks which in turn are made of strings. Strings consist of
information or info in the form of mathematics. Does this imply that everything is based on
nothing but info? The atom is 99% empty space. A string is numbers. It all 'exists' on an
event horizon!
      Space might not be empty be consist of dark energy (anti-gravity). Most of the
universe is invisible and made up of dark matter.
       Now we'll go in the other direction. Subatomic particles like protons sometimes behave
like particles and sometimes like waves. Massless light likewise: particles and waves.
       If there was a singularity that banged giving birth to our universe, it would mean that
space/time, dark energy and matter had a beginning. Who or what created the singularity
and caused it to bang? Could it be that the bang was actually a white hole, the other end of
a black hole. The black hole was a collapsed universe. White hole to universe to black hole
to white hole to universe. God or universe always was, is and will be.
       Strings are 4-dimensional: time + length, width and depth (3-dimensions of space).
Could strings actually be a brane (or membrane) of 10-dimensions floating in a sea of the
11-dimension? Could two branes collide giving rise to a big bang. A singularity would have
infinite mass. Physicists don't like infinities. The branes would be ever so slightly larger than a
point. Where are the other dimensions? There all around us: We just can't see them!
       Objects exist in space. Space itself is made up of space (11-ds)-time and dark energy.
Of course, objects are projected on an event horizon. Do the objects themselves exist outside
of the information?
       Nature consists of four fundamental forces: electro-magnetic, strong nuclear, weak nuclear
and gravity. The first three are about the same strength. Gravity is much weaker. Might it be
that gravity is spread over all 10-dimensions and is equal in strength to the other three but not
in the 3-spatial dimensions. Person A is standing still relative to Person B and their clocks are
ticking off time at the same rate. Now Person A approaches Person B and Person B's clock
ticks slower. Why? It is now moving in the dimensions of space. Time is spread: It slows down.
Of course, it is immeasurable. An object would have to move at 90% or more of the speed of light
for the slowing of the clock to be measurable.
       As we stated in a previous chapter of Plato's Cave: Have scientists since the 1920s been
accepting mathematically proven speculation as fact sans observations and experiments. This
would include the concept of multi-universes. This would include Kaku leading the pack. It used
to be speculation-model-theory-widely accepted theory-fact. Most likely concept would never
make it to fact stage unless backed up by more than enough observations and experiments.
       We should point out that there are three types of speculation: math/reason/logic; reason/logic;
revelation. We have no problem with the first - just so long as it isn't prematurely labeled fact.
                                                   To Be Continued...