-----Original Message-----
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Sun, Sep 25, 2011 2:23 pm
From: b <rrdd3939@aol.com>
To: rrdd3939 <rrdd3939@aol.com>
Sent: Sun, Sep 25, 2011 2:23 pm
Continued: "Return to Plato's Cave
by Citizen Journalist and Richard DePersio with Plato
(Reading "Return to Plato's Cave," "In and Out of Plato's Cave" and "Plato's Cave"
are recommended, especially, "Return to Plato's Cave" but not absolutely
necessary; also enjoy: "Masterpiece," "Scorecard," "Radio Show" and "Lipton
not Served..." at this venue).)
We were remiss: Hercules had to overcome ten challenges about half of which
were for the benefit of mankind (you want us to be PC and say, 'humankind,' we
aren't going to accommodate libs {liberals in general and women's libbers - the
old-fashioned term - in particular}). One challenge necessitated that he spend
some time in Hades attempting to secure the release of his wife. Jesus too spent
time in hell prior to ascending to Heaven.
We were also negligent in failing to mention that the 'Great Flood' in Genesis
was likely inspired by a Babylonian epic. The ancients, especially, traveling
merchants would have traveled and shared stories resulting in stories being modified
over time.
Returning to Gerald Shroader, Jew-boy and physicist, he has commented on the
passage in the Bible concerning the sons of god mating with the daughters of men
and producing offspring which were giants.
His attempt to reconcile age of the universe with the Bible was more on a
scientific level. This has more to do with linguistics and, perhaps, human paleontology.
He contends that a word in the Arabic Bible was mistranslated in the Greek and
later, English-version as giant. Gerald contends that the proper translation is: fallen.
It constitutes Homo sapiens mating with Neanderthals producing children who were
soul-less like the Neanderthals. While flying saucer nuts think that the sons of
god were aliens and that 'coming down' was misinterpreted as giants. They were
the scions of those that came down from the heavens.
The four Jewish - what we would call denominations - at the time of Jesus were:
Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes and Zealots. While the followers of John the Baptist
were called The "People of the Way." Jesus took over this group upon John's death.
They would become known as Ebonite after Jesus' crucifixion.
The Catholic (Roman and Eastern Orthodox) assert that Jesus said to Peter,
"Upon this rock, I build my church" thereby making Peter their first Pope. According
to the Gospel of Thomas discovered in 1948, there was a dynasty - a blood line.
When Jesus was asked who will lead us when you leave, Jesus states, "No matter
where you are, you can go to James the Just for whose sake heaven and earth came
into being." Protestants believe that Jesus had siblings while Catholics don't. It appears
that James was in charge of the Ebonites (who had some kind of a relationship with
the Essenes; The People of the Way had become known as Ebonite about 10 to 20
years after Jesus was crucified) and their headquarters was in Jerusalem. According to
Thomas after the Romans killed Jesus' brother James, the Ebonites had to go
underground and Jesus' brother Simeon took charge followed by Jesus' brother Judas.
It would appear that Peter became the second Patriarch of Rome around 50 A.D.
Was he the leader or as the Protestants maintain the symbolic leader? After Jesus'
death, it appears that James was the Patriarch or Bishop of Jerusalem with his
fellow Apostles Peter and John enjoying nearly equal status - Paul would refer to them
as the "three pillows." Yes, and then came Paul (Citizen Journalist: "There was a T.V.
series which was canceled after two years in the late '60s called "And then Came
Bronson" which NBC thought would be a hit because it contained elements of the hit
series "The Fugitive" and had a motorcycle - just like the recent hit motion picture
"Easy Rider." Net execs know there stuff. It starred Michael ______." Richard D.: I'm
too old to remember the show.").
Paul wasn't an original apostle and never met Jesus but called himself the "13th
Apostle" as would the Roman Emperor Constantine about 300 years later (a case
can be made that Constantine created the Catholic Church).
How did the views of Paul and James differ?...We shall probe this issue in part
In science, it is preferable to go with the simplest explanation. Which is the simplest?
A star 25x or more the mass of the sun explodes (supernova) and what remains is 3x or
more the mass of ol' sol and collapses to form a black hole with all that mass compacted
at a point. We learned in geometry that a real point has no length, width or depth (and,
we can say, exists in Plato's heaven). When we make a point with pencil and paper, it
has a little bit of the three spatial dimensions (it is a representation of reality and is on
the wall of Plato's Cave). Scientists abhor infinities.
While the 'dying' star is collapsing to form a black hole, it will become a few miles
wide - the event horizon (you can think of this as the surface). As far as the universe is
concerned the star never reaches it - the speed of collapses slows and slows (time would
stop at event horizon) - slow motion. As far as the black hole itself is concerned: the
star collapses all the way down to a point (singularity). Remember: Einstein taught us
that everything is relative. This point would be infinitely massive/energetic and dense!
Super massive black holes exist in the center of galaxies. Did our universe originate as
a super-super-super massive black hole? How can we avoid the singularity?
Possibility one: A universe collapses on itself and becomes a white hole barely
avoiding becoming a point. The white hole was the big bang that created our universe.
Possibility two: Two membranes (branes, for short) each with ten spatial dimensions (length,
width, depth plus seven more) collide producing a bang. The branes are slightly larger than
a point. Possibility three: Potential mass/energy and potential space-time exist and
negative gravity causes it to expand creating ghostly Higgs-Bosons which become real
matter. Question: Are we getting something from nothing? If so, aren't we violated a
fundamental law of physics? We might say: big bang was followed by bid squeeze
(collapse) followed by big bang - infinitely back into the past or, put another way,.there
was no beginning. It's hard to avoid singularity (predicted by Einstein's Relativity) and
Possibility four: An infinitely complex, all-knowing, all-powerful, omnipresent deity
created the singularity...
To be continued...